I’m not a food purist (my dessert recipes will prove this to you), but I do care about food-related laws. And HR 1599, which will likely come up for a vote in congress next week, is one of the worst food-bills ever proposed.
HR 1599 is a Monsanto-backed bill that would ban both the federal government and individual states from labeling genetically-modified foods. The legislation would also prevent cities and counties from banning genetically-engineered crops even if local farmers and residents want them to.
Furthermore, as consumer advocate Jean Halloran explained in an email that was forwarded to me by reader Mary F., the bill potentially prevents businesses that don’t use GMO products — and wish to inform you of that — from using their own voluntary label.
Now, you might not care about genetically modified foods. But I’ll bet you do care about honest food-labeling as well as your right, as a citizen, to vote “yay” or “nay” on potentially-harmful agricultural practices in your community.
Consequently you may wish to do what I did earlier today, and ask your congress critter to vote NO on HR 1599. You can read the bill here. It’s deceptively titled “The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.”
Is food-labeling important to you? You can let me know by leaving a comment.
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Bean Dip with Rosemary and Sage
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Barbara says
Bravo for dedicating one of your blogs to this very important issue.
Carolyn says
Yes, food labeling is very important to me and my family. At the very least, folks should be able to make an informed decision about what they are eating personally and serving to their families and friends. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Julie Brenneman says
Thank you Kevin! We need to know what we are putting in our bodies. This is an important step to what can lie ahead for our food industry.
ktmm says
Thank you for bringing this up. Food labeling is VERY important to me. I don’t understand why it can’t be implemented in the USA when it is done in other countries around the world. There is no excuse for it other than trying to hide something.
Brigid says
That is so crazy, preventing cities and towns from banning the crop. What in Sam Hill is going on in this country?
Brigid says
Well now I’m back again, because I’m confused. I just read something online that says it is a bipartisan solution that gives us safe labeling and what they are doing is making it uniform across the country, instead of having local laws here and there that cause confusion. The uniformity should help the consumers to know what they are getting is what they claim. Check this news from 6 hours ago: http://www.farmandranchguide.com/news/regional/house-agriculture-committee-approves-h-r-the-safe-and-accurate/article_0c20524c-2b0a-11e5-bc93-ef4488cd0003.html
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Hi Brigid – In the same way that the “Clean Air Act” is intended to protect polluters, the “Safe and Accurate Labeling Act” protects big ag from ever having to label anything. More here: http://www.ewg.org/agmag/2015/06/does-dark-act-block-non-gmo-claims
Deb Laakso says
Accurate food labeling is very important. Knowing what type of ingredients are in food is key.
What’s next? No heirloom seeds allowed in my own garden?
Thanks for alerting us!
Ashley says
Yet another bill that leaves me scratching my head. Where is the common sense and right to know what you are purchasing?
Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention.
Beverly, zone 6, eastern PA says
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I was alerted to this impending debacle two days ago and immediately contacted my representative to weigh in with my feelings.
How do these outrageous ideas develop and get so close to becoming law?
Kattrinka says
I will share your post on FB…….the right wing’s “Doublespeak” has hit an all-time high!
Meg says
Done. Thanks for the heads up. Hard to be heard against Monsanto and Big Ag but at least we have a voice. Many in this world do not.
Durf says
As far as I can tell genetically modified food has drastically reduced the starvation rates in our world. I’m all for preventing death and hardship for folks.
It’s not an issue for me.
Sheryl says
In response to Durf: while some people are concerned about GMOs being a potential hazard for our consumption, that is not the only thing that is worrying about them. A few large players own the rights to many of the GMO seeds and there have been cases where farmers have been charged (and fined) in court for “stealing” GMO corn simply by having their own non-GMO corn cross-polinated by nearby GMO corn fields. I, for one, don’t like the idea of a few large players “owning” all the food we eventually eat.
Also, even if you are not worried about GMOs in food, the right to know what is in your food and where it comes from and how it is raised is something that people should be able to have, if they choose. And in many cases, that is what towns and states are starting to choose.
