Last updated on February 26th, 2020
Holy cow — over 1,000 entries! And the winner, per the little number generator at, is Tressa (comment #82). Congrats, Tressa! To collect your mean green mixer, just send me a note.
Today, because St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner, and because winter shall soon melt into spring, I’m giving away a KitchenAid mixer in a stunning shade of green! Here’s how to enter the random drawing:
To enter, just answer the following question:
Has spring arrived in your neck o’ the woods — or are you still digging out from the latest snowfall?
Shout out your answer, whatever it may be, and you’re automatically entered to win the mixer.
The Rulz:
One comment per person, please. (First time commenting? You’ll receive a notice that says “Awaiting Moderation.” Your comment will be approved ASAP.)
As always, I’ll use the number generator at to select a winner.
The winner’s name will be announced on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. So be sure to check back!
Good luck everyone!
This giveaway is sponsored entirely by Kevin Lee Jacobs.
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Katie says
Still getting snow in New York State!
Theresa says
Still winter in my part of New York state
Honor says
Snowdrops and narcissus are pushing up through the mulch. Spring hasn’t srprung but it does look like it is well on its way!
Janet M Roderick says
Spring is nowhere in sight. It’s been a weird winter though, little snow, only a couple of nights below zero.
Kirstie says
Spring has not sprung here in western ny but soon!!
Shirley says
Nice enough to be working out outside in the flower beds. Which is so surprising for this time of the year for our area. Keep this up will have to mow the yard. I am loving it.
Linden Smith says
Spring? What is that? Not here yet, by a long shot. But then again, I live in Kevin’s neck of the woods (i.e. upper Hudson Valley). The moment it is possible to get out and start clearing u the garden, that is where I will be. In the meantime, my kitchen colors are green and white, so a green KitchenAid mixer would be perfect since the one I inherited from my grandmother-in-law (a 1928 model) has decided to stop working….
Louise Brouillette says
I see my daffodils poking out of the ground…spring must be on the way!
AllisonK says
While temps are supposed to get up to the mid-30s for a few days this weekend, spring here in Fargo is still a LONG way off (April, at least), no matter what that pesky groundhog predicted!
Carolyn OBayley says
Oh, Kevin…spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the flowers is!! Coast of Oregon, Frost over night, but spring like during the day!
Donna Hilbrandt says
Literally still knee deep in snow in Central NY!
Rebecca Pierucci says
Need a bit of Spring in my life right about NOW!
Kristin Breinholt says
It depends on the day in Northern Utah.
Mary says
Still plenty of snow in central Wisconsin. Yearning for spring but not expecting it anytime soon.
Sherri Gallant says
Spring has yet to sproing here in Western Canada – but that’s par for the course! A magical Green mixer giveaway is the springiest thing I’ve seen in these here parts ❤️
Katie says
A vast frozen tundra, Minnesota is well protected from any kind of Spring.
Linda King Pruitt says
The freesias are almost blooming, a sure sign of sweet spring.
Maura says
Still cold, windy and snowy in Montreal
Bette says
Nippy 10 miles North of Boston. I am wintering sowing seeds. 20 jugs out and 20 to go!
Chris says
My daffodils are coming up, so I guess no more winter here on Long Island.
Susan Hartwig says
Sunshine, But still cold here in WNY. Brrrrr!
Merry Mindy says
The snow has melted, but it is VERY cold here in western PA. Today’s high was 31. On a positive note, our daffodils are about 3″ to 4″ tall, which gives us hope. 🙂
Jess says
Spring is here! Daffodils popping up, and cherry blossoms coming early!
Doris McNeill says
Still cold and snowy here in MI – though we have had some sun this week!
Nina says
Still winter in Chicago…52 on Sunday, but snow three days next week.
Jenn Voss says
Still digging out, with more coming Monday. Though it is in the 40s today.
Arvella says
Still Lots of snow here in Northern Michigan (100 miles south of Mackinaw Bridge). Today bitter cold winds and blowing snow. End of May usual for planting but I do plan on getting seeds started indoors very soon. Purchased a second fluorescent LED fixture today.
Cherylann McGuire says
We’ve not really had much of a winter… My daffodils have popped through the ground, but it’s supposed to go down to 17 degrees tonight. Green is my favorite color! Thank you for the opportunity!
Laura Albrecht says
50 tomorrow and Sunday but snow back on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jeanne M. says
Definitely has arrived in Northern California, it’s been above normal temperatures the last week.
Craig Evans says
Snow last week. 50 degrees predicted for Sunday.
Yvonne says
Spring has arrived, the grass is green, daffies and crocus are coming up. Pacific Northwest. That beautiful mixer is in my football team color green too! Perfect!
Susan says
Sun is out, no snow so I’m happy here in central Pennsylvania!
Linda says
I’m ready for some spring! Cold, snowy here in NW Pennsylvania !
Suzanne says
Still digging out…was 1 degree this morning!
Jessicah Kellam says
The Crocus has begun to bloom here in the Seattle area. And it is just beautiful. Bright purple shades that make me hopeful!
Kim L says
still some snow piles and ice here in New York
Anne B says
Here in the Buffalo area it is still cold and snowy. I do enjoy watching the cardinals at the feeder.
Diana Ryman says
What a beautiful mixer! I’ve always wanted a KitchenAid. In Ohio we’ve had an extremely light winter. Today it’s about 25 degrees and tomorrow is supposed to be nearly 50! My daffodils are just popping out of the ground, but we’re sure to get a couple more snows before we see a real Spring!
Anne O'Malley says
We moved from Cleveland to Austin – big season change! Two pair of Western Wood Peewees are already nesting near our back porch and singing us awake every morning. It’s too early for planting for just right for spring clean up.
Katie Zack says
I’m in Southern California so who knows. Freezing nights and 60’s and 70’s during the day. Started tomatoes etc in greenhouse yesterday!!
KM says
Spring has arrived here in North Florida but we’re about to get hit with one of our last frosts of the year. Here’s hoping most of the blooms make it through.
Thanks again for a wonderful giveaway Kevin!
Dana Freeman says
WE ARE 21 DEGREES TODAY SO NOPE!!! I need this to make some warm and tasty bread to go with my soup. Cheers.
Rose says
It depends on the day. I live in Texas and winter fights with summer for dominance. We go from 80 to 30 every few days.
Betty Blalock says
Had a sunny day and decided to turn over the soil in my flower tubs. Lo and behold, I found some thyme from last year showing green shoots. Gave me immediate spring fever!
Teri Finegan Dalco says
‘d love a bonny green mixer for St Paddy’s day! I never got more than Half an inch of snow this year south of Boston. Friends have their crocuses and snowdrops in full bloom, but not mine yet. And it was 14 degrees when I went to work this morning! but will be 50 on Sunday.
Pat L-G says
Here in my little corner of Michigan, it’s still cold & snow is on the ground. However, we did have sunshine today & I’ll take it!
Susie Thompson says
No, Kevin. No snow here yet. Thats a bad word since a year ago we had so much, we had to move out for 2 weeks to town. No elec. I sure could use that Mixer so bad. Its on my Christmas wish list !!!! Hugs
Lori Havran says
No snow but it is a chilly 29 degrees here in my neck of Virginia. Thankfully the snow stayed south of us.
Carol says
Cold and snowy
Joan E says
Spring had sprung, but we got our only snow yesterday. Daffodil and forsythia are in bloom
Carolyn says
Beautiful, sunny day today I’m NW. rain expected Sunday
Katrina Hall says
Chilly and snowy in Minneapolis – *sad face* My son and his family have it right – jump on a plane to Florida:)
Catherine Davis says
Having a gorgeous spell in the SF Bay Area right now! Love it!!
Kat says
Practically no snow in NJ, will we ever have a real winter again?
Carol says
No snow but no Spring either.
Keen Madd says
Spring is desperately trying to get to southern PA.
Sharon says
Still very cold…many -20 days here. Roads icy & spring seems like a very distant dream…
Suzanne Stephenson says
Indeed it has. Daffodils are blooming, as are the red maples. And the grass is very green. I’m in Campobello (Italian for beautiful fields), South Carolina.
Jan Evancho says
Spring is peeking its daffodil leaves about 3 inches above the soil in my garden!
Kelly says
The weather here is trying to decide what it wants to do. Having just returned from 4 days on the west coast, I’m hoping to see the numbers roseinto the 60s and 70s SOON!
Valerie Thomann says
A little snow on the ground and bare dirt patches. More snow expected next week.
Joyce Falvo says
The snow here in Western Canada is almost gone, but there not too much in the way of spring here yet. It will start to feel like spring when I see my first robin.
Joan Kutcher says
There’s still a thick coat of ice and snow on my driveway up here in East Jewett, NY
Annette says
Spring? We’re just experiencing winter here in the Deep South. This past week has felt like a sweat-a-thon, until this morning. I was so excited to wake up to an outside temp of 45. I just wish we could hang onto it a little longer.
Candace Geary says
In Bernalillo, NM, we are currently without snow. Lots of other areas in NM have it though. We are at 5,700′ above sea level here. Once you get past 7,000, there is plenty of snow. Taos and the other ski areas are still going strong. We have rain and snow in the forecast for the weekend. Sunday will be the best chance of snow. We had no idea when we moved here, how much snow that we would get in NM!
Deseree P says
Warm Texas weather here in San Antonio but the rain is keeping me out of the garden.
Carol says
Tulips are starting to show their leaves in Kentucky.
Amy says
Temperatures are all over the place but no snow at the moment.
Stacy says
Some signs of spring in Western PA. Longer daylight in evenings, hellebores, snow drops and crocus peeping up. Keeping eye on my witch hazel to bloom soon.
Javier says
We have snow and cold winter weather but it keeps alternating w/spring like weather. I miss winter sniff.
Kaori says
Hi Kevin, I thought spring has sprung in my neck of the woods but it quickly changed its mind and we still get hard frost overnight. I’ve been ready for spring planting but I guess I’d have to wait till March from the looks of it. Thank you for hosting a fantastic giveaway. Regards, From BC, Canada.
Tia Carney says
In my NE corner of OH it is very frigid and the only snow that is around is piles from places being plowed! But remember in OH we can have all four seasons in the same day! LOL! Thanks for asking.
Angie says
In west central Indiana, it was 17 yesterday and will be 47 tomorrow. It was in the 50’s two weeks ago and then down to 0 last week. Spring is very fickle around here.
SueLynn says
Sorry, Kevin, you said to shout.
Erin M says
A bit of Spring, a bit of Winter, Texas can never make up it’s mind.
Anita White says
All the rain suggests spring, but the temperature does not. Maybe the groundhog was drunk. LOL- Georgia
Tracy Ehli says
Moved to Oregon in July and it feels like it’s been spring for two months! Rarely snows here in Salem but boy howdy does it rain!!!!!
Dianne says
No snow. Not spring weather today but never know about next week.
Sabrina says
Here in minneapolis, it snowed in December and I haven’t seen the ground since
Jayne G says
Depends on the day. Weather where I am changes everyday. Sunday will be 60 degrees then Tuesday in the 40’s. But Spring is right around the corner!!
Tressa says
Sunny cold days and to many warm rainy days in West Virginia.
Cheryl Belle says
New snow in central N.Y. and rabbit tracks everywhere!
Valerie A Holmes says
Spring started 2 weeks ago here in Southeastern CT! Daffodils poked through the soil and now stand 3″ tall. Historically warm winter has been awesome.
Vickster in Ohio says
Still winter-cold. At least the sun shines longer each day!
Janelle says
No sign of spring here!
Cynthia in Ohio says
No snow right now, but cold. My crocus have little shoots coming up, but March usually has at least one snowfall, so I wish I could tell them to go back down for a few more weeks!
Mary says
We’re up and down here in west Michigan. It’s predicted to be in the 40’s today and up to 46 by Monday. Then back down with snow for next week. So we have spring one day and winter the next. Sort of the way it’s been all winter.
Jeane says
Looks like early spring here in Virginia- tulips are coming up, trees are budding and I saw forsythia blooming on a sheltered slope. Still very cold at night, though.
M Daniela Cirillo says
Here Cheektowaga NY, still winter, example now is very chill … but I believe Spring coming soon!
Kellie says
Spring is Here! Northern Ca.
Jackie Marks says
In the western burbs of Chicago? A wee bit of snow on the ground will melt this weekend. But we are promised more cold and snow in the coming week. aaaarg. A cluster of snowdrops by the front door ~ HOPE!
reven says
it has been freezing nights and warm days…the quince is in bloom and bulbs popping up all over…and robins
Mary says
I live in Missouri, and next week sounds like we will be expecting snow, I’m definitely ready for spring, I love this green Kitchen-Aid and would love to win it.
Suzanne Robinson says
In Tennessee it is hard to say exactly when winter is over and spring begins.
We are currently snowless but next week the forecasted high on Tuesday is 63 and on Thursday the high is expected to be 39.
Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening says
The driveway is a sheet of ice and the lawn is covered with snow except for the one foot right up against the house, a heat sink where the sun shines and melts the snow soonest. In this exact location I have some winter aconites on the verge of blooming. Showing yellow but not erect.
Nancy says
Today is sunny and in the 40’s. I don’t think winter is over yet!
Grazyna says
It has been a strange winter. From below zero to 40+ within a day. Not much snow but lots of ice because we had freezing rain a couple of times followed by snow and sleet. Spring is nowhere in sight though there were reports of Maple syrup running.
Robert Barr says
Not quite spring in Southwest Florida. A couple of more cold fronts with potential for freezing temps at night.
Patricia Cremens says
Most of the snow has melted here in Central Massachusetts. The next several days include temperatures in the 50s. We should be seeing more green!
Anna Garza says
The miniature daffodils, crocus and grecian windflowers are all blooming.
This tells me Spring is around the corner in Tacoma, WA.
Angelique Holmes says
The Amaryllis Belladonna, naked ladies, are peeking out. The rest of my garden is asleep.
Katherine H Rankin says
There’s a lot of snow to melt before we see the first scilla!
Sue says
Plenty of snow on the ground here in Tijeras New Mexico!
Liz Jones says
Looking forward to Spring! It’s cold here but no snow on the ground, unfortunately ice covering the driveway and areas of the yard. Assessing all the winter clean up ahead of me ~
Kate says
Took a walk today with my beagle, the trails are icy and the yard is a big mud mess.
Katheryn Osborne says
Flowers are peeping snow to speak of in my neck of the woods !
Rose says
It looks and feels like spring here today. The sun s shining, the birds are singing and spring is springing!
Judy Brown says
Spring! However, we could really use more rain here in the California foothills of the Sierra.
Colleen Boudreau says
Still a little bit of snow on the ground here in Michigan!
Beth says
Employment relocated us to FL last year, so spring is now something we do not necessarily experience. The smells of thawing earth, budding flowers, and fresh rain are missed very much!
Chavella says
I have a beautiful pink blooming tree in Georgia, but it’s 29 degrees today. Burrrr
Crystal says
We have daffodils blooming and hyacinths popping up, but then got a 1-day sprinkle of snow. This Michigan girl is loving Carolina winter!
Beverly Widner says
Spring is almost here in Coppell, TX! I just mowed the yards today…mostly unwanted green spiky things!
Becca says
Pretty spring-like here in dc, but I’ve learned not to sleep on March.
Valerie Gullang says
Winter never really came. We did have a bit of frost before the day heated up to 60 degrees today. The trees have already started sprouting leaves, and the great horned owls are hooting away each night. Love is in the air.
GLENN says
Here in Orlando, Florida, it’s spring-like weather now (mid-February) – safe to plant seeds/seedlings outside. Then we zoom to blazing summer in the blink of an eye!
Sarah Devantier says
Well, snow hasn’t fallen lately, but there is still lots that needs to melt, so spring is a ways off yet. It got up to 8 degrees today (celcius), so I have hope
Sara says
Still winter here, although we have enjoyed some mild weather. Waiting for the next snowfall…
Donna Whitley says
We’ve had our first snowfall. It was lovely. The snow only lasted two days and the roads are dry. Perfect!
Karen L. says
Well, first it was spring weather with buds trying to bloom. Then we had a lovely snow fall and it got cold but now it is warming up again and the snow has mostly melted. Welcome to central NC! Never know what is going to happen.
Meghan Girroir says
In PA, spring has arrived, I think. The daffodils certainly think so. Although I am enjoying the weather, I find it a bit unnerving.
catherine says
It’s a warm weekend in Maine, a little mud actually showing in between ice and snow today. I know it is fake spring, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
isabellagarden says
Hints of spring this weekend in Maine with temperatures in the 40s, but still a lot of snow and ice to melt. And of course we’ll be getting more snow. We always do, right into April.
Jessica says
Still winter here but it is starting to feel a tiny bit like spring!
MaryAnn says
Never had a winter! All of my early bulbs are popping their heads up and greeting an early Spring. Can’t wait to plant my garden!
Linda Dobson says
Spring “like” here today but still winter in Southern Ontario! Sun is shining bright but cold!
