HAPPY NEW YEAR, FRIENDS! I hope 2020 brings you health, happiness, lots of romance, and an endless stream of salted caramel sauce. And speaking of sauce…may I tell you what Mr. Fox and I devoured for dinner last night? Here’s the three-course menu:
1) Coq au Vin with a side of roasted red potatoes; 2) Lettuce greens tossed in red wine vinaigrette, and garnished with sliced beets and crumbled goat cheese; 3) Whole Orange Almond Cake.
Would you believe that I’ve made the aforementioned cake eleven (!) times in the past four weeks? Yes, it’s THAT delicious. Here’s the recipe.
And do let me know if you want my recipe for Coq au Vin. Coq au Vin — French for “chicken in wine” — is a terrific main course for a dinner party. You can make it well ahead of time, and then reheat it on the stove top when your guests arrive.
After dinner, instead of watching the Times Square ball drop (like normal people), we streamed Joan Baez: How Sweet The Sound. Are you familiar with this American Masters documentary? It covers Baez’s life, music, and activism from 1958 – 2009.
I seem to be in a blogging mood. So let me show the Christmas card that Fox and I sent out last month!
Here’s the front of the card. Avery looks…horrified. She’s definitely camera-shy.
Here’s the back of the card. Avery’s antics made me giggle. Fox just wanted…a decent photograph.
Did you make any resolutions for 2020? Please shout ’em out in the comments field below. I’m rooting for you!
Thanks for your companionship throughout the twenty-tens. I look forward to sharing lots of good food and home and garden stuff with you during the ROARING TWENTIES.
Sherri Gallant says
This is the first time I’ve heard ‘Roaring 20s’ and I like it! No resolutions – just plan to learn about interesting stuff (everything’s interesting!), cook more delicious food, and share it. I look forward to learning from you, Kevin, as I already have. So many great recipes have come from you. My thanks, and Happy New Year to you, Mr. Fox and Avery ❤️
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Hi Sherri – Thanks so much. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2020!
Shannon says
Happy New Year to you and yours! I always enjoy your posts and am glad to be part of your admiring public. Yes, I would love to see your recipe for Coq au Vin. I use a Frankenstein recipe (two different ones combined) and am sure yours is better.
badger gardener says
Happy New Year. Hoping for a great year for us all.
This year one of my resolutions is to learn to bake a decent loaf of bread. Once upon a time I tried and failed, but these days I am more comfortable in the kitchen and it’s time to give it another go. Ultimately I would like to master salt rising bread which is a yeastless bread my West Virginia relatives always baked. When we would visit they would send us home with many loaves that my mom would put in the freezer so we had some all year. I have found a bakery to order from online, but would really like to bake my own as my family was baking this bread before we were a country. So I am declaring 2020 for me as the year of salt rising bread!! And we are getting a gym membership too , so that will help with all of the extra bread.
Allison Proffitt says
Happy New Year Kevin! To you and Mr. Fox and Avery!
Of course I’d love your Coq Au Vin!
And I was just thinking recently that I’d like to make it.
I was going to look at Julia Child’s recipe or my go to gilded Joy Of Cooking book.
But I will wait for your recipe!
My resolution is the same as always.
Get organized and work smarter not harder!
This is easiest said than done as I am a bit of a pack rat and a horrible procrastinator.
But I will never stop trying!
Best wishes!
kelly says
What a great website you have! I was up well before I wanted to be this morning and decided to spend my time looking into raised bed gardens. Well, I think I’ve read through nearly all of your garden posts and you’ve convinced me I need to try the winter seed sowing. I’m a new resident to Maine (via So Cal) and am learning how to adjust to the demands of the climate with enthusiasm. I guess that would be my resolution, then—to be the best gardener in a 6a zone. Thank you!
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Welcome, Kelly. So glad you found me. Winter-sowing is tons of fun!
lee says
I really want to try this cake. I have never used almond flour before. Thank you for sharing.
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Hi lee – I hope you’ll try the cake. It’s outstanding in every way imaginable.
Lise G. says
Kevin, i just saw this , happy New Years to you and Mr. Fox! It’a late in January, but better late than never. We are doing our Glogg recipe, that was on your website years ago on February 7th, for my spouses annual Christmas Party, but this year it’s late! i like your new look of the website.. could you do the appetizers thiis way? maybe not? but i like the presentation.
Thank you for everything you write for us… i have tried practically all your recipes!!!