And GMOs are not the only answer to reducing starvation rates: making food affordable and available and using sustainable farming practices all over the world is another way.
But this is not a forum for debate, I don’t think. Sorry to go off a bit. Kevin, thanks for sharing your views. I think this is very important.
Mary in Iowa says
Thanks for using your power of the pen, Kevin. All that business of GMO crops ending starvation is a page right out of the Monsanto playbook. GMO plants are specifically bred to withstand Monsanto’s herbicides. When introduced into underdeveloped countries, the crops which have been traditionally grown from native seeds are killed and will no longer grow. After the initial freebies, the farmers cannot afford the GMO seed and herbicides, so they are worse off than ever. World hunger is a much more complex problem than such a simplistic–and poisonous–solution implies. The fact that the poorest countries in the world are producing coffee, cotton and other commodities so developed nations can enjoy cheap goods takes the land out of food production for the native peoples. This bill, however, is not about GMO crops per se. It is about our right to know how and what is in the food supply, enabling us to make informed decisions when purchasing groceries, whether eating GMO products matters to you or not. If GMO ingredients are such a good and wondrous thing, why are Monsanto and major food processing companies spending millions to hide that information from the buying public? When you have a really good thing you don’t go through all these legal maneuvers to maintain secrecy in order to keep the populace in the dark.
Sherry in Willow Grove says
Hi Kevin:
Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention. I just sent an email to my congressman. I hope you don’t mind but I copied & pasted your reasons for asking him to vote no. In the meantime I just had a wrap for lunch that included Rosemary & Sage bean dip, shredded carrots, and sprouts. Yum! Tomorrow night will be the squash & ricotta pizza. Keep those great recipes coming.
Ann w o'Reilly says
Thank you for info,don’t want my food modified in any way GMO,or otherwise Please vote no on HR 1599.
Thanks Kevin.
Carolyn in Carmel says
Thank you for bringing this information to people who are unaware of the problem. I buy organic and grow organic and when I buy I want to know that the vegetable doesn’t contain poisons to kill insects. I want to make my own choice.
I am living in the heart of Monsanto Round-up ready crops. We no longer have the same number of birds nor pollinators. As was previously mentioned, crops grown with GMO seed leave their toxin in the soil for at least 7 years.
Monsanto’s products like Roundup have not been tested for safety. Other countries have done this and do not want to allow any of the GMO’s into their countries (think England and Europe.)
Why should we as American citizens not be allowed to know what is in our food? It also should be mentioned that Monsanto has bought many of the larger seed companies and controls the majority of seeds in the USA.
Nancy says
Thanks for the heads-up. We should have freedom to choose. Just contacted my congressman.
Judith says
Thank you, thank you Kevin . . .
Regardless of my opinion of GMO’s, I should have the right to read and decide myself. Monsanto backed says it all: this is big ag controlling markets. There is no excuse for forbidding honest labelling no matter what corporate spinners .. cook up. The “uniformity” and “preventing confusion” explanations.are ways to keep their pockets lined and keep my state’s small farmers helpless before the corporation. This insidious transfer of financial control to distant markets and political control to corporations reduces real employment and real local food. When we need more real employment .. and more real food.
Next, I protest to my rep.
Elizabeth says
I have signed the form against this awful bill. Since when do we pass bills that deny information of any kind about products used by citizens? GMO modifications, and what we’re modifying for are scary things; and many people don’t understand the difference between GMO modifications and breeding/hybridization of living things. Hopefully, enough citizens will speak up to keep the DARK bill from happening.
CCTX says
An automated petition is available at this link:
CCTX says
There is a counter-bill, HR 913, “Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act”, which is the opposite of HR 1599. Automated petition available at this link:
didi says
THANK YOU for bringing this to the attention of your loyal readers.
Patti Panuccio says
I signed and donated. I want to know what is in my food. I want our farmers to grow hemp. I want our rice farmers in TX to have the water they need. It will take all of us to make these things happen. I also support Bernie.