Cheryl says
Spring tries during the day sometimes, but it’s still cold at night. Iris are just poking their heads up, but nothing else. I can’t wait for it to be a steady 50 and above!
Anthoula Noukas says
Daffodils and Tulips poking through ground in Boston … last 🙂
Susan Searle says
Spring is Sprung! Here in the south-eastern UK it’s been extremely mild and I have roses in bud, narcissi galore and the prunus trees are flowering. Planting my potatoes next weekend.
Carol Schaudt says
It’s been so warm this winter, in the Houston, TX area that my lettuce greens are already bolting. I’m almost ready to turn them into compost and replant.
Kathleen Zanotti says
Out in the yard yesterday with the snowdrops and snow tucked into shady corners. Felt so wonderful to lift the leaves to find daffodil leaves starting to poke up and feeling the cycle of gardening has never agin started!
Sharon Hull says
Spring arrived right on schedule earlier this month, here on California’s Central Coast. All the ornamental plums and deciduous magnolias are in full bloom and the birds are singing on territory, with the hummingbirds already on nests. Beautiful balmy temps but we badly need rain so keeping fingers crossed…
pamela j says
The weather is flip-flopping around here. We really didn’t have much snow.
Sharon says
Here in south Louisiana the trees are in full spring bud, the temps are very moderate, the geese fly northward overhead in the early mornings, and my begonias are about ready to come out of their temporary winter shelter. Spring is definitely here.
Irene Wilkinson says
It’s still raining here in Southern California. It is supposed to reach 80 degrees this coming week though. Time to start planting soon.
Kris Quarton says
Hi Kevin,
Central New Hampshire is still snowed in! The bright sun and rain in the forecast this week may change situation. Lots of time to cook!
David Adamson says
Maybe the fifth try will be the charm.
Lost my mixed in a cross country move.
Kathleen says
We have snow, but it is melting today. I have spring fever!
Nan says
The daffodils are up, the robins are busy, and green leaves are appearing on the beautiful coastal trails of Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey! Yay!
Cheryl says
Spring is shouting quietly right now in Northern Indiana. Birdsong is changing, small crocus are starting to pop. Small amounts of snow on the ground in shady areas, soon to be gone I hope!
Darla Metro says
Upstate New York – need I say more? Definitely still digging out.
Linda Kalbler says
Still snow on the ground here in Minnesots. But warm weather today mid 40’s today. Then back to normal low teens upper 30’s. But soon it will be spring.
Arlene says
Green and sunny here in West Palm Beach Florida. High 70’s – 80 everyday. Lucky to be a snowbird. Can’t wait to get home in mid-April and enjoy another rebirth of my glorious gardens!!!
Martha Robinson says
We still have 2 feet of snow here in Prince Edward Island, Canada.Will start to see crocuses in April, maybe. I love your newsletter. Thanks.
Jen Roddie says
It’s cold out here in West Texas, yet my Lady Banks have just begun to bloom – a lovely touch of yellow!
Chris says
Still winter here in MA. Lots of ice!
Julie T says
We don’t have much of a winter here, so I’d say spring has arrived!
Jeanne says
WI is definitely still in winter, but we’re hopeful. Looking at 40 degrees today!! 🙂
Kathy says
Signs of spring: dirty melting snow, neighbors sans jackets walking their dogs on a 40 degree day and birds singing their spring songs. But winter still has a grip on Minnesota.
jackie serba says
oh my gosh I wish spring was here. I live in south east WI and we are getting more snow on Tuesday. YUKKKKK!!!! March for me is the longest month in history..can’t wait till its over.
Juanita says
Hosting a St. Patrick’s Day concert on the outdoor patio. Spring is popping up its head and the sun is with us daily. My garden is ready to blossom.
Cam Koerber says
Well as usual in Kansas, we had snow last week and 57 degrees today, lots of influenza A popping up and can’t help but wonder if the weather doesn’t perpetuate it! Can’t wait to start planting!
Judy Tolbert says
Winter (and rain) still here in Georgia. Looking forward to Spring coming!!
Judith Woods says
In bloom now here on the Florida panhandle are my redbuds, camellias, Chickasaw plum, viburnums, Magnolia x ‘Jane’ and some lovely daffodils. We’ll probably get another frost or two, but the sunshine is here to stay.
Johanna says
After a dismal winter with no snow, I hang on to the hope of at least one substantial snow storm. That being said, the crocus are blooming, the daffodils are pushing through, and two woodpeckers are competing (not sure if that is a spring thing, though).
Thanks for the offer, Kevin!
Trilby says
The snow is mostly melted. The air is brisk and there is no green emerging yet but Spring is ready to breakthrough. We can feel it.
Janet says
Northern Wisconsin still 4 feet of white stuff! Probably the most snow yet to come… thanks for the mixer giveaway Kevin! Off to buy seeds for winter sowing
Nancy says
Spring is in the air – leaves of bulbs – and not just Snowdrops – peeking through – hopefully no more heavy snows as in one recent year when the daffs were so big and beautiful until a late snow ended their glory.
Layla says
Still feeling like winter here for sure!
roseann siegel says
Still winter In NY, even if it’s a mild winter. Ground still frozen.,
Michelle Roberts says
Going to feel like spring today and tomorrow here in the Hudson Valley but than the cold returns after that.
Karen Vogel says
Karen. I have daffodils and tulips pushing through! I also have 20° temperature nights. And may have a little snow next week in southern Indiana .
Susan says
Never really felt like winter I the mid Atlantic and never any snow to dig out from! Temps in the 50s!
LilyGrace says
Today, the sun is smiling — always a good thing. A better thing is the geranium that has been sitting in my window all winter has started to bloom– in fact, that geranium whispered, in her very lovely voice, that spring is on it’s way.
Sue says
It’s still winter in WISCONSIN. We had about one foot of snow on the ground but it has melted a little due to 40’s yesterday. With the sun shining and the snow sparkling it’s perfect for a long walk and fresh air!
Cindy says
It’s still chilly here in SW PA, but the crocuses are up and blooming.
Karen Stewart says
The usual February camellia show. Daphne peaked, forsythia out, snowy white evergreen clematis covering the fence, and daffodils dotting the garden. All somewhat early but this may be a false spring …..or maybe not.
Jane Palmer says
Still lots of snow (and Ice) here in Nova Scotia. It’s been a very stormy winter, definitely looking forward to spring and getting back into the gardens.
Denyse says
Snow drops up and smiling in the sun! I didn’t tell them it wIll be 17 later this week!
Kathy says
Still plenty of snow here in NH.
I’ve been gardening for 40 yrs and am trying winter sowing for the first time! Thanks to hearing about it from you – I’m excited!
Ann says
Spring is supposed to peek out today, just for a day or two. AND, birds are beginning their songs if only briefly!
Michael Murphy says
Will be putting heirloom tomato plants in the ground soon. BLT season to follow.
Sandy Bridenthal says
More sunshine and less snow = mud in NE Ohio. I don’t believe winter is done with us yet but that gorgeous green would certainly brighten my kitchen.
Leslie A Wrightington says
The days are starting to get warmer but I still have to bundle up to go outside. It shouldn’t be long now before everything starts bursting into color.
michael kelly says
feel bad for everyone who went south this winter!
Allison Mc says
Daffodils aplenty in NW NC!
Sandra Paul says
Here in central Texas, we awake to a new season every day. Up into the 80’s a couple of days then highs in the 30’s or 40’s the next. We have peach trees that want to bud. We never know what to wear either. Whatever the weather brings I embrace it because tomorrow will be different.
JoAnn Kelly Catsos says
I’m still waiting…..
It was “the winter that wasn’t”.
Sandra Lindberg says
The daffodils are poking out of the ground and the grass is greening up. Can’t wait!
JoAnn Kelly Catsos says
It was “the winter that wasn’t”.
Pamela McRae says
Here in N.C. we can’t be sure of the weather from morning till night. We have icy windshields at dawn and daffodils bravely waving until the sun warms them up. I say, spring is here, even though we had snow two days ago.
Hortensia says
It’s always spring time in South FL, LOL! more like summer year round. My Pentas and Aloe plants are in bloom.
Sue says
With some 50 to 60 degree days and sometimes 25 to 30 degree days, and one snowfall that melted by afternoon, I’d have to say it’s more like “SPRINTER” here!
Valerie says
Cold and snow on the ground. Can’t wait for spring
Becky Brown says
It’s still snowshoe weather here in northern Wisconsin!
kathleen says
Spring? today its 50 already but we may get snow on tuesday. Good day to get the last of the leaves out of my garden
Brenda says
Thanks for offering this lovely green KitchenAid, Kevin! Look forward to your post each Sunday!
Beverly, zone 6, eastern PA says
Nearly snowless winter for us, very uncharacteristic.
No single digits in the overnight temperatures yet!
My fig tree remains unwrapped.
I’ve been doing early spring chores without a hat.
Jayedee Dewitt says
It’s a beautiful cool crisp day in South Carolina! There was frost on the ground this morning but it’s shaping up to be a beautiful day!
Lois says
Still a nice thick snowpack over here in central NY. At least there has been more sunshine! All ordered seeds have arrived so I have spring in my heart!
Kathy says
Buds on the hellebores, daffodils up an inch or two, and snowdrops –always my first harbingers of spring– have been blooming for about 2 weeks already here in southeastern PA–YIPEE!!!!
Karen Mary says
We still have plenty of snow here in the Midwest. I brought spring to my desk with some new African violets, though. /Users/karenmiles/Desktop/IMG_3324.JPG
What a beautiful mixer! Thanks for the chance to win her!
Kathryn Reilly says
First snow of the season fell Thursday night, but because we’re in beautiful North Carolina it doesn’t stay for very long….Now my beautiful daffodils are blooming, spring flowering trees are flowering, and soon I will be eating my gorgeous giant ruby red mustard and rainbow chard that I have been growing in pots outside all winter!!!! Love spring, but would love that mixer as well!!!!
Ingrid Di Lorenzo says
Nothing that really makes me sing ‘yes, it’s spring’.
We have snow with a hard crust on top here in my little corner of southern Ontario, Canada.
Glen says
temps in the 50’s today Feb.23 in Connecticut. Hellebores, snow drops, aconite , witch hazel all in bloom……crazy right? There is no global warming!!
Tish says
Just starting to get a hint of spring here.
Susan says
Spring has sprung, daffodils o’plenty, lenten rose and cyclamen as well. A drizzel of snow yesterday but thats all gone and sun is shining warm
Sally Christiansen says
It fells like spring here in Eastern Nebraska but I know that we probably still have a good snowfall or two left. March may follow the rule of coming in like a lamb and leaving like a lion!
Kate Heston says
We have all kind of flowers popping up. Pear tree blooming
Stacie Steele says
We had a bit of snow earlier this week in Williamsburg, Virginia, but I was direct sowing seeds (onions & lettuce) in my garden yesterday!!
Judith Reiter says
Some pink flowering trees in DC are in flower. The cherry blossoms will certainly be very early.
Linda C Cramp says
I have the seed catalogs out, old seeds out and getting neighbor 8 year old girl planting seeds with me. I LOVE spring! The sun room is warming with more sunny days, getting ready for all my seedlings! I LOVE the promise of those 60 degree days and putting my hands back in the soil!!!!!! Winter done or not, spring is coming slowly as the brunt of the frigid days are over!!! SW Pa. !
Darlene says
We had a 44 degree day yesterday and today, that is spring-like weather for Minnesota! Hopefully it will be an early beautiful spring this year!
Katherine D. says
Mixed weather here in northeast Ohio. Some days wicked cold and others, like today, in the high 40s. Only a few small snowfalls this year in my neighborhood. Looking forward to spring.
Gwen Monaco says
Spring one day winter the next
Robin says
I would say “still digging out from the latest snowfall”. In Salina, Ks it’s been a fairly mild winter, warm days enough to make us itch to dig in the dirt, but enough cold snowy days to keep the ground totally saturated or frozen. Right now the ground is wet but I have planted seeds that need a winter, put seeds out under cover in cold frames and have had many warm days to get garden projects done outside. Using your recipes to keep us warm on chilly nights.
Mary says
Going to be 41 degrees today in north central Wisconsin! Snow arriving on Tuesday. Pussy willows are starting to bloom! Love all the seasons.
Ruth says
Winter apparently just got here. We had a temperature drop and a few inches of snow that is still hanging around after 3 days. Maybe the groundhog was right after all. 🙂
Sarah Nowicki says
Here in Nashville Tennessee, there are croci and daffodils starting to pop up, and a friend of mine saw cranes migrating north. We have faith again.
Judy says
Temperate weather much of winter outside of Philadelphia….but….last 2 years we got hit with winter weather 1st 2 weeks of March!
Debby S. says
Hard to tell. One day it’s 50 degrees, and the next day it’s 12. Some snow on the ground and no buds in sight.
Diane says
40’s and 50’s today but more snow this week in Iowa. Can’t wait until warmer weather. I’ve been going to greenhouses to get my fix!
Susan says
No winter here. We have some trees blooming!
Dale Gasque says
In the Shenandoah Valley, cold, cold, cold nights this past week in the teens and twenties, but my witch hazel and Lenton roses are in bloom and the daffodils are poking out of the ground. I’m inside packing for a move to a new house, though, and dreaming of new gardens.
SueEllen says
It has been a light winter here in Northern Mississippi. Daffodils are blooming so Spring thinks
its time has come 😀
Thank you Kevin. I so enjoy your weekly posts.
candi baker says
we had a nice little snow last week and alittle ice…now it is just cold and windy…hoping for Spring soon !!
Donna in CT says
No signs of spring here yet, but things are looking up!
Christina Giordano says
No spring weather as of Feb 23rd in Albany, NY. We’re all looking forward to warmer temps this week, though.
Keila says
Spring is here! I have lots of bulbs up and full of buds! A few are in bloom.
Joyce Lantz says
Daffodils are blooming but for those hit by freezing temps!
Pat Greenleaf says
Happy Spring, Kevin.
My daffodils and hyacinths are in full bloom. My tomato seedlings (the pampered things) go outside for their daily “hardening off” while they await their big planting day.
May you always have sunshine.
Katee Murphy says
Driving up from Florida, back to snowy NewYork. But it’s supposednto be mild this week in our region. It was nice to see all the flowers and palm trees this time of year!
Angie says
Crocus in bloom here in Kansas City since February first…although they’ve hidden under snow and ice a few days since then! Happy approaching spring, everyone! And happy Irish Month, as I call the six weeks between Feb 15 and March 31st!
Kim Luna says
The weather here has been so crazy we don’t know whether to scratch our watches or wind our butts. But some day lilies are springing up and very pretty! Thanks Kevin for the chance to win!!
Jennifer says
No snow here, unfortunately! Unseasonal warm winter with spring temps and occasional chilly (below 32 degrees) nights.
Sabra says
Feels like Spring in coastal NC!
Carmen says
It is -4 C here in Ottawa. The canal is closed to skating at the moment, but it will probably snow again on Wednesday. Happy St Pat’s Day, but first – Shove Tuesday and pancakes!
Liz Z. says
Our Spring flowers are starting to emerge from under the snow. But when I hear the Springpeepers then I know Spring is here!!!
caryl says
Daffodils are blooming!
Terri says
Still brrrrr in my corner of NY, though love the later sunset – more light!
Deborah says
Still digging, and digging, and digging … Downeast Maine
Rose says
Spring in February here in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Pat says
The snow is at least melting here in Royal Oak, MI!
Bev says
No, and can’t come any day too soon!!!
Larry Doyle says
Early spring plants are trying to break through fall’s unraked leaves.
Trinka says
Indeed, spring is here in southern Connecticut…
Snowdrops abound On forest paths and the chip and chatter of birds doesn’t stop!
Sandy Sebold says
We still have some snow here in La Junta, Co. but Spring is on its way!!!
Jennifer McComb says
We’re finally getting a few days of sunshine and temps in the high 30s, low 40s, so I am tentatively declaring spring is here in Central Wisconsin!
Tina says
Crocus and daffs have been blooming for two weeks and tulips are pushing up here in Southern Delaware. While I would love for it to be Spring, I’m not holding my breath…
Debra H Bures says
Bulbs are coming up, but snow is expected again later this week.
sora goodman says
have roses, narcissus, and cyclamen here in bet shemesh, israel
Karen says
Spring is on its way in Brunswick, NY…
Eileen says
My daffodils were up 6 inches but now laying down from the cold…
Here in Missouri. Seeing tiny buds on trees. Snow in two days.
Also, a yellow and purple crocus out my door! Yay!
Cynthia Greening says
Still snow with lots of gold in Wisconsin!
Luanna Stewart says
We still have a bit of snow on the ground here in Nova Scotia, but with an expected high of 7C today, a good bit of that will disappear. I did see buds on the willow trees, though, so spring is nigh!
Cincy Woods says
The yardstick (our official snow measuring device, ha!) shows 20” of snow & it’s snowing lightly this morning in the foothills west of Denver, CO. Long way to go before seeing any green on the ground. Green on the countertop would be a welcome sight! Thanks for another fun giveaway!
Ray Stokes says
Still chilly and lots of rain here in Southern Kentucky.
Amanda says
Still digging out in upstate NY but looking forward to Springtime.
Melissa says
In Northwest Arkansas, we vacillate between spring and the bitterness of winter on a daily basis.
ArtistryFarm says
Snowdrops in full bloom and anxiously awaiting baby goat crop so can start spring milk/cheese/butter production and Grandmother’s soap!
Susan says
An unusually mild winter has me looking forward to spring. Mid 50’s expected today but cooler, stormy weather in the forecast for later this week.
Susan says
It’s definitely more springlike in the DC-area. No real snow! *sob* So if that’s the case, let’s go spring.
Rosemarie says
Hardly any snow this winter here in CT! Today the temps will be in the 50’s and the sun is shining. Spring appears to be just around the corner!
Connie Shaw says
We have snow AND tiny crocus shoots! Let’s call it sprinter…or maybe wing?
Sharon Thompson says
Still not spring here in MD, but we’ve had a super mild winter (so far )!
Karen E Fremerman says
Yes spring is here. Snow drops bloomed in January!
GinaG says
In Nebraska it can be Spring today but winter tomorrow. Last week it was 52 degrees one day, -5 the next.
We have a saying here…if you don’t like the weather, just wait 15 minutes
Beth Storrs says
Supposed to be 50 degrees in the middle of Massachusetts today— is very odd and spring-like, but I suspect it is just a tease.
Rebekah says
It’s been upsy-downsy here by the Delaware River in Central NJ—one day warm, one day freezing, then back again. Tiny tips of green poke out of the ground and halt there. My windowsills, though, are all abloom! So I’ll say not quite and I hope Spring brings more consistency for all the outdoor growing things!
Ronnie says
Cold still in North Georgia, but daffodils blooming! Down in the 20s at night and up in the 50s during the day. I enjoy cold weather so am in no hurry for spring and summer!
Rhonda says
It’s a mild minus 14 here in Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada and we will be waiting til around May 26 to see glorious lilacs blooming here in the Great White North.
Helen says
Still winter here, there’s ice and snow on the sides of the stream here, but a feeling that spring is coming or maybe I’m imagining that. I’m in northwest Connecticut, practically Millerton, NY. ( Hi Kevin, met you at The Motorworks recently….)
Helen says
We really haven’t had winter here on Cape Cod…chilly some days but pleasant most of the time…felt like Spring was around the corner all winter!
Stephanie says
Not exactly spring yet, but we have seen robins. There’s hope! Ice jams on the Platte are causing flooding, but nothing like last year when became an island. Come on spring!!! Thank you for the giveaway, and for all your helpful posts!
Sheryl K says
Yes, 50 degrees and time for yard work!!
Michele Steves says
Spring is on it’s way in southeastern TN. My daffodils are up, but not open. I’ve got leaves forming on my camellia.
Ann Tynes says
Well, we’ve had our one snow here in Virginia Beach! Now it’s onto spring……….hopefully.
Rony says
Winter seems to not have come to Brooklyn this year. My first year winter sowing (Thanks for introducing me to the concept!) and there is no snow and mild temps!
CAROL says
It’s melting. It’s melting!! The streets are dry. Spring is coming! LOL. someday
Wow Kevin, look at all of your followers.
cindy corriveau says
It is like spring here in southern New england. I have tried wintersowing again this year with my seeds. I am curious this year what will happen since we have had less than 10 inches of snow all winter and the temps have been above normal
Patty Buscaglia says
Buffalo NY area has been super windy with lots of sun for a few days now. Not much snow left on the ground but no signs of green yet. Bring it on!
Diane Bunting says
Certainly not spring where I live, upstate NY, but I’m beating the rap by spending some time in sunny, warm, south Florida!
Pamala York says
It was just announced we’ve had the warmest January ever. My Daffodils have been blooming for over 3 weeks now. Spring is sprung.
Tamara says
Here in New Brunswick Canada it is still full on winter. But the days are getting longer and the sun feels great.
Debbie Powers says
Hello Kevin! Nothing blooming in my garden yet in Kentucky but lots and lots of foliage pushing through the mulch! Have a great day!
Bejane says
Jonquils are blooming among the falling snowflakes on my NC Mtn today…very best of both seasons!
Linda says
Spring has definitely sprung in central Ca!
Katherine ORourke says
Spring is peeking through in the inland Northwest. Daffodil bulbs pushing up, tiny leaves on the shrubbery, doves are calling, the days are longer.
Linda says
Still need snow tires here in Ely, MN. Temps finally got above zero! Lots of snow and cold! Waiting for the miracle of Spring.
Jennifer says
For a midwinter break take a trip to Sharon Springs, NY. Check out Beekman 1802’s transformation into Schitt’s Creek’s “Rose Apothecary”. Embrace every season with an adventure!
Pamela says
We have had a few days of sunshine but the forecast is calling for snow and rain later in the week
Martie Brown says
Mild winter here in central OKLAHOMA.
Rose says
50 degrees today, am getting my hope up that spring is on the way
Mother Nature says not so fast, big snow storm on way Monday and Tuesday .
At least it won’t last long.
Susan Nebrick says
Still awaiting a decent snowfall in N.C. Our winter has been very mild this year; but like a little kid, I love seeing SNOW!
Deb S says
Although the sun☀️ is out today with Robin-egg-blue skies ‘Ole Man Winter is not done with us. Later this week the cold and snow returns. ❄
Deonna Rae Bishopp says
East Texas has had lots of rain but my herbs are coming back to life! Thai Basil still sleeping but thyme awake and spearmint is back! Spring is slinging to life in Texas!! Yay y’all !!
Sheila Lemble says
No snow & although 50 is predicted not spring yet, either on the Michigan Ohio border.
Mary V says
An unusual warm winter ( snowless) so far here in Rhode Island. I worry about my plants, last year it was warm I lost a favorite hosta ( spilt milk) which is weird. The Daffs are beginning to grow, but I have seen them covered in snow before.
Alan says
Made the Black Bean Rice and Mango Salsa Dish. Absolutely Delicious….
Polly says
Hellebores are poking through. But proper Spring is still weeks away in Ontario.
Karen says
Definitely springlike in Northern VA…crocus, snowdrops and some daffodils already blooming after a very mild winter there!
dianne Noe says
Mild winter here, but birds are starting to nest, so spring I guess.
Renee Coursey says
I love, love, love Green! It makes me happy. It’s coming soon.
Linda says
Spring’s trying to get here in Illinois but winter isn’t letting go. High of 57 degrees today and dropping to a high of 25 degrees by Thursday. Thank you for another chance to win this awesome mixer!
cindy patten says
In ohio ,45 today cant wait been waiting to get outside ,but saying little more snow this week BOOO…
Kevin Nikolish says
Nice and sunny today 50 here in midwest snow still covers the ground but soon spring will be here
Laura says
I thought we were done with snow. Then last night happened. ❄️ BUT! Spring IS on its WAY!!!
Carol Tellefson says
It is a month too early here in Texas, too wet and chilly. Hoping for an explosion of color then. Thanks for celebrating St. Pat’s Day in such a fun green way. Hope my Irish Roots prove lucky.
Shirley Archambault says
Longing for Spring, but hoping for one good snow storm. My family depends on one or two good snowstorms to save enough money to use throughout the year. Without one this year, we will be depending more on our garden than ever before!
Andrea Schmidt says
Hi Kevin,
Well here in Charleston, SC, it goes from winter to spring to summer all in a 5-day span. It does get confusing on what to wear at times. I am going to miss winter though because come spring, summer, and fall that means yard work and with allergies and asthma I’d rather be in the kitchen baking.
Cathie says
Franklin Turtle woke up from his winter nap and saw his shadow day before yesterday. So I guess spring has sprung in Phoenix!
Beverly DiBell says
Spring is still trying to fight off winter here, but winter is gearing up for another round.
Anne Unangst says
‘Tho still lots of snow all around, the light lasts longer in the afternoons and the sounds of some birds are new to the air. Here in Central Vermont we will have to first get through mud season, probably in April, before a proper Spring arrives. Its arrival is a delight.
Ginny says
Snow will be melting today in Western NY. A few snowdrops are blooming.
Peri says
Crazy winter here in Florida! We’ve set record lows of 24 degrees and record highs of 90. Thank goodness there is no snow!
Lisa Horner says
Little signs of spring here… daffodils are blooming… we have not really had much snow at all so far, but I’m not ruling it out just yet!
Kris Fox says
Our deciduous trees are starting to leaf out and flowering fruit trees are in bloom in central coastal California. Starting to see migrating birds and butterflies, too!
Tracy Kash says
Beautiful sunny week here in lovely Detroit but spring has yet to…spring!! I plan to encourage it by getting my seeds started in a few weeks!!
Dorothy says
still a little snow but this week will be above zero
March can be difficult, esp the St. Pat’s storm
Pat Johnston says
Snowdrops and winter aconites are now just about finished here in Virginia and the daffodils are getting ready to bloom. The plum tree is putting out some blossom but I fear a frost will kill any hope of plums this year as it is too, too early.
Winter is still here in Bolton Landing
50″” of snow for the season but the Cardinals are at the bird feeder and the sun is shining beautiful today.
Jen Clark says
Tree sap is just about flowing!
Sonja Brow says
That is absolutely beautiful! Here in Wyoming it is still very much winter. We have been below zero several nights in the past week, have random snow flurries and small blizzards, and the wind has been absolutely crazy. A few weeks ago we set a record with a 97 mile an hour gust on Outer Drive. I-80, which is south of us, has been closed many times this year.
gloria says
Northern CT. Little snow piles, but the birds are singing away- Yellow Finches are yellowing up and I see buds fattening as well- I hope not too soon because late frosts destroy flowers and hope for fruit.
Diane C says
Orchids in bloom in S FL. Delightful.
Christy says
In Midwest Nebraska the spring / winter call is made on a day by day basis! Today spring! And I’ve spotted soft green bulb shoots starting to peek out of the ground ☀️ ☀️☀️
Tana B. says
Oh, unfortunately, we’re still digging out from winter (Southeast Idaho). It’ll be a couple months yet before we get to play in the dirt. Guess that means more inside time to play in the kitchen and sewing room!
Jeanne Wing says
Oh no! I’m in Maine and I still have winter! Although, it’s been very mild. I’m ready for spring and summer!
John Braat says
East Tennessee is soaked with all the rain we’ve had. Still a few more frozen nights to endure before we can get our garden in.
Dusty Haller says
It’s (very) slowly beginning to warm up here in Providence, Rhode Island.
Mariayn says
Central Indiana…..spring is peeking around the corner. We have gotten more rain than snow this season making the ground very soggy.
Mary McNamara says
It’s faking spring here, but winter will, once again visit us, I’m sure. Montana doesn’t really have spring until May. 🙂
Diane K Siebersma says
Snow has mostly melted but March and April can be nasty in South Dakota
Sharon says
Michigan weather changes quickly! We are having a combo of cold teen temps up to mid 40’s- had snow 3 x’s last week- grandkids still enjoying the good packing kind of snow!
PS- I have only had a hand mixer my entire life(61 years)! I would love to give that green beast a whirl!
Cindy Hood says
Warm, (40’s) sunny weekend in Chicago. Not quite spring but it feels great.
Cathy says
Well… Last week it was winter, 6 inches of snow and freezing! Today it’s spring, 50 degrees and sunny. Next week, back to winter.
Jeannie Pancurak says
Here in the Pinelands of South Jersey, we have had no snow. My middle school aged boys are not happy. We have no winter and no spring. It’s more of a “Swinter.” Like me, the weather is in a funk!
Mary says
We’re having a gorgeous sunny & warm weekend in Wisconsin….early spring?!? I’ve lived here long enough to know better!
Susan VT says
There is still heavy snowpack here in northern VT!
Gretchen B says
I’m in NW Wyoming; we have plenty of snow in the mountains and fields, but the roads are mostly clear. Nights getting down to zero still! Needless to say, spring is a good ways off…
Gladys Rellinger says
Still have a nice covering of snow on flower beds and garden here in Waterloo, On CA. Last week I broke my left ankle. I am hoping that I am mobile by garden planting time.
Robin Payne says
Spring is here in the Nevada high desert!
Lois Herrick says
Hi Kevin! It is starting to feel like spring here in north central Alberta and welcome it after the long cold cold cold periods we enjoyed this winter!
Nancy says
Here in Eastern PA winter never came and it feels like Spring is right around the corner with the bulbs and buds popping out!
S says
Somewhere under the snow the hellebore have buds- upstate NY.
Bridget says
Snow is still on ground!
Suzanne K says
I think we are just about there. Got a trace of rain yesterday and I’m betting that’s the last gasp. Happy spring!!
Roseann Hanson says
I love your blog, I look forward to it every Sunday!
Terry Cole says
My daffodils are 2″ high in a 4o degree St. louis.
Judy says
Lots and lots of snow still here in far north WI.If we’re lucky Spring will be here the end of April. I’m going to try winter-sowing starting the end of March. Wish me luck!
Nancy R says
Spring’s not here yet but it has been a mild winter.
Elaine Sipe says
Beautiful today, but when you live in northern MAINE, we can get snow in May!!!
Lou M. says
We are still shifting back and forth between winter and teases of spring in central Missouri. Temperatures will be up to 59 degrees today (yeah!) but by Wednesday snow is predicted. I am ready for spring.
Kris Wallace says
Here in the Cornwall, Ontario area, just across the St. Lawrence River from upstate New York, there’s still a couple of feet of snow, but the sun is stronger, the days are longer, the air is fresh, and the birds are singing so, to me, spring is certainly here 🙂
Linda says
I’m hearing more chatter from the birds and the March winds have arrived which is a telltale sign we are nearing the end of winter.
Rachel Cheli says
This is my favorite color! We had a very mild Winter in SE Pennsylvania- nothing Spring here yet, but I did get my seeds in the mail 2 weeks ago!
Pat Martin says
Still cold here on shores of Lake Huron, but the sun has power in it and out on the Lake there’s still ice near shore but far out is brilliant, promising blue and turquoise.
Have a great Sunday!
Mary Willis says
Spring has sprung in Mississippi; spring flowers and forsythia in full bloom.
Patricia Small says
Springlike here in Central Virginia. Daffodils are blooming but the temperatures are very fickle, 60 degrees today 30 degrees tomorrow! Love the mixer!
Ann Heinzer says
We’ve got crocuses blooming and daffodils are almost here. We never had a proper winter – it’s been unusually warm. I’m glad to see the spring early, but not if its from global warming.
Rebecca Juanes says
Here in middle TN it depends on the day and sometimes the hour. We had a great spring clean up at the YMCA garden and 2 days later it snowed! My winter sown milk jugs are on the south side of the house but the raised beds are in a sea of mud. Wait a week and we’ll see.
Lauren Ziemski says
My irises have come up! (Well, just one anyway). Odd amounts of sunshine and not-so-cold temps here at the Jersey Shore are confusing my poor bulbs! But! Winter sowing is underway, thanks to you, Kevin!
Pam Gonzalez says
Winter is still trying to rear it’s cold head. But today we’re supposed to hit 50 degrees. No wonder the poor flowers and trees don’t know what to do!! Well here’s hoping the we all have a wonderful spring!!
Claire Mead says
The sun is starting to make its way north and the days are noticeably longer here in northern NH, but we still have plenty of snow on the ground and had several sub-zero nights this week.
Kerry says
Still snow covered in southwest Montana. Spring is always a struggle along the Rockies with many warm days interrupted by heavy spring snow. But if Spring is a feeling, it has arrived!
Jane says
Spring is here in Mesa, Az
Nancy VanDyke says
It is a winter wonderland here near Green Bay WI. Today it is sunny and very bright. I have someone very special that has been wanting your wonderful mixer for a long time. Thank you for the giveaway.
Paula Mann says
Northern Colorado is confused. It’s been snowing and cold all of February but this morning I woke up to rain. I think we have a ways to go before spring arrives.
linda carney says
still small chunks of dirty snow about, waiting for the plowed messes to melt, the bunnies are starting to hop across the road again, and the gardens – and I-are soaking up the four days of sun in a row, haven’t seen that for a while, it’s been grey up here in northern MA.
Sandy says
Still snow on the ground here in Iowa, bit the sun is shining!
Betty says
The grass is growing, some ferns are showing those fiddle heads and huecheras are flowering. Definitely signs of spring!
Chris says
Winter is still here in Poland Spring Maine. At least it’s sunny and warmer today. It’s 20 degrees!!! Time for a walk
Michelle Pignataro says
Arkansas here and we no longer have seasons per se.We have wet and warm and wet and cold, wet and windy and wet and frigid, and the build an ark wet. I feel like I am rusting! Thanks for asking!