Leigh says
This Bill will effect our future access to accurate and true information about the food we buy and eat. If this mega-corporation is permitted control of the information shared with consumers, then others will also want to control the level of information they are required to share with consumers. It is a slippery slope.
Patti says
Thanks, Kevin, for letting us all know. I am against GMO’s. I too wonder what the Sam Hill has happened to our country. We have the right to know what goes into our bodies and what it does to our bodies over time, such as diseases and cancers and deformities.
Jennifer H says
Absolutely important!! Thank you for speaking up!
Shirley Goff says
I believe we in the United States are the first humans in history who have no idea what we are eating, and it shows in our worsening health statistics. The ingredient lists on processed food only contain a fraction of the actual ingredients. Many chemicals are hidden in “natural flavorings.” In addition nanoparticles like titanium dioxide aren’t event required to be on the label. Herbicide and pesticide residues aren’t tested for any anybody. We just don’t know what we are eating, including GMO’s.
Larry says
I an absolutely amazed that so many of you folks just found out about this. I am a web novice and I heard about it WEEKS ago. I have been on my own congress people since I first heard. Happily, they and I think alike, at least on this issue. Monsanto or ANY other chemical company already have enough (read:TOO much) control over the food stock. Gmo’s are in everything. Organic mayo is almost extinct. Gmo soy is all over the place. GMO HASTA GO!
Carol Hanson says
I’ve signed every petition I’ve seen to STOP this. Unfortunately my Congressman is ALL for it! But I’m still fighting against big chemicals and GMO’s. Thanks for helping spread the word
Janis says
Bravo, Kevin!!
Marjie T. says
Absolutely!!! Thank you for speaking out on this. and by the way, I love the term “congress critter.”…totally made me smile….
Debbie says
Thanks, Kevin, for speaking up! Like you, I’m not a food purist eiither, but I want to know what’s going into the things I’m forced to buy at the grocery store. We grow and raise as much of our own meat and produce as possible, but being in a state where winters turn harsh and the growing season can be really short, you have to make choices and I want to chose what I feed my family!
Sheri says
You should read the book “Seeds of Destruction” The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdhal. If everyone read this book we would all be gardeners!
Bev N. says
Thanks Kevin for being a proponent of healthy foods, I also have contacted my local representatives about what is also being called the DARK act, denying our right to know, One reply I received stated he will be checking with the FDA. Not a reliable source in my opinion, just another big government entity. In self defense, I have taken the Master Gardner and Master Food Preserver courses through my local County Extension office. Yesterday I took part in a fermentation class that was a blast! Everyone went home with a quart jar of mixed vegetables that will be ready for them to enjoy in about a week. There is a great book, you can get it on Amazon, by Kirsten and Christopher Shockey called Fermented Vegetables. It is so easy and a great way to prolong the use of this years fresh garden produce.
Chrissie says
If only everyone knew what GMO really is and what harm it may do to our bodies. Think of veggie DNA mixed with DNA of virus, bacteria, pesticides, and/or etc. For instance, a carrot that has portions of Round Up (known to cause Parkinson’s disease and other diseases) which is a “watered down” Agent Orange (this has killed numerous Vietnam Vets including my husband) and bacteria. It’s not natural! It looks like a carrot, it smells like a carrot, but in this case is not a carrot…it’s a genetically engineered organism to emulate a carrot…a faux carrot! Our bodies may not be able to fully digest and utilize this carrot. It may cause more diseases. No one really knows. I certainly do NOT want to be the experiment for Monsanto while they profit off of me! I want to know the items I buy are labeled. I will not buy GMO. The planned next steps are the production of GMO animals and the first is salmon. Thanks Kevin for taking action!
Carolyn Contois says
Yes…. I ,at least, want to see the “no GMO” on the labels… so that its MY choice
Kate says
Kevin, Thanks so much for posting this! I didn’t even realize it was coming up for a vote. Will call my ‘critter’ right away and ask him to vote no. This is critical, to know what we are eating, especially when glyphosate (from Roundup, and other plants that have it in them) is in so many foods and in breast milk.