Jo says
Snow in Chinook country
Megan Black says
Here in California’s Sierra Foothills, it IS spring! I returned home from a trip to find my 100’s of daffodils happily beaming at the sun. It began with a shoe box of bulbs sent from Virginia in the 1960’s to my now 96 year old friend. She has us thin her plot and shared the joy! I wll be green with envy of whomever gets the mixer…
Nancy P Adams says
Spring has yet to arrive in my NH neck of the woods. But—spring can be felt in the warm sunshine and gently weather. And a happy wearing ‘o the green to one and all.
Barbara D. says
A few hours of sun yesterday here in Denver Colorado. Back to cloudy and snowy today. Still have 2 inches of snow on the lawn.
Katey M says
I live not far from you (Zone 5 in Upstate) & still have nice snow cover. We have heard some song birds so we know Spring is not far away. Looking forward to updating my aging raised beds to make the easier to manage.
Barbara says
We’ve had a few days here in the Pacific Northwest that have been sunny and warm enough to venture out into the blackberry thickets in an attempt to control their dominance. Oh, who am i kidding? I haven’t been out of winter hibernation long enough to tackle a job of that magnitude. But i did get two spring-bulb-beds weeded, so that’s something.
Here’s to a great new year, and let’s hope 2020 is a return to collective sanity for us all!
Susan Quimby says
Just a tease of sunny days but the ground is still frozen here, high desert of Oregon.
ann snipes says
There are daffodils blooming and some trees blooming here in Virginia Beach. Signs of Spring are very noticeable here, but we did have a very small amount of snow here two days ago.
Carmen Garceau says
I live in Mahopac, NY and the weather today is gorgeous. It will reach 53 today. I was lazy at the end of the season and left my outdoor containers with the roots to my Geraniums. I am getting ready to go out in my garden and clean up all the pots. This will make it easier for me to plant new plants in the Spring which I hope is not too far away.
PS: I started my winter sowing at the beginning of February. You got me started on this last year.
Thank you for all your great ideas and recipes.
Jeanne says
The tulips and daffodils think it is spring, but the icy muddy clay soil says not yet…
Gene says
Spring is here for me – based on how I feel, not what the weather brings.
Terry says
Still winter in coastal Maine, with snow on the ground,but with a hint of spring in the air!
Katharina Stieffenhofer says
In Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, still lots of snow everywhere, but this morning the air feels balmy at near freezing and smells like Spring. The sun is bright and the birds are singing “Spring is coming” : ))
Andrea Ferguson says
Virginia snow may arrive in March. As a teacher, I say bring it in!!
Aline says
I’m in the Houston TX area. We’ve had a pretty mild winter this year and I think spring is almost here. I am not starting my garden just yet, I should be able to safely plant the middle of March.
Than you for your entertaining post and great recipes.
Pick me please
suzanne says
No spring. Lots of rain and grey Skys here in the PNW. Have some milk jugs planted though.
Faye Ewing says
The weather is above average— for now anyway.
Pat Dohaney says
Hi All!
Checking in fro Peterborough, ON! We are having a beauty warm, sunny day at 2° C. It is a wonderful, fresh day and I feel like hanging laundry outside.
My fingers are crossed that Canadian fans will be included in the draw but if not I havrme enjoyed sharing with you all.
Happy Spring just 25 days from today!
Denise says
In Southern Ontario we have been bouncing between winter and spring since January. Warm spring temperatures one day, snow the next.
Jane Smythe says
Still buried in the white stuff near Toronto but it’s sunny and warm today and the melt is on it’s way. A green mixer would help my mood. Thanks Kevin. Hope it’s spring soon for you.
Marny Williams says
Feels like spring today in SW Ontario but with some snow still on the ground. Confused state of weather this winter 🙂
Billie Stanton says
The bulbs’ tiny green fronds are beginning to erupt, but the snow still is flying here in Colorado!
K Fischbach says
The lilacs buds are starting to firm in W MA.
Skye Daniels says
SanAntonio cannot make up its mind…Hot & muggy, then dropping 30 degrees overnight & staying cold for two days, then dragging out the tank tops again.
Keep your entire wardrobe available!! 🙂
Linda Paul says
I moved to Central Florida last year, and I have to say I have enjoyed the winter! Today’s high will be 71 and I’m planning to buy some cherry tomato plants today!
Lynn says
Spring has not yet arrived in western NY but this week promises to melt alot of the white stuff that remains. I’m hopeful….
Donna says
No snow here in Southwest Florida, just sunny blue skies. I hope to be back in Upstate NYS for the daffodils, forsythia and budding lilacs.
Chris says
Considering I reside in the great white north of Ontario, Canada, spring will be a wee bit longer in arriving. Of course, that has not stopped me from buying too many seeds and starting my hot peppers under grow lights. Would love another diversion in the form of a lovely green mixer for a bit of baking. Thanks Kevin!
Katie says
Sunny with snowdrops budded today in NW PA … but tomorrow could bring another blizzard. As always!
Carol says
Magnolias in flower, flowering plum trees in bloom, bulbs pushing up, its spring in San Francisco!!!
Elizabeth Karan says
Today is just gorgeous!! Bright blue skies and a whopping 40 degrees….a promise of what is coming! We have had an abnormally quiet winter…we won’t be getting the Golden Snowball award in the Syracuse N.Y. area this winter. Hurray!
Mary Holewinski says
Lots of rain with cold nights in College Park, GA. Other days are beautiful enough for outside gardening. Daffodils have been up and many trees are blossoming. My coral honeysuckle is budding and getting ready for the hummingbirds. Time to get my feeders dusted off in case I have early visitors passing through.
Thanks for all you do. You bring joy to so many.
Not digging out from snow, we barely got any. Spring isn’t here either, very cold today. But garden catalogs all over the place, cold seeds started as well as some winter sowing. And big plans in my head, will see how many get to the garden. But perfect time to bake, would love that green mixer.
Linda Shatney says
Spring? hey, it’s Vermont….spring is a ways off but, sunshine, blue skies and white snow make for a lovely day…
carol williams says
Spring flowers and spring showers have arrived in Oregon!
Laura Johnson says
Here in Georgia – the daffodils are blooming . Last 2 mornings a hard frost. LOTS OF RAIN!
Stacie says
Spring is here except for one cold day we’re expecting on Wednesday. I will be covering my tomatoes and peppers I planted, but for the most part we’re well past winter!
Brenda Tarnowetzki says
Here in Saskatchewan, the sun is shining, the days are getting longer, and we are finally confident that spring will come, even though we still have snow on the ground!
Jane law says
Spring is on the way with blooming bulbs all over near Atlanta, Ga.
Dee says
Still snow on the ground, but oddly warm too.
Burns Denise says
Temperatures getting into the 50s today here in metro west boston with lots of sunshine!
stephen howells says
It was a chilly 68 yesterday in Santa Cruz, projected to be in the high 70s this coming week. Weed pulling is finished. Amendments in the garden to come.
Martha says
Plenty of snow at our 1900 elevation zone 5b house, but snowdrops just started blooming in downtown Ithaca nearby. I’m getting ready to sprout ginger and turmeric to grow for the first time!
Annie Bliss says
I’m visiting my kids in Dallas and spring is definitely beginning here! Birds are singing, and at the Dallas Arboretum, thousands of daffodils, tulips and hyacinths are in bloom… It’s spectacular!!
Mary Ann Leonard says
2/23/22 In Chagrin Falls, OH, we will get into the 50’s today! Remnants of old snow mounds are shrinking under beautiful clear blue skies.
Mary S says
Another beautiful day in the North Bay area in California – should be in the 70’s.
Carol says
We have had a mild winter here in Topeka, Kansas area… for the last two weeks the robins have been poking around the lawn… spring is coming….
Nancy says
Spring is kind of relative here in Houston. We’ve had enough unusually warm weather during what we call “winter” here to confuse the local vegetation, so it’s sort of here.
Monica Phillips says
The flowers are blooming and trees have buds but here in the foothills of North Carolina we can still we some ice or snow. Today is sunny with highs in the 50’s and tonight lows in the 20’s.
BJ Foster says
It keeps teasing us. Warm a few days then cold again.
Tina says
Mrs. Groundhog saw her shadow, so six more weeks of winter. It had been weeks and weeks of clouds at sunrise before and after “Imbolc”, let’s call it, that is, Groundhog Day, how do it know? Pretty sunny sunrise today, howsoever cold.
Maureen shaughnessy says
Azaleas are opening up here in North Florida!
Kris T. says
Our yard is still mostly snow and ice, so no signs of spring yet. But it won’t be long!
Sheila Aukerman says
The crocuses are out here in Westminster, MD. My “Penny Pink” Helleborus are providing lots of cheer in my garden. It’s in the 50’s today & the sun is bright. I am feeling thankful!
Lynne Lillie says
The midwest is clearly undecided. So we live with wet and overcast while it tries to make up its mind.
Cathy S says
Digging out from the latest snow but at least it’s a sunny day! 🙂
Jane says
We have hardly had winter here on the coast of North Carolina, but the last two days have been very cold— 23 degrees at night. Our plants and trees and birds are confused but spring is coming soon to stay!
Sandra Abalos says
Spring is in it’s taunting stage here in deep east Texas, temps bouncing from a low of 29 two nights ago to 70 yesterday! So anxious to start planting, but will wait for the pecan trees to bud out.
Mary Beierle says
Snowed here in East Tennessee last week and more snow coming this week. Not much though. Daffodils are blooming and trees are budding. Spring is just around the corner.
Linda Bingham says
We haven’t really had a winter this year. The entire month of February has been dry, not a raindrop in sight, with daytime temperatures in the high 60’s to low 70’s. The spring trees are beginning to bloom & the daffodils are blooming profusely.
Sheila says
No snow here! Plum trees in bloom, crocus and daffodils too!
mary says
Ground hog saw a very deep shadow at my house !
Kathleen says
Definitely starting to look & feel like Spring here in St. Louis!
Kip Mistral says
No snow in Tucson, just bright blue skies!
Giuditta Reppi says
My crocuses are up here on Cape Cod, and I’m itching for true spring (of course we had ocean snow squalls on Friday…).
Lynne E says
We don’t get enough snow to have to dig out thank goodness. Yes indeed spring is on the way in. Keep on cooking Kevin
Barbara Mullinix says
It’s here in the Shenandoah Valley – with crocuses blooming and other spring bloomers well up. But it takes a break now and then.
Tracy M says
Spring is thinking about it.
Kim Angeli says
I’m in southeast Texas and the trees are budding out. Walking outside the hospital I just brought my husband home from actually got to see a few redbuds peeping out. Spring has sprung
Sarah says
Here in southern Ohio, we have had only a trace of snow. I saw a robin yesterday in my backyard!
patti panuccio says
Yes, we have tiny bud on the pecan trees in Las Cruces, NM
Andi says
Spring has sprung in the South, but we’re still getting chilly days.
Jeannie Curry says
Yes, spring is arriving here in Las Cruces, NM. My winter panseys are blooming like crazy and the snap dragons are budding. Weeds, too are popping up (boo).
Amanda Deloff says
Winter is still going strong in CNY! Snow on the ground and it is supposed to snow more next weekend. Love this comment thread to see where everyone is from.
Diana says
Spring is here very early in England on the Sussex coast – there are daffodils everywhere.
‘……. In vacant or in pensive mood,
they flash upon that inward eye
which is the bliss of solitude,
and then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils’. (Wordsworth)
Rosemary says
Winter really hasn’t arrived yet. No Snow. It will probably come in April.
Betsy T says
Up to 50 today in Chicago, but snow expected later in the week. Daffodils are pushing up in my yard. Still a lot of winter left to go, but signs of hope!
Cathy Matthews says
We had snow last week in China Grove, North Carolina, and today it’s going to be in the 50s. Crazy weather here.
Denise Janssen Eager says
Kevin, I live in Palm Springs, CA where it’s spring October-April & hell May-September. Unfortunately, we don’t have the beautiful green foliage that the rest of the country gets. But the desert has its own beauty.
cathy sullens says
Mother Nature can’t make up her mind…warm,cold, warm,…but spring will be here soon!
Marsha Lockhart says
It is a nice day in CT. Just enough nice weather and sunshine to let us know “spring will come again”. Snowstorm in March….maybe?? Poor man’s fertilizer, right!
Jeannine says
It’s a bright and sunny day, but still lots of snow on the ground! We’re not finished with winter yet.
Tracey Gardipee says
Today in Western Canada, spring feels close, but still so much snow on the ground, nevertheless, I am hopeful for an early spring.
K. Kachou says
With St. paddy’s day almost here… spring is just around the corner here in Hudson valley ny.
Diane Hinkle says
Our weather is up and down……in the 70’s one day and snow the next. In between the jonquils have found their way thru the earth and are smiling at me as is the witch hazel. Spring is not too far off! I am ready!
Cindy S. says
It’s been a pretty mild winter. I’m hopeful for an early spring, but it isn’t here yet. We are having a tease of warmer temps though. Lots of spring planting planned when we are safely past freeze threat.
Diane says
In North Texas I have had daffodils for about a month and have the larger ones still coming. A few iris and some azalea flowers but not much else.
Roberta Myyra says
Here in Michigan, everything is brown, brown, BROWN. And cold. Snow on Tuesday. But my long season vegetable seedlings just peeked through the seed starter and there are tulips in my living room window.
anne says
Need this for my birthday!! fingers crossed
Amy Stander says
It’s been well above average temperatures most of the winter in southern Ohio. I expected to see my early crocuses around February 1, but they are still not flowering!
Fritz says
It feels tantalizingly like Spring today in the East Village, lower Manhattan—brilliant sun, 50 degrees—and snowdrops are nodding in the pocket gardens. But it is just a preview. I think grimmer temps are on the menu this coming week. I’m getting out into the light while I can!
Valerie C. says
Boston has had a mild winter. A few cold days but, that’s it. I’m ready for Spring!
Lyn says
It’s 28 degrees here and sunny – my husband is washing his car in the driveway!
Mary K says
We have a few hints of spring… but it’s still early!
I think the green mixer would be amazing!
Gail says
Central Coast California is definitely spring-like!
George C says
We are having a taste of spring but with snow and cold moving in later in the week its all just a tease.
Tamara Carney says
Janice says
Spring has definitely arrived here in Sonoma, CA…in fact I have already had to water my newly planted trees and shrubs. Hoping for rain before the official dry season begins! I’m entering this contest for my daughter who is a fabulous baker but so far has to do everything by hand. Thanks Kevin!
Jan Beier says
Kevin-we’ve had a few cold days, and even had a few snowflakes spit at us one morning, but we are still having warm enough days where the daffodils and plum trees are blooming. Hope we don’t have a March blizzard like we did a few years back!!!
Sandy says
Still rather cold in Oklahoma. Looking forward to Spring weather!
Teresa M Edington says
No snow here but still cold. The daffodils and mums are trying though…
Cheryl Hodges says
I am so ready for spring. I’m ready for spring at the end of summer!
Melinda Higginbotha says
75 and gorgeous here in Northern California! Daffodils blooming
Marsha says
The tulips are emerging. Not much snow this year 🙁
Still snow in Illinois and we are heading back after 2 months in Arizona. It will be easier to take knowing spring is just around the corner!
Carmen Tucker says
Still cold and white outside here in NW
Montana. There is a reason they call it Glacier country around here.
Ellen Kaiser says
Ran away from Chicago’s cold to Florida for the month. Hope it’s gone when we return in two weeks!
Jan says
Here in Indiana weather is not too bad, wind a bit chilly. Birds are starting to sound like early spring.
Daffodils in FULL BLOOM! As are many other beautiful spring time trees! We SO need more rain but I guess I’ll enjoy this nice weather while it’s here!! Happy “almost” springtime to all!!
Christina Blais says
Well, in our area, SECT , winter didn’t come much at all.
Betty Blalock says
On a sunny day last week, I started cleaning out my flower tubs. Two plants from last year have tiny green shoots already. Yes, definitely spring fever here in Texas.
JP says
Lucky for southern Oregonians, we really haven’t had a winter and spring is coming rapidly.
Amy says
In our little Southern California valley, temps are between 30 and 40 most nights, and daytime highs are between 55 and 75. Perfect pea growing weather!
Brenda Treacy says
It is beautiful, vacationing in Mexico! In Oregon flowers are popping up…
Clay Rowell says
No snow here…….70 degrees!! (south Alabama)
elaine says
Hey Kevin, Welp it’s snowing like crazy here in the forest of Colorado. Winter came early, and we’re wondering when it’s going to leave. Although very thankful for the moisture!
Elizabeth says
Well today it’s 50°, but supposed to drop to 25° by Thursday!
Beth Moore says
Lots of snow on the ground in Northern Maine but the sun is shining and it is 35 degrees…so, it’s a wonderful winter outside day.
Rege Ehrenfeld says
I’m in Camp Hill Pa just had a Knee Replacement so I won’t be doing too much ! Today is so nice out I want to go out and work in the yard
Jessica says
We have snow on the ground melting into a muddy mess. Snow last week and 50 degrees today. Gotta love Michigan!