Thanks for all your wonderful posts and for your social conscience too.
Della Humphrey says
Thank you, Kevin. Where can we buy seeds that have not been “ruined”?
Brenda H says
I firmly believe that we in the USA should have the choice of purchasing the kind of food that
we would like to serve our families. That means we can choose to purchase non GMO or not. In order to choose, these items need to be labeled GMO or non GMO. We deserve the right to choose what we feed our families.
ingmarie peck says
I firmly believe that we in the USA should have the choice of purchasing the kind of food that
we would like to serve our families.
Food need to be labeled GMO or non GMO so we actually can make a choice.
Cynna says
If we don’t have the right to know what’s in the food we’re purchasing and eating, we’ll have lost the battle to exist as the land of the free. If you haven’t already, take a closer look at what this president has done to strengthen Monsanto. For one, he appointed Michael Taylor (former Monsanto executive) as his food czar. That out to be enough to leave a bad taste in your mouth. Obama pushes Socialism…and here we are.
Elsie Gasper says
In reply to Sheryl’s post of “A few large players own the rights to many of the GMO seeds and there have been cases where farmers have been charged (and fined) in court for “stealing” GMO corn simply by having their own non-GMO corn cross-polinated by nearby GMO corn fields. I, for one, don’t like the idea of a few large players “owning” all the food we eventually eat…”
A little known Saskatchewan, Canada farmer, Percy Schmeizer, took on Monsanto in the Supreme Court of Canada on this very issue and after a long drawn-out fight, won his case. He came close to bankruptcy but persevered through it all.
Marilyn Farmer says
Thank you, Kevin, for spotlighting this bill! I do believe it is so very dangerous, and am afraid that this time around it might pass. Everybody needs to contact their representative and let them know how they feel about their ‘right to know”!
Susan Owens says
Hi Kevin, Yes, yes, yes, food labeling is very important to me. Thanks for the heads up. My next email is to my congressman, urging a No vote!
kathy passie says
Thank you for writing about this terrible bill, HR1599. I have been anti GMO since the beginning, and there is NOTHING redeeming about GMO products. Not only have they not been studied
enough to access the results from eating them, which so far are all bad,they are all ‘Round-Up” ready, meaning we are also eating known carcinogens as part of the food!
I believe we all have the right to know what is in our food, and all food must be properly labeled
and we can each make the decision for ourselves as what we choose to eat or feed our families.
Monsanto is an evil company, and must be stopped.
PLEASE call your representative in congress and ask for a NO vote on this bill!
Pam says
Thank you for posting so more people are aware. I know I demand to know what is in my food. When I buy vegetables, I want to know if pesticide has been used on them. I want to know if any thing has GMO origins. While I try to buy non-processed products and organic vegetables, occasionally I have to buy “the other stuff” (like olive oil spray). Labeling helps me with that choice. Are the big pockets afraid of our food revolution? They should be.
Lulu says
Kevin, I think this is another talking point to send to Donalf Trump. The man my be an ass but he has the power to say ‘what is real and true, not care what others think’ which scares the hell out of politicians. Perhaps he is what the US needs to go back to being a country for the people of the people not the top 1% rich.
I guarantee you, the rich do not eat monsanto food!!!
My 2-bits worth or as we say IMHO….but when the states sneezes we catch cold here in canada so everything that goes on below that invisible line eventually comes to roost up here.
Jayne Chandler says
I agree with you. GMO’s, Roundup, frankinfish are all dangerous, At the very least we should have the choice with them clearly labeled as such. To make laws which take away our choice and try to sneak unhealthy foods into our kitchens is warfare.
Mary Jouver says
Thank you for bringing this to the folks who read your newsletter religiously! It matters what we put in our (and our families) bodies and GMO is NOT in any way good! There have already been results showing how dangerous this is and who knows how it will affect us in the future. Food does Matter
Toni says
Bravo Kevin for informing us of this issue. I just sent a letter to Mr Gibson as well, though he and I have not agreed on anything I am aware of in the past, maybe he will vote NO for the farmers he is supposed to represent in the area.