Karin Soderberg says
Good morning! And yes— Spring sure feels as tho it’s arrived here in Southern California! (Did it ever leave??). I’ve got camellias, petunias, calla lily, and roses in bloom, and my clivia has woken and pushing up at least 8 flower stalks! Bees are happy with all the lavender and rosemary blooms and humming birds are feasting on cape honeysuckle!
Robert Meehan says
Well we just had the biggest (and only) snowfall of the winter. A devastating 3/4 inch!! Here on the Eastern Shore of VA we have Crocus up and almost done, Daffodils coming on, Hyacinths just forming flowers, Forsythia beginning to bud and the Willows and Pear trees showing the first buds. Been a very mild winter…again.
Jan Jacklin says
Spring like weather…+lots of rain…
Miller says
Big Blue keeping us warm(er) here in Myrtle Beach! Looking forward to Spring, but not the pollen!
Cheryl says
No snow here, in my corner of NE Ohio. It isn’t spring quite yet either. As soon as I hear the mourning doves, I know spring will follow on their soft coo. Soon!
Catherine MacNeil says
Still pretty cold outside with ice and snow on the ground in upstate New York
Maureen says
Not officially…but the cherry blossoms and magnolia blooms are fattening up! Spring is around the corner.
Kathy says
Yes, it feels like Spring here, and was in the 60’s yesterday, buds on trees and daffodils are here in Oregon already.
Mariah McNail says
Spring is not here but it is trying. Snowdrops are blooming and hellebores are budded up. No crocus yet though!
Ginger says
There is light snow falling in Calgary but the weather here is so variable we could start to see the first crocus in a few weeks. The nights are not as cold and the sun is feeling a bit warmer. Thankfully the days are noticeably longer. Spring is still a hope and a dream.
Joe Ann Allen says
Soggy in N. MS. I would love for something green to show up.
Cynthia says
Here in Southern California, it’s almost always Spring-like! At our desert home, the wild flowers are peeking up through the sand!
Patricia Allman says
Spring is definitely in the air. Sunny one minute raining the next. But the spring bulbs are all popping up.
Edward Weik says
The days are getting longer and the bird song getting stronger. Spring is literally just around the corner!
Krysia Mnick says
Lagrangeville roller coaster, cold, war, rain, snow, sun, sleet, repeat…
Apryl Kingsley says
A mound of snow on the deck and a white lawn glaring at me.
Lynn says
We here in northern Michigan have’nt even thought about spring .We still have two feet of snow .Maybe by May we will see green.
Cornelia Vick says
Big fat robins were all over my yard this morning !!!!!!!!!
Several cardinal families joined in the party on my patio.
I changed my email last week and I will give it to you in the following …..
Love your recipes……..Thank you…..
Melissa Ligon says
Daffodils are up, tulip tree and ornamental peach have fat buds here in Columbia, SC!
Susan Irving says
It’s 50 today, wintry-mix coming on Thursday.
If you don’t like the weather, just stick around…
someting new just arund the corner.
Debby West says
Here in “Famously Hot” Columbia, SC daffodils are in bloom as are ornamental cherry trees, Tulip magnolias, ‘Spring’ Vibernum, Lorapetalum, clover, hen bit (and other cool season weeds). It has been a historically wet winter. Looking forward to warmer temperatures!
Jennifer says
It has been hard core winter here until yesterday when we hit low 40s. Can’t wait for spring!
Sandy L says
Here in Port Moody, BC we’ve got crocuses blooming and thick buds in the hydrangeas. Spent all yesterday doing the annual clean up in a section of garden, getting ready for all the plants that about to spring into action!
Kristine O'Grady says
ooohhhhh….. Spring is here for now. It’s been unseasonably warm but we may get snow later today.
Lainey says
Snowdrops and crocuses are up!
Donnikah says
Spring has started here in central North Carolina. Some trees have budded and the daffodils are blooming. Then we got our first snow of the season 2 nights ago.
Patti says
We are still getting 8 inch snowfalls in Colorado!
Mary says
Waiting for spring.
Deborah says
We are into the freeze thaw freeze cycle of late winter here. Warm temps for the weekend but dropping tomorrow. I love this time of year, except for the appearance of icy mud.
Chris Rasmussen says
Its winter temps and budding plants. But we are Utah so wait 5 minutes and it’ll change. Literally!!!
Don Ross says
Our weather is schizophrenic. Right now if feels like spring has sprung, but I think we have more cold weather on the horizon.
Sandi says
Signs of spring everywhere here in Southern CA – daffodils, African daisies, freesia blooming like crazy! No complaints from this former NYer!
Janice says
Luanne says
As soon as I think spring is definitely on its way, the snow and/or cold winds start again.
Donna Wollam says
Spring is close, 68° yesterday.
Michelle says
Spring has sprung here in MD. It’s a balmy 55 degrees here today!
Eileen says
Sun today but a week of rain/snow ahead here in Michigan. But we are ever closer to spring.
Sarah S says
Not much snow and generally gloomy, unfortunately! And no cozy blanket for my sleeping garden. But no bulbs peeking up yet either! At least my witch hazel is blooming.
Carmen says
Spring is trying it’s hardest in California but hasn’t quite made it. Enjoy your day!
Jean A. says
The saying goes “if you are in Iowa and don’t like the weather, wait until tomorrow!” Today upper 40’s, snow is melting, but it will change in a couple days. Spring comes sometime in late April or May, then summer!
Eileen Hood says
Spring is almost here! Our daffodils are about 8″ tall, hydrangeas are about 2″ out of the ground and a family of quails were walking through the garden today! Now to just get warmer weather!!!
Linda O. Webb says
Not the worst Winter VA has had but I am a Winter hater, dreaming of summer. I would love to give that mixer a home.
Esperanza says
I have a hummingbird’s nest in my tree! A tiny little thing! So, I feel spring is in the air…Hacienda Heights, California.
Tac says
Florida is sunny and bright, highs in the low 70’s
Jean A. says
Spring comes sometime in late April or May and it will be cold and rainy.
Mikaela says
We should still be having winter, but it has been the warmest winter on record, so it seems like spring has arrived.
Jill says
Here in Northeast Massachusetts the mornings are getting brighter and the birds are happily chirping! Saw my first robin today! I think spring is on it’s way and the groundhog was right! 🙂
Katie says
Still covered in snow here in Montana!
Cathy says
Pacific NW: beautiful, sunny days alternating with gloomy rain. everything’s starting to bloom!
Stacey Harrison says
No snow at the moment, but here in Southwest Colorado, snow could easily fall again.
Those peanut butter cookies you showed are delicious! Thanks for the recipe!
Sherlie Magaret says
Four weeks until official date of spring and watching for daffodils to peek thru the soil in Southwest Iowa. That will be when I know spring will be here and time to plant greens and snow peas. 🙂
Laura says
Sting is coming via flood conditions. Swimming in the basement. Might go ahead and force the bulbs indoors due to abundance of water♂️
Helen says
We can see the beginnings of Spring here in Tennessee! Daffodils are in bloom along roadsides and yesterday we saw the first forsythia☺️
Stephanie Berlin says
Hi Kevin!
Spring is here
My tulips are gone
Thanks to the deer,
But this colorful mixer will
Help with my tears.
Lauren Culp says
Spring is here in Western Washington! The crocuses and snow drops are blooming.
Susan from Mahwah says
I live in the northeast and am wishing for one good snow!
Suzi says
Look how many people follow you like me!!! So happy. It’s still winter in Long Island but I’ve started your winter seed sowing in water hinged bottles so….
Warmest regards
Janice says
Mostly blue sky and sunshine here in SoCal all winter long…
Tara Yarczower says
It’s still chilly by me, but I’m seeing signs that spring isn’t too far away as the daffodil greenery is poking through the ground!
Marsha says
Blue sky and 50’s here in North Carolina!!
Carol K says
Still winter in Valley View, Ohio but I have snowdrops blooming and its 50 today.
Lorena Keech says
It has been warm and lovely but we are supposed to have snow again this week.
Sandra says
Cold at night here in Central Washington, but looking forward to maybe a high in the 50’s this week.
Lorene Wright says
I live in Houston so the weather can’t decide! One day it’s 70 and sunny, the next it’s 50 and windy. Gotta love Houston weather!
Laura R. says
Still snow on the ground, and more to come this week, but it’s been a beautiful winter of substantial snows! (I don’t like 1-2” every other day…give me 5-6“ once a week!)
Angela says
Hi Kevin!
Still winter but no snow. In the high 40’s today!!
Have a great Sunday all:)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Janet E says
Mostly rain in our part of the AR Ozark Mtns and chilly. Still could get some snow in March.
Suzanne says
It’s getting warmer here in Minnesota, but I still expect snow through parts of April.
Cynthia R Shultz says
I am lucky enough to be in Northern Fla for a few weeks so azaleas are blooming which is lovely.
Deirdre Smith says
Snowdrops and crocuses are up bit winter coming back this week.
Lorraine Eastman says
Spring is on its way. but nowhere yet.
Carey B. says
Snow melting in Milwaukee after a mild winter. I see glimpses of early spring plants pushing on through but it will be another month or so before I hear the chirps of baby Cardinals in the chimney nest.
Robyn says
Unfortunately we are still digging but I have noticed buds on the trees. It’s fine though, gives me time to plan out this year’s garden.
Hi Kevin, I am soo ready for Spring. I want to dig in the dirt and look in the yard to see what plants made it back through our Minnesota winter.
Elaine Renaud says
NW Florida – one day in the 60s … the next day in the 40s. hard to tell what season it is here.
Lauryn MacGregor says
Here in Seattle it is brilliantly sunny and then pouring rain, a sure sign that Spring is around the corner. Can’t wait to get my garden started and have those fresh herbs and veggies.
Mary P. says
A nice and sunny day. We were able to enjoy a nice long walk.
It will be awhile before spring.
Rose says
Spring is showing in tree blossoms, but retreating overnight when winter temperatures return and leave browned blossoms on trees when we awake
anita says
SW Ohio: Gradually warming up, but still sub-freezing temps most nights.
Marsha says
Hyacinths: “We can’t help but already show our green by 2″ in Mom’s garden even tho we’ll probably get more snow here in Zone 5.”
Daffodils: “oh, that’s nothin! We are just about ready to bloom!”
Thank you Kevin for your Generous Green Giveaway!
Mary Rincavage says
Winter some days, sprinkled with 50 degree teasers….gotta love it!
Anita says
Westchester county NY still hanging on to winter; I keep telling the daffodils who are poking out that it is not yet time.
Gina Bruehl says
Looks like another drought looming here in Northern California. It’s still Winter but looks like Spring has already sprung! My flowers are so confused!
Linda says
Daffodils are blooming!
Cissy Wanchic says
Brenda says
Spring is here in the Pacific NW! Portland did not get any snow this year. Daffodils, snowdrops, quince and crocus are blooming in my garden.
Connie Hoffman says
Still snow on the ground here in west Michigan!
Jennifer Guertin says
Though it’s 23 days and counting til spring-I am lucky to get a taste of it when I go back to work next week in the greenhouse!
Lisa Kennedy says
Feel like siding today, bright sunshine in Connecticut.
Rebecca Patient says
Still late winter in St Paul, Minnesnowta, but the sun is getting warmer every day!
Danni says
I was just sitting in the sun and planning out the garden. No snow on the ground and it has been a very easy winter here! BUT! Still weeks to go before official spring and here in Massachusetts all hell can break loose weather wise at this point!
Kathy West says
January and February are our biggest snow months here in northern Virginia, but although we’ve had some wicked cold snaps, February is nearly over and we have no snow yet! On the positive side, daffodils are about a foot high and have a few buds. On the negative side, tree pollen is giving early headaches to allergy sufferers.
nancy m says
it’s been very cold this last week in Boston, but no snow. Thankful for that as I am a bike commuter.
Today is very sunny and much warmer (53 degrees) but we are preparing for rain, snow and more cold!
Joanie says
It’s been an ‘easy’ winter here in Philadelphia with only a one-time sprinkling of snow so far. The snowdrops are up, the forsythia is budding, and the daffs are breaking ground. March is unpredictable here, though! – we still may get that snowstorm.
Kathy Z says
52 degrees, sunny and beautiful here in PA. Not sure if Spring is here yet, but I’m ready!
Lucy says
It is 61° here outside of Philadelphia, and I am loving it so much! We are still due for some snow but it’s OK. Spring is here and I am delighted for it!
Sharon Bender says
I’m still waiting for winter! It has been too mild here on Cape Cod, but now that spring is fast approaching I guess I’m ready for it!!!
Kat says
Spring just arrived and is already almost gone here in No. California. The Narcissus bloomed and faded within 2 weeks. Come on spring rains-we really need you!
kathleen salmons says
Well, spring hasn’t arrived, but we also haven’t had any snow this winter, so I am not sure what to call our weather right now!
Sara H says
Buds are swelling, my daffodils are about to bloom – as soon as the rain stops and it dries up a bit, I’ll be ready to garden in Victoria BC!
Joan S. says
Still very cold, little to no snow this year but high winds and rain fill in … brrrrrrrr!
Tracy J. says
Waiting patiently in Minnesota. Ordering seeds and enjoying the 40 deg. weather today! More winter to come, for sure.
Judy B says
We’re having a roller coaster winter. Have daffodils in bloom covered with snow. But spring WILL come!!
Loraine Pross says
Winter mostly gone – snowdrops are out a couple of weeks nw. Two mini narcissus are blooming. Iris Reticulata blooming. Spring ALMOST here. Temps 7-10 during the day. Still some light frost at night…..
Gail Slentz says
It is snowing as we speak in SE Alaska! the good news is that it usually doesn’t stick around for long.
bett says
In the Pacific Northwest….galanthus, narcissus, hellebore, primula, crocus, cyclamen, early daff & a rhodo pink buds….and trillium, peonies are poking their noses up. lovely to see other ephemerals too. 2 pairs of gloves needed for clearing up the beds.
Thank you for your always welcome newsletter. Bett
Robert Kenny says
Ground frozen, still snowing, I am ready for spring!!!
Ann Knott says
Typical February weather here in WV. Flurries a few days ago and temps in the teens at night. 60 degrees today with clothes on the line. Seeing robins, and irises and daffodils are up.
Elena says
It has been a warm, rainy winter!
Paula Gue says
Green! The promise of spring!
Wendy says
No visual signs of spring here in KCMO, but temperatures are rising so that’s promising!
Elena says
can’t wait to feel the sap rising!
GrammaTer says
The meadowlarks are singing and the daffodils are peeking out of the ground here in central Washington state. Hooray!
marcel champagne says
Spring is right around the corner!
Patrick Teehan says
Unfortunately Kevin,
We still have around 2′ of snow, but it is supposed to be in the upper 30’s all week so hopefully it will melt FAST! As soon as I saw your email today I immediately thought of your Tomato Pie recipe! What I wouldn’t do for a couple garden fresh tomatoes right now! And some of my Garlic stash is starting to sprout! 🙁
Take care Kevin, spring is on the way! 🙂
Joann Rose says
It’s spring like weather here in Indiana! May be just a tease, but it’s beautiful!
sallie says
In Northern California on the coast we’re lacking rainfall so the beds are dry enough to weed and prepare for planting. Anemones, daffodils, plum, hellebore, crocus, quince, native currants and manzanita all blooming!
Michelle says
My daffodils are recklessly growing with abandon. No snow in Baltimore!
Jackie Williams Peschong says
Hi, Kevin. We are in the Minneapolis area of Minnesota so we could have snow until late April! That does not deter me from getting my winter sowing started or going to greenhouses for the greenery! My birthday is St. Patrick’s Day and I would love that beautiful green mixer. Love your blog, Kevin.
Pam Nugent says
Maine still has plenty of snow.
Sandie Reed says
PNW had a few days of sunshine in the last two weeks of Feb. According to Weather reporter it was the first sunshiny days since DECEMBER. My garden is getting “Green”!
Austin says
It’s currently hailing in Spokane!
Louise says
Bulbs are starting to shoot upwards in hesitant strokes of Spring.
Cathie Ricketts says
We have daffodils blooming here in VA!
Lynn MacKay says
It’s currently snowing like crazy at our house (in Colorado). So far we have about 8″. Really looking forward to spring in my neck of the woods!
Jeanne Bruderman says
Here on Long Island we are still freezing…
Cheryl Campbell says
Spring is getting closer, but it hasn’t arrived yet.
Connie Thompson says
Spring is here a little early in south Alabama. My daffodils bloomed in mid-January, a month earlier than I’ve ever seen them.
natalie webb says
Daffodils out here in Ireland!…no snow just snowdrops!
Karen Hayward says
Good afternoon from Mexico! Spring is definitely in the air here. Blue skies, birds singing, flowers blooming, it is a wonderful time of the year!
Patricia Williamson says
Spring is slow in North Carolina this year, but we have daffodils and crocus!
Jackie L says
No snow, but nothing poking out of the ground in my yard quite yet. It’s early, so as it should be.
Kathy Morrison says
Still cold and snow on tne ground here in Michigan, as it should be this time of year! I try to relish each season as it comes. I learned from a wise Scandinavian, there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing, so this time of year, its long John’s and thermal shirts, wool scarves and Uggs.
mau in norcal says
Spring is underway with my cherry tree poised to explode into bloom. The nights are definitely warmer and skeins of Canada geese are on the move.
LB says
Spring has arrived in Portland, OR! The cherry trees are just starting to bloom and I’ve seen crocus and daffodil blooming!
Dennis Rosenfeld says
The ground hog came out, saw the Green Kitchen Aid mixer and said
it should be given to me…..
Lana-Lee says
It is spring here in sunny AZ. Finally temps back in the high 70’s, and loving it!
David Russell says
Still getting snow in western New York
Beth Elsbrock says
No snow, but no spring either 🙁
Margaret M McDonough says
Seeing signs of Spring in western MA. Thank you Kevin!
Karen Blackwood says
It is on the warmer side here in North Alabama. But it varies day to day.
K says
Back and forth.
Brigid OBrien says
Kevin, Today in Delmar it is spring, but on Tuesday it will be winter again.
karen gryb says
Here in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, we have no spring really…But we do enjoy the 70’s for a change instead of 90’s with humidity!!
Sharon C. says
Spring is arriving, snowdrops blooming and daffodils and crocus ready to bloom here in southern NJ
Patty says
Here in South Texas my poppies are up earlier than last year. But it’s cool enough so that my lettuce, kale, and collards are still around. It was an unseasonably warm winter . . . Even for South Texas.
Toni says
Won’t be spring until April/May here in ND
Emma Patricia Limber says
It’s sunny, yet still cold for southern California. The first of the lizards have begun to show themselves and the weeds have prospered due to the recent rains. So off to clean up the green
space. First I’ll brew some of your delicious Ginger Turmeric Tea. Bring on “spring”!
Lourdes Fay says
I’m in the western slope of Colorado. Our area is called the Banana Belt as most winter storms go around us. We are getting to the upper 40’s .
Kerry says
Spring has sprung! Abundant sunshine in Northern California!
Colleen Bonin says
Irish eyes are smiling.
Jacqueline Guest says
Here in the Kananskis of the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, winter is in full swing! The snow is usually gone by the end of May. (Don’t worry, it will come back in September or early October.)
Michelle says
Here is western Canada, we are still very much in winter but having a warm spell. Sunny and snow melting for the last few days and expected into the next week. I’ll take it!!
Bonnie says
It’s a beautiful day in Vermont, snow is melting fast and the sap is running! Happy spring!
Morgan says
Flocks of robins showed up here in Oregon this week. It’s been a mild winter, and less rainy than usual, but I’m looking forward to spring.
Every spring I think of this old rhyme I heard on tv as a kid.
Spring has sprung
The grass is grown
The birds are on the wing
My my how absurd
I thought the wings
Were on the bird
Thanks for the giveaway, Kevin. Happy Spring!
Maire M Masco says
Witch Hazel bloomed last month. Christmas rhody bloomed three weeks ago. Now we have the earliest bulbs showing. Seeds are started as is the start of weeding. Greetings from Tacoma, WA.
Danella on the Canadian west coast says
Spring hasn’t sprung here yet. Getting so tired of winter. Love your Sunday posts.
Lucy says
Yes, spring has arrived in my part of NJ:)
Jan says
We have had two lovely days in the 40s, but that is just melting the 30 inches of snow that we have.
Lise says
Goodness, after reading these posts, i went outside, and checked in my garden! what did see,? SNOWDROPS coming up ;o) i absolutely love them!!!!! And it’s beatiful outside, the other thing, we have NOT had snow for quite a while, and we have grass…. nothing on the ground, we live near Northampton, Ma . And i love the snow… oh well, that’s the way it goes… !!!
bren english says
daffs are pushing thru here,. still cool but spring is springin’!!! ayayaaaaa
Paul Butchart says
Spring has sprung
Doris Dimmick says
Tulips, paper whites, and irises, oh my. The earth has starte it’s opening of bulb season in Squaw Valley. I’m so happy!
Bob Petzinger says
In south east Iowa, we are betwixt and between. Snow for a couple of days and then the sun comes out and the snow is gone.
Terry Stites says
Rainy here in NE Okla, but the Robin’s have started coming.
Ann says
Here in Tampa, FL we just had what is probably our last gasp of “winter,” two nights of lows in the 40s. I spent almost 3 hours yesterday raking, sweeping and bagging oak leaves and oak pollen. Today is a perfect Florida day at 74 degrees.
Pat Miller says
The daffodils are blooming here in Northern California Wine Country and so are we!
Tom says
It’s 50 degrees now! But snow tomorrow!?! So not spring yet in Northern Illinois
Patricia Silvers says
New Mexico: Patches of green are are showing up around our straw colored lawns. Raining now. Crest is snow capped.
Sharon says
In Central Texas we have cool weather in the 50’s one day and 80’s the next. Today has been high 60’s and gorgeous! thanks Kevin!
Deborah Wilt says
Though Spring has not officially arrived here in Pittsburgh, there was plenty of sunshine today and it was comfortable enough to wear layers without a coat. Really looking forward to seeing my winter sown seedlings sprout.
Margaret Black says
We are skating on the driveway, and everything around is still white!
Devon Dougall says
Up here in northern VT, we still have ice and snow, but the sun is swinging around the horizon AND today I saw two flocks of robins! You can smell the change in the air, and today everyone is outside enjoying the warmer day. C’mon Spring!
JeanneB says
Spring has arrived! The forsythia and daffodils are blooming as the robins are plucking worms and insects from the soggy soil! Welcome Spring
Karen D says
So much snow! But 50’s today will help.
Mary-Anne says
50 and sunny here in WI. Opened the windows to air out the house and hung the sheets outside to dry! I expect we’ll get a snow storm next week 🙂
Julie says
Feels like spring with 52 degrees today, but still have a good 8″ snow on the ground.
Amyola says
Spring is at the Jersey Shore! 55 and a very sunny Sunday! Daffodils and hyacinths popping up, reddish new buds on roses and lilacs. (No snow since December…) Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Susan says
It’s Spring, the robins are here 🙂
Laura Cotturone says
Live in Georgia but originally from NYS. Had 5” of snow 2 weeks ago, very unusual. Next day it was 60! Cherry trees are in blossom and daffodils are popping up. Spring is just around the corner. Can’t wait!
Janel says
It certainly does feel like Spring has arrived this weekend. Seems so early, but the nights are still in the 40s. Yesterday I planted Sweet Peas outdoors and I’m kind of excited about them. I started them indoors from seed awhile back. It’s my first experience with Sweet Peas. Right now I have the little seedlings all protected from the birds with screen until they get a bit bigger. These are special to me because they were seeds that my sister gave me from her Sweet Peas, which were her favorite flower. She passed away a couple of months ago and I’m happy to have the seeds from the plants she loved so much. Nice way to start (an early) Spring.
Stephanie Jensen says
Most of our snow is melted, but it is COLD!! Hoping for more snow because we need the water for the summer here in Utah!!
Margo says
Still snow here in northern Wisc. Won’t be a sign of spring til we see little green shoots popping up in a few weeks. Love the website Kevin!
Angie says
Spring is close with a beautiful sunny 55 degrees today in Central PA
Doreen Boone-Pitcher says
We have daffodils poking their heads up through the soil!!!!!!!!
David Leinweber says
Sun is shining here in NE Ohio! And it’s a balmy 50! Love it!
Beatrice Vieira says
The sun is shining here in southern California today.
atkinsonDenise says
Raleigh, NC
“Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina”……. during a snow storm!
Mina Kerr says
54 and super sunny in Chicago! Great day at the dog park!
Sandra says
Well today sure felt like spring and tomorrow is supposed to be 55 but go a few miles away to Sharon mountain and the ground is completely covered.
No snow for weeks here in Amenia NY
Just waiting to see what March brings !!
Edna E. Vaines says
It is raining to beat the band today here in Victoria BC Canada but the ornamental trees are starting to blossom and many crocus and daffodils are blooming as well. My crocus were chomped by a deer that we rarely see but they always leave a calling card.
Thanks for your generous offer.
Jeanne Devine says
tulips and crocuses are peeking out here in Fishkill NY!
Lucinda Reams says
Living here in North Carolina our weather is like riding on a rollercoster. We have warm days for a few days and winter for a few days. We had snow 2 days ago and it is sunny warm day today. I really like this weather though. We get a taste of cold then we are rewarded with wonderful weather.
Sharon A. Shade says
Uncommonly wet and mild. Bulbs are already coming up in NE Tennessee!
Sheryl says
No snow here and daffodils are up about 6 inches but still in tight bud. Cherry blossoms are starting to swell around the Tidal Basin. Spring will pop here one of these days!!!
Betty Russell says
In West Tennessee we are getting lots of rain and cold nights however the daffodils are in bloom as are my peaches which are droopy. Think Spring, it is on the way! Blessings, Betty
Vickie Halteman says
It has been unseasonably warm here. We are afraid all the trees will bud and all our peaches will be lost.
Mary Kay Hudspeth says
Snow is melting in Iowa but another storm will be here soon! My backyard has not melted at all and dogs still have to dig through! Would love this mixer since I have always wanted one!
Kathie Tinucci says
Crocus are blooming, daffodils are starting to sprout and my pussy willow is starting to bud.
Marcia Peak says
No sign of Spring yet. February has been a little nasty here at 5280 ft! Hope March gives us a break and we see more of that Rocky Mountain sunshine without moisture 🙂
Joyce A Schlag says
Pittsburgh has see saw weather. Our Greentree Garden Club is making great plans for our garden
Diann MacRae says
It’s cold and windy north of Seattle, but the sun has been shining. My elkhound likes it more than I do . . . but daffodils are up and blooming and the Indian plum is leafed out. Spring isn’t far!
Mary Victor says
Not spring in North Dakota but we have some sunshine that is melting our tall piles of snow.
Carol Morrison says
We’re somewhere in between; I’d love a REAL snowfall ❄️
Vickie P says
Spring has been trying to come to VA since January. Wish it would soon make it!
SUSAN says
SPRING is just around the corner ❤️
Carol King Platt says
Spring pretends to be here every few days, when it’s in the fifties and the daffodils bud up. then it goes down to 12 degrees at night and we know it was just a tease!
Hi friends, a year ago was our last snow storm (we are hoping) none so far and sun is out today!!
PAT says
We haven’t really gotten much wintry weather yet in Southern New Jersey, not that I’m complaining. We’re seeing daffodils breaking through the ground. No snow at all and not many frigid days at all. I think we’ll just slip into spring gracefully.
Pat C
Karin says
Spent the afternoon cutting down grasses, and cleaning out beds. It’s been in the 50’s most of the winter, and bulbs are already 4 inches tall. Even daylilies and peonies are poking up. While we all enjoy the unseasonable weather, it is not a good thing.
Debbie Collins says
Left winter behind in SE Wisconsin where they will once again shovel out this coming week…basking in what we hope will be the sunny south of Hilton Head Island!
Sunni says
Finally a few days of sunshine after weeks of grey, grey, grey! Thanks for give away
Kevin. That green would be smashing against my dark blue wall.
Karyn says
Spring has sprung and summer will be here real soon in Florida.
Linda says
It is always warm in Kailua-Kona. Only snow is on Mount Kilauae.
Jackie Abend says
Spring is coming here in Maryland. Robins are out and I have seen a few daffodils blooming. I can’t wait.
Val says
Definitely spring here. Need to get my veggies played so they can survive the desert heat that is coming in the next month or so.
Judy Budd says
The wind today in central OR is three trash cans worth! Pretty blue sky though if you don’t care about the trash cans in the neighbor’s yard!
Jo Anne Kassner says
We are having another early spring day here in central Virginia. I still expect we will have a big snow storm when we least expect it.
Peg Krutko says
We had nice weather today but going back to a cold spell…..darn.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.
Deborah Rogers says
Its cold and rainy here in central Texas, so … YES! Its springtime! Daffodils and paperwhites are in bloom, and the irises have greened up so they won’t be far behind.
Diana Albrecht says
Today feels like spring here in Minnesota, 40+ degrees! A nice preview knowing March can be our snowiest month.
Cristy says
Nope, lots of rain here in CT and very little snow…worried about flowering trees and hydrangeas. Relatively mild February!
Anna Huraj says
Hi Kevin: I’m in Alberta, Canada, and don’t know if Canadians can enter your contest. Spring is coming, but will not see it fully until April. Love all your emails, and especially always check out your recipes. Tried a few. Always good stuff!
Yvonne says
The Groundhogs were right! Early spring here in Central NJ. Tending to the seedlings that will soon live in our garden.
Mary Farrell says
Spring is still in hiding in Des Moines. Warmish days alternate with snow and freezing rain. I am so ready to play in the soil.
Geri says
We are chopping out 4” of ice on our stairs and walkway and are surrounded by a gorgeous winter scene that can only be improved with hot chocolate and oatmeal raisin cookies.
June Sweeney says
No Spring yet here in Vermont but the maple sap is flowing so it is not far away!
Abby says
Feels like spring is on its way here in the Berkshires. My snowdrops have popped up. Of course, there is always the chance of a late snowfall…
Mary Mihailoff says
Still getting snow in Maine…. but Spring is in the air. Maple sap in running, birds are singing.
Joyce says
Spring is here in the NW. No snow this year. Got my pond cleaned for the frogs, Daffodils are blooming and my mountain rhododendrons are as well.
Mrs. Elinor McCullough says
Unusual temperatures here in the Texas Hill Country…..One day its Spring, next day its Winter, but the spring grasses are coming up like every day is Spring. But when I think back on this phenomenon, Texas is always Winter one day, Spring the next, then it turns to Summer.
PW says
I live in North Carolina sometimes we have all four seasons in one week! So who knows what tomorrow will bring!!!!
Victoria says
Spring has come to Lexington, Virginia! Although some nights are below freezing, the forsythia has bloomed in sunny spots and the tulip magnolias have buds. We are enjoying days of 50 to 65 degree weather. Perfect for early gardening, hiking and bird watching.
Kimberly says
Regularly in the 50s in my area of NM, but I don’t see any greening, yet. Very soon, though, verrrry soon.
Janet Sullivan says
Trying to forget Pennsylvania mountain winter while I enjoy some Arizona style winter; 70 degrees, some rain, green dessert plants and best of all, sunshine!
Diana says
It felt like spring here today in the Philadelphia suburbs. I worked on garden cleanup all afternoon and loved it! Cheers!
susan morris says
Spring has sprung in Gettysburg PA. Snowdrops, crocus and early Iris are blooming. The daffodils have fat buds and the hyacinth are peeping through the mulch.
We’ve had almost no snow this winter but lots of rain and warm temps – up to 54 today woohoo I love it 🙂
Yūki Tsumori says
I see the prelude of spring in the yard in the central NJ. Spring bulbs never forget to come out.
Joyce says
Very mild winter thus far in NW Iowa. We’re yo yo-ing from winter to spring. Very light snow showers thus far. come on spring !!!!
Joy F says
We hit 54 degrees near Chicago, but it looks like a colder week ahead.
Kristi says
It is starting to show signs of spring here in Ohio. Daffodils and tulips are poking their little heads out of the ground.
Rhonda Campbell says
An incredibly mild last half of February here where I live.
JoAnn Goodwin says
Carrizozo,NM is showing signs of spring. Elms and my peach tree are budding and the garlic is coming up strong. Winds are blowing like crazy, a sure sign!
Carla from Kansas says
Eastern Kansas. No spring isn’t here!! Snow is forecasted this week. I am so over winter. It has been severely cold here.
Kristin says
Snowdrops have been blooming for a long time, and I am checking my crocuses daily….BUT there is snow in the forecast for Tuesday…
Ellen says
Spring is just beginning to poke its nose through the ground and feathery trees here in VA!
Lady Lorraine Johns says
Not quite spring yet in Southeastern PA. The flowers are trying to poke up out of Mother Earth, but it’s been our history to get a good snow in March. But man would that beautiful green mixer brighten up my kitchen baking!!!!
Florrie McGinnis says
In Kansas it’s 60 degrees one day, then over an inch of ice and snow the next. That’s typical spring here!
Lynne Burns says
The blush of Lady Spring has yet to touch Old Man Winter’s white cheeks here.
Chris Huffman says
Spring hasn’t quite sprung, but a lot is blooming! XXXOOO, Chris
Dailey Dunn says
Here on the South Shore, winter and spring are fighting it out…who knows!
Pam R says
Chilly now but will be warming up!!
Kayleen Vegh says
I am still waiting for winter!!!
Cheryl says
I’m near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Our crocuses are blooming and daffs and tulips up about 4 inches. Buds are popping out all over and birds are busy! Hope spring hits everyone soon!