Marj says
Thanks for bringing HR 1599 to my attention, Kevin! I just emailed my congressman to tell him to vote NO! I want to know what I’m eating when I buy food!
Susan Kalia says
This is a terribly immoral bill, asking legislators to condone gagging of information potentially important to the American people. I am not greatly opposed to GMO foods, but prefer not to eat them, and don’t if I know it is genetically modified. (That, of course, is what Monsanto is afraid of.) However, I do believe that everyone has the right to choose what they eat based on clearly available information about our foods. To gag both producers and retailers is so crassly immoral that I would have trouble believing it if it weren’t for this congress and Monsanto, both of which I consider disgraceful. Why Americans keep voting in representatives and senators who choose money over people, I will never understand.
Elisabeth says
hi Kevin, thank you for sharing this important issue. I posted and shared this event on several of my Pinterest Boards and am writing to Congress as you suggested.
Best wishes always,
Susan says
Since the subject has finally been broached here I’ll offer a few words on the coming disaster.Those of us who are anti GMO and anti Monsanto and other biotech products and companies need to be pointing out to our friends and neighbors that Hillary Clinton belongs to Monsanto and wall street. This battle will be fought in the ballot box in 2016. Even defeating HR1599 now will not stop this push to keep us from knowing what is in our food. The same foods we buy here in the states are labeled in europe when containing GMOs. It’s not that they can’t label it’s that they won’t. And you should all be aware that unless it’s labeled Organic your wheat flour (and many other grain crops) and soy are drenched with Glyphosate (Round-up) before harvest. Used as a desiccant it causes the crop to ripen evenly and dry out quickly making harvesting easier. The glyphosate levels in our blood today is alarming and known to cause Endocrine disruption, DNA damage,Neurotoxicity,Reproductive toxicity and Cancer. I urge everyone to do their own resarch, don’t just take my word for it.
Sandra DeMuth says
Speaking of carcinogens – I am not seeing much regarding the rise of cancer rates in the news. I’ve been on this planet for a LONG time and never have I witnessed so many cases of cancer. When it becomes profitable for organizations like Cancer Treatment Centers of America to have separate facilities dedicated specifically to the rise in cancer rates, it certainly is well past time for America to wake up and DO something about it – the heck with the cure – find out all of the causes and get rid of the causes. GMOs are dangerous. Keeping citizens in the dark about what they eat is taking away one of our freedoms, as pointed out by someone in a previous post. Being made to eat poisons that are known carcinogens without making the information available to people is as wrong as the tobacco companies not notifying people of the dangers originally. It is now required that tobacco companies post warnings. Why should it not be required that other things containing carcinogens should contain warning labels too?
Lisa Venema says
Thank you for the information, just emailed Walter B. Jones who happens to be a co-sponsor; whatever that means these days.
Now I’m off to find Kohlrabi!
Angela Willis says
This makes me ill. I am ready to move to Europe where people (and their government) care about what their people eat.
Thank you, so much for making us aware, Kevin. Going to share it with my peeps, now.
Sharon says
“It’s deceptively titled “The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.”” Hmmm, sounds oddly familiar, like “The Affordable Health Care Act”. Will def be letting my congress-critter (really like that Kevin!) that I would like him to Vote NO!
Thanks for the heads-up!
Samantha says
As a nurse practitioner, I am extremely concerned about the effects that are possible if this bill passes, and have already contacted my elected “critters”. What may we expect if fish and peanut genes ( just two of many examples) are used to enhance commonly eaten vegetables and fruits? Will those will life-threatening allergies to fish and peanuts react severely? It’s quite likely. And without labeling they have no freedom of choice to avoid potentially problematic foods. Most of our corn is now GMO. I love corn, cooked with it a lot (grew up partially on a Virginia farm and learned those wonderful recipes as a kid) and now use this vegetable less and less. For health, for business and for freedom of speech/information, this bill must not pass. Thank you so much for speaking to it here.