Kristine says
Spring is on its way here in Tucson – still might get some cold nights but hoping to get the tomato sprouts out of my living room and into the dirt! Love your site thanks for all the inspiration!!!
Lorrie says
As pathetic as it may sound, it has actually been a little cold here, in Hawai’i. In the morning it has been in the low 60’s in my house. Try turning your thermostat down to that temp. No furnace here, but the toaster oven can be ok.
Jorge says
The weather can’t make up its mind here…one day is in the 60’s and two days later its snowing with temps in the teens. But hey, technically it’s still winter for a few more weeks!
Marilyn says
Winter in the Pacific Northwest is being blown out like a Lion this weekend!
A white covering on the ground, but no deep piles of snow. I’m looking for snowdrops, but none in sight yet!
Carla says
We’ve hardly had a winter here this year. More like springtime now.
Jana says
Cool days and plenty of rain here in Alabama.
Ron Falcone says
This weekend was an amazing break from winter. We were able to work outside without coats. We pruned all the blueberry bushes and did some cleanup in the vegetable garden. But I’m sure winter will be back – maybe with a vengeance.
ARlene Martinez says
Spring is just showing her most welcome face in the Northwest!
Ardelle F Tuxen says
Quite mild winter but we do have the remaining 8″ of snow which I really appreciate. It was a dreary January – no snow and now sun – so this is great. I don’t expect it to stay mid 30’s for long – headed into single digits within several days – possible snow – amaryllis blooming in my dining room and kitchen. Life is good.
Barb Morgan says
16” of snow so far along the front range here in Colorado! Much is gone with temps in the 40’s & 50’s (at least no need to winter water!) but I’m sure more to come, since March is our snowiest month!
Julie says
We had a lovely weekend here in northern Indiana, we made it to 50F!
Some daffodils are starting to grow so we are hoping spring will be here soon.
Betty S says
Birds are singing and there was a robin in my yard today. The temp was in the 60’s too. It’s Kansas so who knows?
Susan says
Spring is still in my dreams, Kevin. It’s cold and snowy here in western Massachusetts. But I played “Daffodils” on my guitar today and that gives me hope for the spring that is to come. The green mixer is lovely. Susan
Christina says
Western New York was in the high 40’s today so the snow is definitely melting. We often get snow in March so I’m sure winter isn’t over yet!
Margie Pierce says
It’s 55 here in Chadds Ford, PA today. I noticed buds on my hickory tree today.
Bonnie says
Robins and daffodils in my yard, and (thankfully) less than 2 inches of snow all winter here in Northern Virginia. Spring is VERY welcome!!
Blanche says
Spring is definitely here in the south. All of my daffodils are in bloom and bluebells are coming up! Thanks for the giveaway Kevin! The green mixer is gorgeous!
Carol says
We are having beautiful springlike days….then its cold, cloudy rain and some snow!! Can’t wait for springtime!
Rosemary says
Feels like Spring here in Toronto. Lots of sunshine and singing birds. A great time to start planning to serve lighter meals. Gee wouldn’t a Green Mixer come in handy !!!!!!!
Love You Kevin
xo xo xo xo xo
Kathy woicik says
Massachusetts, no snow but I do see some of my bulbs pushing through. And some perineals are showing life. I am crossing my fingers for no snow, but it’s New England so we’ll have to wait and see. ☘️
Cecilia says
Snowdrop greens are showing,along with Witch Hazel blossoms.Very little snow but we still have to get through March.
Joan Mondor says
Signs of spring: Redbuds in bloom, Japanese Magnolias and pear trees in full bloom, tiny green leaves on oaks. But, recent frost hurt the strawberries.
Robert says
Gainesville, Florida – we had our azaleas blooming middle-late January. Darn this climate change, all is . . changing down here for sure. We no longer get 2 weeks of hard freeze in North Central Florida like we used to – last year it was one night. That’s it. This year two nights so far. I would love a bright green mixer to cheer me up and to make some of the wonderful recipes that you share! Merci =)
Barbara says
There are sprouts of spring here.
Virginia S Green says
No snow this winter in Tampa, FL. Still chilly for us Floridians today!
Dori says
No winter, no summer either. Only a long spring and a long fall, That is western Washington.
Pat Eaton says
Still winter here in Moscow, ID. Snow is mostly gone – still on the ground on the north side of the house. Days are getting warmer though – looking forward to Spring!
Mardi Folks says
It’s another beautiful day in paradise, says Mardi from San Diego.
Jennifer Drysdale says
The snow is just about melted here in SLC, Utah. Thank goodness!
dawn says
just a dusting of snow this winter in my neck of the woods in jersey. some of my plants are pushing up through the ground. bit early! winter isn’t over yet. still have a couple months for old man winter to clean out his closets.
Linda Thomas says
My family was snowmobiling today in upstate New York.
Bonnie S says
Robins and daffodils in my yard, and (thankfully) less than 2 inches of snow all winter here in Northern Virginia. Spring is VERY welcome!!
Elaine M Murray says
Daffodils are up and blooming here!
Suzanne says
Spring is not here in Westhampton but is eagerly anticipated!
SusanBingler says
Here in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, it has been on and off very cold then temperatures in the 50’s. Snow has been scarce. But as I always tell people who insist that Spring is here, we still have to get through March. That’s when we usually get a blizzard!
Anita Robertson says
Spring is struggling mightily to arrive early in southern Massachusetts, despite still freezing nights: green shoots of iris are peeking out of the ground, ground cover is perking up and greening, the buds on the forsythia are starting to plump, and I’ve got to go looking for pussywillows to cut tomorrow when it breaks 50 degrees again!
Mary says
It’s still chilly in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, but the daffodills are blooming, and so are some of the trees. A good bit of rain, with the sun peeking through from time to time.
Lori says
Our chickens and ducks are eagerly awaiting the warmer weather here in eastern CT. It feels like spring is right around the corner!
Wallace & Nancy Braud says
Spring has been here, left, come back, left again, and supposed to be back this week. The poor flowers don’t know what to make of it. Some of our flowering trees that usually not blooming until mid-March are budding out now. That’s the way it goes sometimes!
Ellen Lentz Waldstein says
Spring definitely here in south central Pa. More birdsong, winter aconite in bloom, red tail hawks in pairs and more light for longer!!
Playsindirt says
There is still snow on the ground and more to come on Tuesday and Wednesday. In spite of the snow, some of the bulb species are peeking through the ground. Crazy winter!
Jenny says
Two feet of snow in the yard. Skiing has been great!
Laurie Schofield says
Had wonderful weather south of Boston Saturday and Sunday with another due on Monday. Nothing really growing yet but that is ok with me.
Darlene says
Beautiful day today in Upstate New York! No snow a great day to walk and take in views of the Hudson River!
Antonia Witt says
Spring is here and has been for a few weeks. It still gets chilly at night but warms up during the day. So ready for summer!
Carol B Lewandowski says
It’s a sunny chilly (chilly for here that is) 55 degree day! Mustard blooming everywhere and it’s just beautiful! I live on the CA coast and get to have a year round garden. Happy winter to all!!
Ann says
Beautiful day today in northern Virginia. Afraid to say spring because March can be nasty.
Sandy says
Loved your peanut butter cookies.
Rebecca Margolese-Malin says
Beautiful day today but 2 inches of snow last Thursday. So who knows?? There are daffodils and the Bradford pears are blooming in the Piedmont of NC.
Bonnie says
Daffodils getting ready to bud. Can’t wait for spring!
Jenny says
Finally had two nice days of weather. Went downtown Chicago just to be outside and see the sights!
Delois D. says
Sunny this weekend and warmer. No snow recently, but in Michigan that is subject to change. Thanks
Dena says
No snow, ground still frozen but the bucket growing garlic keeps sending up their greens that I keep covering with soil 🙂
Cynthia says
Spring must be on the way. The sun is warm and some of the bulbs are up.
Mickey says
Spring, please hurry to Ohio! Mickey C.
Pam says
Spring has not arrived in Chicago, but no complaints about our mild winter here. Still, heading south in a few days to look for spring in South Carolina.
Sheri wentland says
We have crocus! Which is crazy because they’re about a month early here.
Dea Edmondson says
Felt like spring today, upper 50s and low 60s. Daffodils and quince are blooming, forsythia is ready to bloom. I’m sure we’ll get more winter weather but these breaks are great for getting some early pruning done.
Sharron McAvoy says
In this Texas swamp, we are about to float but do see some King Alfred Daffodils and yellow jonquils.
Leslie Derbecker says
Still snow, and then some. Thanks for all you do and share with us. You brighten the winter weather for all of us, Kevin. Thank you!
Bev Barry says
Felt like spring here today. Up to 62.
Elaine Lynch says
Well…the early blooming shrubs are out and daffodils are coming out of the ground….but, not Spring yet here is western Arkansas.
Dana Berbette says
In Mississippi after so much rain, we are row,row, rowing our boats. The bright green mixer could help me put Spring in my kitchen.
Sheryl says
Today certainly felt like spring here in northern vermont…but we have plenty of snow still on the ground and I was snowboarding. I’m not ready for spring yet – looking forward to a little more snow fun before the growing season!!
MpT says
Im from the tropics living now in the east coast so 50F is winter for me; 4 more months for spring please *~*
Nancy says
I’m in Mississippi, and we go from 27 degrees in the morning to 60 in the afternoon! We just flooded and had 5 feet of water in our downstairs, but we had a little warning & called a moving company. So we’re really ready for spring down here! Looks like it’ll be a little bit longer though!
Hanne Davis says
It was beautiful today here in Utah, but it can always snow tomorrow.
Troy Curliss says
I live in Virginia. Spring was here, then we got snow! Two days later it’s back! So yes, our typical spring has sprung.
Diana Jauchen says
Yes, spring has definitely arrived in Santa Barbara. I see new growth everywhere! We have pretty perfect year round gardening weather!❤️
Thos says
Here in Ky the daffodils are a couple of inches tall. So Mother Nature tells us when spring as around the corner.
Laurie Rice says
We are still in the throes of a weird winter. Not much snow, temps up and down. I worry that the trees are going to suffer again this year. I’ll be happy to feel the sun’s warmth on my face but know it is not going to happen as soon as I would wish.
Joey B says
Here in Nashville it’s a roller coaster when it comes to winter weather and spring is sprung but cold weather is due later this week.
Elaine Kilmer says
Early spring here in the SoCal mountains.
Sue says
Flowering quince are blooming here in Northern California so spring is coming soon!
Jo Balistreri says
It’s 50 degrees in Waukesha, Wisconsin today. We know it is a teaser but bring it on.
Thanks, Kevin.
Meredith Hill says
Here in South West Washington State we get a lot of rain this time of year. It was sunny and felt like spring for 3 days this week. My husband even mowed our front lawn 2 days ago. It rained heavily today, and we are expecting the weather to improve next week. No sign of our spring wild flowers yet.
Linda in Ohio says
About a week ago, I noticed for the first time this year, that the quality of the light was changing from a blue tint to more gold. One of the first harbingers of spring! Look forward to it every year!
Jenny says
Still have snow/ice in the shadows and sprouts in the sunshine. Snow tomorrow, oh IOWA! Waiting for Spring!
Audrey Popp says
early spring has sprung in zone 6. Leaf buds are swelling on the roses and hydrangea, snowdrops are blooming and hellebore are blooming. Daffodils are still just leaves, but getting taller with each sunny day.
Nancy Hansen says
We just enjoyed a beautiful spring weekend in the 50’s here in Chicago… but a snowstorm is forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday so we’ll be seeing more of the fluffy white stuff. Thanks for the opportunity to win that lovely green Kitchenaid mixer… I enjoy getting your emails, Kevin!
Merry says
Well our specialty this year, near Boston, is “rain/snow”. Its really strange – the two come down together! Not sure how the clouds arrange this.. but at least it wont be a dry Spring!
Cheers Kevin, for a very fun website! And yep… starting those milk jugs any day now!
Cleanne says
Today was 55 outside. Tomorrow morning e are under storm warnings. Lots of snow predicted.
Time to stay inside and bake.
Cleanne says
Tomorrow morning we are under storm warnings. Lots of snow predicted.
Time to stay inside and bake.
Lauren says
“If you don’t like the weather here, wait a day.”
Because it’s not spring today but it might be tomorrow, and then it might not be again the next day. It’s accurate.
Suzanne Werner says
No Spring here yet, but today was 50 degrees!
Charlotte says
Hi. We had a beautiful day here in Quadeville Ontario Canada It was all Sunshine& melting snow and ice from the roofs from the last snowfall & tomorrow is to be great too. Sure hope I can win that Green Machine I don’t own one so would love to win it. Good Luck Everyone!! Take care Kevin. Charlotte
Phyllis Dykstra-Vander Linden says
We have lots of snow. Piles where it was moved to and the entire area is white.
Maxine Goodyear says
Snow beginning to melt here in Iowa. The last two days the temperature was in the 40’s and 50’s, but more snow predicted for Monday night and into Tuesday. I am ready for Spring.
Brian T. says
It is still cool in NJ so no spring yet, but it is getting close. Thankfully there hasn’t been much winter here this year, but things can change in a heartbeat. Thanks for all your wonderful things to share.
Barb Crombie says
Very West Coast Canada – Victoria is awash with pink and white blooms on cherry and Camélia trees, and of course the purple crocuses and white snowdrops are up as well. From a former Alberta I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this! Thanks Kevin for the fresh air your emails always bring, no matter the season.
Jeanine P. says
Still snowing in Denver!
Patti A. Dufault says
In the 50’s tomorrow in Worcester, Massachusetts, but that doesn’t mean squat. Some of our worst snow storms have been in March!
georgetta garcia says
Spring looks like it may be coming sooner than later. Daffodils are pushing their way through and my magnolia tree is starting to bloom.
N. MacGregor says
I live an hour north of Toronto, Ontario. Today it was unseasonably warm (40 F) for the third week in February and the snow was melting although there is still lots of snow on the ground. No signs of emerging spring flowers or buds opening on our trees. Also, I haven’t seen any sign of the returning spring birds (normally the Robins return around the middle of March).
Personally, I can’t wait for spring to arrive and in my book it can’t return soon enough.
BTW – the bright green mixer reminds me of emerging spring plants and leaves opening up on the trees. I would love to look at the bright green mixer sitting on my counter to remind me that spring is around the corner
Rutha says
In the metropolitan Atlanta area the weather can best be described as “Iffy”. and “wishy washy”, ranging from cold to rainy to blustery to warm and old man Winter is valiantly holding on. But, I know that Spring in all of its beauty and glory eagerly waits on the horizon and will soon be here!
Debbie Creagh says
Today was nice, around 55 degrees, however, it will get cold again over the next few days in Kentucky. No matter–my seeds are in their plastic milk jugs, preparing for what comes their way, waiting for true spring!
Annie says
Our weather has been unusually warm for us this winter. Feels like Spring.
~Loa says
Wow! Many reports of weather for the great green giveaway. Spring here near Portland, OR. Daffies have been up a few weeks, and crocuses right behind. Now if we could coax the sun to chase the rain clouds away more days in a row . . . . .
Carol Reynolds says
Daffodils out of the ground with buds, crocus and amaryllis are poking out…spring must be on the way in Oklahoma!
Sharon H. says
In the Tampa bay area on Florida’s Gulf coast..Spring= baseball spring training, 78degree plus weather , “snow birds” & “spring-breakers”, increased traffic , outdoor art shows and markets & festivals…. $$$ =GREEN!
Melanie Lynn says
Unseasonably warm and dry in northern Nevada so my daffodils and tulips are coming up.
Susan says
Clear and cold! Too soon to plant anything. The roads are just starting to sing and the robins have arrived.
Bridgit Newberg says
Spring is not quite here in Denver. The weather is all over the place! I can finally see patches of my yard, where the snow has melted away. Saturday, we were in the high 50’s. The low tomorrow night is forecast to be 11 degrees Fahrenheit. I can’t seem to figure out, how to type the small “O” as in to symbolize “degrees”, sorry! 😀 I’m going to wait to put my elderberry cuttings outside after tomorrow night in fear of it being too cold for them. This is my first time attempting to root cuttings. The grape hyacinths have been popped out of the ground since Fall, so I don’t count those, as being a sign of spring.
Nadia says
Still snowy in Alaska but more light is showing up!
Nancy says
Spring is just around the corner. Isabella (my cat) and I were out today checking out the garden……there is work to be done !!
sally tuttle says
cutting grass already (onion grass mostly!)
Linda Wendeborn says
I live in Alaska, need I say more?
Mary L. says
This weekend has been spring like but expecting snow again by the end of the week!
Stephanie says
No snow around my neck of the woods. Very little this winter in fact, and I miss it. Shoveling is tedious certainly but I always love the excitement of a good snowstorm, and this winter so far has been a bust. Maybe March will be different!
Morven R Baker says
Perky yellow daffodils poked their heads out from under a thin coating of snow this past weekend, much to the delight of visiting little ones from the NC coast. The smallest snowmen ever were lovingly crafted and displayed with pride on top of the grill.