Janice says
One more reason to love you, Kevin! I’m glad to see the support for your position. Which is also mine. Along with another person who posted here, I am very concerned about having one corporation controlling our food supply– the same corporation whose leading officers have a revolving door relationship with the USDA, which insists we do not even need to do independent testing on the long term safety of GMO foods, let alone the impact on the environment. We are supposed to take Monsanto’s word that it is safe–but this is the corporation that brought us thalidomide and Agent Orange. This goes beyond consumers’ rights to choose; it is above all an issue of our democratic right to have our government’s regulatory agencies be free of special interests, our Congress free from the corruption of corporate interests– and it is an environmental issue. GMO crops destroy microorganisms in healthy soul, they kill pollinating honeybees, and they crowd out other crops, threatening biodiversity. Our land grant colleges are not even allowed to do research here– see Food and Water Watch’s excellent study of how Monsanto and its corporate allies donate funds with strings attached to control research at our agricultural colleges.
This bill is intended to preempt Vermont’s GMO labeling law, currently being challenged in the courts. The argument that it is to simplify the “confusion” disingenuously avoids the fact that Congress could enact a federal labeling requirement, but chooses not to; Monsanto buys off members of both parties, hence the “bipartisan” nature of this bill.
Worse, the corporate claims that labelling is a burden and costs would fall on consumers disingenuously ignores that the same companies already label their products for the European market, among others– as required by EU regulations. They want to keep us in ignorance.
Cynthia Lambert says
Yes I do care about this issue and I am glad you addressed it….Thanks Kevin!
People must pay attention to this issue.
Luan says
Elaine r says
I am not for or against GMO crops but would like to know anyhow. Labelling should be upfront and mandatory not to mention simple to understand. A ripening gene turned off in an apple is different from a herbicide resistant seed and from an interspecies modification or gene splicing , just as hybrids have good and bad points.
Jeanne Collins says
I hope everyone who took the time to comment here also took the time to notify their representatives that they want them to oppose this bill!! Monsanto is a huge and powerful corporation to go up against and far too many government officials are OWNED by them. Next step is to quit voting into office these snakes who vote against their constituents wishes and side with the corporations. They work for us not them!
melody says
Thank you for letting us know. They label mattresses…they label political ads for goodness sake. Monsanto wants to keep vital information hidden so they can take over our food supply. Make the people sick and they cannot fight back.
Molly says
Thanks so much for posting! And for having such well-informed readers who see right through these political shenanigans.
Rebecca says
This is very important for us all! I buy as much local as I can and the rest organic. We have a right to know what we are eating!
Pat says
Yes it is absolutely important. We have a right to know what we are putting in our bodies. And we should be able to make her own decisions about what food we eat.
John McClellan says
Bonnie morgan says
This is very scared stuff! Let’s face it .. The corps pay big bucks to get their way. Our rights are null and void . I live in Maui Hawaii where these chemical companies are testing combinations of toxic chemicals right next door to schools and local neighborhoods. When we won a vote that would make them stop this until they proved it was safe , they sued us and then bought off judges to overrule what the people wanted. They are also doing this on kauai and Molokai. If you are a visitor I say stay away from Kihei, Waimea and Waimea . Kids are being born with birth defects etc. check out shakamovement.org . This is so totally heartbreaking they could do this to paradise. Also do not use roundup for any gardening. All thanks to Monsanto syrgenta and Dow . Mahalo nui loa Kevin for speaking up! Go organic!! Blessings to you all here who commented and please spread the word!
Ardelle says
Thank you, thank you for addressing this issue in your column! The majority of congress people have no understanding of what GMO is, what the purpose of these shenanigans is or the effects on our health. Why would any sane person think that keeping consumers in the dark about our food choices is a good thing? It has been referred to as DARK FOOD BILL by opponents.
Just this morning I was sort of ‘forced’ to pick up a Happy Birthday cupcake, yes, cupcake to honor a drop-in visitor. That didn’t sit well with me as I NEVER visit a bakery for anything. So, as I was driving home with my multi-colored overloaded with frosting cupcake I called the grocery story bakery and asked what type of shortenings they used in their baked goods – yikes!!! HYDROGENATED SOYBEAN OIL!!! Almost all soybeans are GMO and health gurus are in total agreement that we should NEVER use hydrogenated anything as it sticks to the insides of your vascular system. Somehow I felt like I was contributing to the crime of the century.
Things will only change if we push for the change we need for our own health.
Sarabeth says
Right on Kevin! Agree with you 100%.
Bonnie morgan says
Corrections that was Waimea kauai and Wailea maui
Casey Cavasher says
If you don’t know your US Congress representative, just google Congressional Representative for [your state] and then fill in your home zip code + four digits to specify your district representative. Then on their page, under ‘contact me’ just email them your message about your feelings on the vote of HR 1599. this is the next step for those of us who are concerned about this issue. It’s one thing to have feelings about HR 1599 but it’s even more important to take the next step and tell our representatives — and that is very easy to do by email.
Sheri Mac says
Thank you for letting us all know about this. It is horrifying that congress would entertain this bill. Love your site!
Janet Ortega says
Hell yes, food labeling is very important to me! I’ve been fighting this for the last year by signing petitions and sharing on Facebook. This is Naziism at its best! Let’s defeat this bill!
Janet Ortega
Annie says
yes, let’s label. If they are so safe why wouldn’t we. We just want to know what we are eating. Thanks for making more people aware of the issue.
Meryl says
This bill shouldn’t even be constitutional. Congress shouldn’t be able to vote away our right to have the right to make future legislation if it’s what the majority wishes. I’m so glad you’ve brought this up, Kevin and I’ve shared it on my Facebook page!
Georgette says
Thank you Kevin for this information. I also sent an email to my Congressman to ask him to vote NO on this bill. If genetically modified food is safe, then why would they care if it was on the label.
Deborah R says
Thank you for taking the time to contact your Congressman and for providing a link to the actual Bill. I’m still unhappy that Congress repealed the Country of Origin Labeling requirements for meat products. Some of us like to know where and how our food is processed.
Kristina says
As consumers, we have a right to know what is in our food!! By even proposing a bill that would deny food manufacturers the right to label their food non-gmo’s shows that the gmo companies have something very serious to hide from us.
Anne-Pii Saare says
I have lately been wondering why over and over again there are “combats” against Monsanto, and why they never “loose”.
So one day I did some research on internet and found an incredibly long list of products that use Monsanto products for their production. No wonder Monsanto has enough money to continuing with their lobbying among politicians all over the world and to try to get their not very democratic and manipulating, but for them good, laws to pass.
You can check on internet for every country I think. I remember Coca-Cola, Campbells and Nestle were three of the companies who use Monsanto products.
I don’t like hate campaigns and going into opposition, but when discovering this I do think it is fair to share the information and to maybe try to not buy these products, or to even contact the producing companies to ask them if they are aware of what they are doing.
Thank you for taking this up in your weekly news.
With the best wishes from Brittany, France.
chris says
Thank you Kevin for the information. I emailed my Congressman right away. That self-serving Monsanto needs to be kept in check and stop trying to keep us in the dark about what is really going on!
jeanne illenye says
OMG!!!!!! Somebody STOP MONSANTO!!!! This is awful. What is happening to our country???? The USA is rapidly becoming an embarrassment to us loyal citizens with all this corruption on every front. I’ll contact my congressman immediately.
Nancy Eldridge says
THANK YOU KEVIN! I just shared this w/some others and emailed my congresswoman. I hope we can all come together and stop Monsanto. This is so important.
Virginia says
I immediately emailed my representative upon reading this. Thank you for alerting us. On a similar note, in June the House voted to repeal country of origin labeling requirements meant to allow consumers to know where animals in beef, poultry and pork products were born, raised and slaughtered. It’s H.R.2393 – Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015 and has not yet passed the Senate. Thank heavens for local producers you know and can trust! Fortunately,at least in my area, their number seems to be increasing as more people are choosing local for meat, dairy, vegetables, etc.
Cindy says
Thank you Mary in Iowa. Doesn’t it make you wonder why European countries don’t allow GMO’s? Guess they couldn’t be bought off.
Hiltrud Jones says
Cindy, unfortunately Europe is not safe either. TTIP is knocking on the door with the same package of dangers as they are present here already. The “Citizens United” decision opened the flood gates for corporations to have unsurpassed and unlimited influence on politics in order to undermine democracy and creating/bending laws as needed. The one who owns the food supply owns the total power. And Monsanto is working on this goal!
Elfrieda says
The public needs to have all the information on labeling.
There is a group I’m aware of who have been fighting Monsanto for a long time; they keep us informed on what is going on in Europe and elsewhere. Here’s their link:
SumOfUs is a global movement of consumers, investors, and workers all around the world, standing together to hold corporations accountable for their actions …
Denise Larsen says
Too late! Our bought-off-by-Monsanto Congress just voted to pass HR1599. Now our only hope is the Senate but, sadly, the Republicans currently control the Senate and they are the ones that put together (actually Monsanto’s lawyers wrote the bill) and rammed this bill through on lies and deception. But then many know the lies but do not care because their pockets have been filled by these mega-corporations. When most of our reps work for them and not us, like they were elected to do, or when we keep our heads in the dark or chose to believe the spin or are too busy to get informed and stay informed, we all go off the cliff together. You vote with your vote and you vote with your dollars. Spend them wisely because they impact EVERYTHING.
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Hi Denise – What a bummer. And you are right — corporations have purchased this congress. Can you provide a link that shows who voted — and how?
Linda says
Thank you Kevin for speaking up on such an important issue. We lost this round, but, it’s important to keep fighting.
Frantique says
Just wandered onto this post – LATE! However, one concern that we should be aware of is this: GMO processes were designed to make plants/seeds very durable to withstand much heavier doses of herbicides & pesticides. These chemicals do NOT DETERIORATE BUT REMAIN IN THE SOIL. Consequently our soil is becoming loaded with chemicals which is destroying the natural healthy balance in our soils. Please take the time to read the research – honest, not produced by Monsanto or ANY chemical company. Independent studies shed some very disturbing light on what Monsanto, Syngenta, Behr, Dupont, Cargil, ADM is trying to do all in the interest of making $$$$$’s. A very well known farmer & philanthropist wanted to establish a program in a 3rd world country using GMO seed and chemical fertilizers which has been touted as producing better food faster. His generous efforts were a complete failure and he should be much more vocal about it but the media has shut down his voice about the project. The chemicals are causing great problems for the agriculture industry and it will take many years to undo the damage. It is also really noticeable if you compare the taste and quality of commercial or organically raised milk, beef, pork, chickens, grains,vegetables, etc. If you feel you can’t afford all organic food, MILK and milk products are the most important. Cows eat GMO produced hay, grain, corn as well as being treat with hormones and antibiotics. This is truly a ‘no-brainer’. Chicken, pork, beef also. Eat a lot less meat to help with the grocery budget – you know, like portobello burgers, Kevin- 🙂 . Lest you doubt my information, I was raised on a diversified farm and farmed with my husband for 15 year – you do not want to eat food/meat raised where chemicals from any company are being used. I can list many area farmers that have died prematurely from cancers of all types – I’m talking about 50’s and 60’s. Please reconsider the food source you feed your family. Grass raised animals taste very different than factory farm raised animals – not to mention the horrid conditions that many of these animals endure.
Frantique says
I hope this link works – it is only one very helpful websites to inform consumers about the dangers of GMO foods and explains a bit about it – do additional research – Food & Water Watch, 360, to name a few – hope this is okay that I included this information.