Mary Ellen says
Tidewater Virginia’s first snowfall of the year is still melting in the woods, but my daffodils have budded and some are about to open!
Debra Honeyford says
No, we are in the shade of a slowly melting glacier.
Vivi says
Still waiting for spring to be in the air here in upstate NY.
No major snowstorms and fairly mild temps for February
…and you know what they say about March “in like a lion and out like a lamb”
I’d like one good snowstorm and thenSpring can arrive with all its beauty
Valerie Brassor says
Almost three feet in Vermont I have been designing gardens with my shovel making paths and plant placements I have garden fever too soon!
Jennie says
There’s still snow on the ground in Maine but we’re making our dream lists from the seed catalogues!
Andrea says
HI Kevin–It’s starting to feel like spring in central Virginia!
Patty Knapp says
We are still getting snow in Western New York.
Christa Lemons says
Not sure if spring has arrived in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, but I personally would appreciate more snow.
Maria Mullins says
Still snowed in in Santa Fe!
Grani Frani says
I live in North East Pa and am currently in Florida. Thank you so much for coming with me!!
As they say here- you don’t have to shovel sunshine!! Gotta love it
Kat G says
Coming back from 2 weeks of Kenyan summer…. hot and hotter! The Texas “spring” is amazing!!!!!
chris says
Typical Michigan weather, went out and did some garden clean up on the beautiful 40+ days. Now snow coming our way again this week. Can’t wait for spring!
Lin Flynn says
In Mystic CT the thaw has started, the birds are chirping and the bulbs are spouting.
Lori Schmidt says
Nope spring has not sprung yet, we are still riding the roller coaster of crazy weather here in Indiana. Can’t wait to get into my garden!!
Geri says
A few bulbs pushing up. Winter sowing jugs outside, previously covered with snow, awaiting spring. Spreading the word by giving programs on winter sowing. My maiden name was Patrick so don’t you think I need a green mixer?
Pat Grimes says
It’s really beautiful in Florida we had a very mild winter. All the azaleas and trees are blooming.
It has really been nice this year except for the Pine Pollen that has made everything yellow.
Amy G says
I hear birds singing in Ohio, so yes, spring is within reach, despite the piles of snow still on the ground!
Marymargaret says
Here in the Southfield Florida it should be perpetual spring but someone insulted Mother Nature! Oh well !!
Marina says
Spring is almost around the corner here, in NC. The grass is beautiful green, my daffodils are out, but it is freezing cold every morning still. Not long though. Love the green color of that mixer!
BVaeth says
Here in Baltimore we’ve hardly had any snow at all and I’m so disappointed! Would love to see a nice March storm 🙂
Susy says
Snow is still on the ground here in the Chicago area, it was wonderfully warm and sunny yesterday but the cold has returned and this week more snow is expected, yuck! In my garden the snowdrops are up and budded but not blooming and the Helleborus have very large buds that I recovered with leaf mulch. Seeds are ready for planting for this years veggie garden!
Jean says
No signs of spring here. Still cold and damp. Lots of wind off the water.
Love reading your recipes even though I don’t try them all!
Sue R. says
The weather this weekend was AMAZING here in the Midwest. Looking ahead, more cold and snow. [sigh]
Melissa Kramer says
It sure felt like spring yesterday with near 60 degree temps! Sadly the rest of this week is in the 30’s.
Phyllis Bachinski says
Here on the southern CT shoreline (New Haven County) we have had a very mild winter….today is reaching 50!!!
CK says
Seems like winter never arrived in CT this year, and some days feel like spring. Mildest winter in a long time.
Elfrieda says
Central Florida temps are crazy. Mid-40’s, then mid-60’s and even up to 80 again ! Poor plants. they don’t know whether to spring forward or hide !
Martha Starks says
It’s looking more like Spring her at Little Italy, Arkansas. Daffodils are blooming daily, trees are budding too.
Barbara Chamberlain says
It has been a roller coaster here with temperatures fluctuating widely. Some snowdrops are up, some early daffodil foliage peeking out, hellebore buds starting to unfurl. Some snow still around with more expected soon. So both winter and spring here.
Victoria says
Felt like spring on the weekend..but still lots of snow around 🙁
Susan says
It snowed yesterday where I live and I shall have to go shovel again! We get Chinook winds that blow through in Calgary , Alberta so I’m hoping one to come our way soon !
Susie Murdock says
We’re tapping maple trees for yummy Maple Syrup!
Julia Hofley says
Slight melt of snow yesterday with a sunny, 50 degree day near Detroit. A walk around the garden with my hubby and a glass of wine delighted us with daffodil leaves tipping up out of the soil and hellebore buds and actual blooms of white on H. ‘Jacob’. It’s so different when you get up close to the flower beds and see what is actually happening, not just looking out the windows from the house. So many shrubs have budded up including our forsythia collection. Time to spray with Plantskydd animal repellent to help them make it through the rest of the winter, and not become an appetizer for our four legged friends. LOVE that stunningly green mixer…that’s a beauty Kevin! Perfect for celebrating Spring!
Katie says
Spring in Michigan!
Ed Allard says
Not spring yet hope we go from fall to spring. Thinking flowers at this time.
Angela Willis says
It’s been raining in Spokane and the first of my tulip leaves are emerging!
Sheron Bradley says
It has been a very warm and dry winter here in Reno. Nice, but worrisome for the snow pack.
Laurie A Salanski says
It is raining, but the daffodils have been blooming since January. Thanks for the opportunity.
Mary Allen says
WE had a beautiful weekend in Omaha…close to 60 both days…but they are talking snow tomorrow.
Maureen Ardzeck says
Back & forth weather here too in NW Indiana! I should’ve worked outside yesterday because it was in the 50’s but not today! It’s in the lower 30’s! I do see my daffodils poking through! So not too much longer & spring will have sprung!
Margaret says
Daffodils and hyacinths have pushed through so have to go and clean up some flower beds that didn’t get done in fall because of hip surgery.
Vicki says
It is a roller coaster of temperatures here. 60 degrees one day and 28 the next!! Poor daffs heads are bowed but green shoots everywhere!
Amen Kahwajy says
Winter, but with some 60 degree days.
The usual early bulbs are out.
Especially liked your 4th pic, the bulbs with the fern.
Elaine says
Hi Kevin – still snow covered here in central MA, tree buds haven’t swelled yet, but the stores have their displays of seeds & starter kits ready. Can’t wait to start planting!
Juliana Feener-Craig says
We’ve got snowdrops and crocus blooming already (Burlington, NJ) !
Thanks for sponsoring the give-away!
Vonda Gunnells says
I live in Tennessee, so today we have spring, tomorrow will be snow, the day after spring again!! I’m waiting patiently for tax day, April 15, we can officially plant outside then! And pray Mother Nature obeys the rule!!
Julie says
Here in mid Illinois, we have 2-3 warm days then back to freezing. If I want to see flowers, I have to get the seed catalogs out! Come on spring!
Amy V says
My daughter went on her 4th grade ice fishing trip last week. I’m watching the snow fall right now. Please let Spring come to Montana!
Bonnie Soliz says
Spring has not sprung here! We still have at least 3 feet of snow, but it has been warming up. Today it’s suppose to get up to 40 degrees and the sun is shining!
Patsy Whiteside says
No snow in London o far this winter. We have geraniums blooming in a sheltered spot near the house and the narcissi have been in bloom for days.
Joan says
Daffodils are popping up through the snow. More snow coming
Still have lots of snow in Southwest Montana. Baby calves are coming in spite of the cold, so spring must be close.
Dottie says
Spring is on its way in South Central Pennsylvania. Looks like some of the trees are starting to bud. Can’t happen too soon.
Carole Bryan says
awaiting our next snow in Chicago after a springlike weekend…fickle Mother Nature
Cheryl Monnell says
The daffodils are blooming here !
Kathy says
Anxiously waiting for Spring here in Missouri. Some early flowers peeping out. Can’t wait to get started gardening!
Jeanne says
It has here in California-it’s warm and sunny and the daffodils are done, but we need rain!
shagopi says
Very pleasant February in Pennsylvania. Today around 60. This weekend cold again. No snow the entire month.
Kristina says
We have had a weekend of spring but looking forward perhaps it was a trick and spring is still a bit away
Patty Richardson says
Spring, yay! But too soon.
Laurie says
Even though it is still winter here in Indiana, PA, my tulips are starting to come up. Is that good or bad?
sue smith says
I live in the Finger Lakes region of NY,west of Syracuse.Still have snow covered lawns but the sun is shining higher now!!
Liliana says
Hello Kevin! Goodness, that’s a lovely shade of green, just like my daffodil stems! Yes, we have spring here in my Santa Clarita, CA home, but still snow on the ground at my cabin in Pine Mountain Club, CA. In fact, I was just there over the weekend and it snowed Saturday!
Evelyn says
We’re nowhere near spring yet, but we are getting a few more minutes of daylight each day!
Louise Narine says
Hi Kevin! Here in Saskatchewan, spring seems to have arrived a month early at least… there are 2 weeks upcoming with around zero weather, sometimes above. We had to bring in all the frozen foods stored outdoors before they thawed – that usually doesn’t happen until mid March. Thanks for your frequent giveaways!
Meleah Joy says
We are in the Sacramento area of NorCal and spring has sprung! It’s slow going, I think the blossoms wanted to wait a bit longer but the weather isn’t having it. Had to begin watering the garden, but just harvested a huge broccoli and we still have lettuce! Our peach tree’s pink blossoms just popped open this weekend…! Here’s to hoping for no frost now!
Johnny says
The robins never left but I plan to fly somewhere south!
Thanks for all Kevin!!
We are waiting for some green–like your green machine! Every day is different, frost and cold, then sunny and warm, rain,hail,wind, and that is typical. However, I did see a few crocus popping up so I think we will have spring! Thanks for your great blog, Kevin.
Ellen says
Spring is beginning it’s yearly awakening in the Chicagoland area. My crocuses have started coming up and some tulips and daffodils you can see about an 1/8 or 1/4 of an inch of their head! Of course tomorrow we are expecting 10 inches of snow so let’s see how it plays out!
Debbie says
Hi Kevin
Washington State here- we have some daffodils and crocus popping up but still have freezing weather in the mornings warming to 50 in the afternoon. Rains and still on the way so we aren’t safe yet.
Mark says
Hi, Kevin! Sure enjoy hearing from you and checking out the great recipes and ideas.
In Honolulu, we really don’t have seasons but we have had more rain than usual on this dry side of the mountains and it’s great to see everything turn green
Mary Jouver says
Spring looks like its peeking out here in the PNW! My Plum Trees are budding beautiful pink
buds! I am so excited! <3
Linda Strangio says
Well fellas, I’m upstate NY, Lake George region and it’s far from spring here. Although it’s a balmy 50% right now but it won’t last long. So, maybe this time I’ll win the mean green machine.
anne says
spring is here!!!!
Sheri Reeve says
Yes and No… we have flowers blooming and snow falling!! It can be 70 degrees one day and 23 the next. Welcome to North Carolina!!!
diana cardenas says
Spring has come early in New Jersey ,it’s February 24th and we already have Small perennials popping up green leaves. I heard just on the radio yesterday that it’s the warmest winter on record in this part of the country.
Rosie S says
If -12 last week is considered Spring…..but today, the sun is out and it is a balmy 38 degrees, I saw a guy in shorts, so Spring MUST be here in Minnesota! 🙂 Even I don’t wear much of a coat if it is above 30! There is still snow on the ground, and more forecasted, but we feel like we are getting closer to cold, but not REALLY cold, weather. MY version of Spring these days.
Elena says
ready to feel the sap rising!
Petera Mironchik says
It is February 24th in Huntington LI and 58 degrees. The Witch Hazel is in bloom and has been for the last 2 weeks. Yesterday found crocuses blooming in the back garden by my compost bins. Their colors poke up every year in between the pavers. A little early this year. Hopefully an early Spring.
Donna Swain-McHughes says
I live in Florida and although we aren’t as cold as the rest of the country, we are having a weird winter. It is in the mid 70’s today, but by Friday they say we will be struggling to make it out of the 50’s. It has been doing this back and forth thing for about a month so our plants don’t know what to do. But the pollen is aflowing, so I guess you could say Spring has sprung.
Vix says
After the wettest winter in decades, the gorgeous Pacific Northwest is warming up and drying off.
Yesterday felt like on the verge of summer…tomorrow 6-12″ of snow projected for the Chicagoland area. Ready for spring!
Sandy says
The blossoming forsythia, daffodills, redbuds, hawthorne, and hyacinths all tell me that February is the new April in NC.
Laslot says
Our ground is still all white in central fingerlakes of NY.
Kimberly Renteria says
Hi! Here in Hattieville, Arkansas, we are waiting for spring, but no snow from which to dig.
Connie Burg says
Beautiful sunshine today, 47 degrees in Buffalo, NY. However, snowstorm coming next week. Below zero 3days ago. Looking forward to planting season and eating the fruits of our labor.
Julieanna says
Back and forth: spring/winter in East TN. Can’t wait for plants to be blooming.
Janet says
We aren’t digging, but there is definitely snow on the ground. It’ll be an early spring though.
Barbara H says
Hi Kev, 50 degrees and sunny Sunday, got lots done outside. Today 37 degrees & drizzling rain. Expected snowfall tomorrow 8inches here in NW INDIANA.
Jeannie says
Flowers and trees are blooming here in Western Oregon
Linda Parker says
Still getting snow but my garlic is peeking through!
Lynn Cheney says
Hudson Valley NY. Feels like end of March. But I do wish we had some snow this winter.
Barbara Longenecker says
We (and our snowshoes, new last winter) are still waiting for a snowstorm from which to dig out!
phyllis says
Hi, Kevin,
Still winter in Maryland with fluctuating temperatures but we’ve been spared any real snow.
But it is Spring in my heart!
Sandy Goldsmith says
Here in North GA…we’ll have one more big winter push just as the daffodils bloom and then, mercifully comes Spring.
Brenda B Grimm says
Daffodils are blooming in East Texas.
Linda Plumley says
We are somewhere in the middle of winter and spring here in Barboursville, WV. No snow, but gray and cold and absolutely ready for spring! lol
Robin Shelly says
I’m visiting family in Lincoln City OR and seeing daffodils, crocus, and cherry trees in bloom! It’s really SPRING HERE!!
Roe says
My spring flowers have all burst through the ground, and soon my grass will need to be mowed. I spent 2.5 hrs. yesterday picking up twigs from the front yard and still more to do in the back. I live in S. Jersey and the Philadelphia Flower Show begins this weekend. That is always a sure sign that spring is just around the corner!
Nicole says
It’s raining here in northern IL now, but I have heard we are in for more snow tomorrow. So spring is not here quite yet! More time for garden dreaming…
Lorelei says
Unseasonably springlike here in NYC!
Marianna says
A beautiful 40 degrees in NW WI but winter is back tomorrow with highs in the teens and twentys. Still plenty of snow on the ground.
The longer days are great though!
Catherine Parker says
We’re Ready in Kentucky!
Robyn says
Spring is always in the air as far as I can see…It has to to with attitude and positive outlook, both of which I work on daily.
Kim Wooster says
No luck on softening winter here. North Dakota spring begins in about May I fear.
Becky says
Both! Here in NC we’ve had daffodils up for weeks, and just this weekend got hit with our first proper snow in a year.
Debra says
It’s been a very mild winter in Connecticut, and I’m loving it!!
Lauren says
Very mild in New Hampshire, and I’m loving it!
Anna Sporay says
It depends on the day…this morning everything was iced, but now it is 55 degrees. All in all, a very mild winter though!
tammie says
At least something looks like springy 🙂 Looking to the green and the sunshine too.
Rosemary King says
It’s 71 degrees here today.
Kate M says
No snow here outside of Boston. 60 degrees today and lots of sunshine, and word has it crocuses have been spotted! I saw some skunk cabbage coming up while walking around a local pond yesterday. It’s spring!
Rebecca says
In Indiana, it was in the 50’s on Sunday, but I hear the temps are to drop and snow is a comin’!
Mimi says
Spring keeps arriving then winter returns then spring then winter then spring…. all in one week!
Dana Hutchinson says
Hi Kevin, the snow has melted here in the Cereal City, but I have a funny feeling it’s not the last of it. We’ll probably get hit hard one last time as usual, I’m so ready for Spring I’m already itching to get out to start planting my vegetable gardens (we have two)! Bring on the sunshine baby!
Renae Ginther says
The plants are already budding out here!
Susan says
Snowdrops are blooming, and the temperatures are mild here in New England, but are these things to be trusted in February? Time will tell. 😉
Jeri says
Here in Coles County, east-central Illinois, spring arrived in January, left, and brought snow, then, came back again this month.
We have been experiencing climate change here for the past 20+ years, each time it is cold and then “unseasonably” warm again, all the bulbs and flowering bushes begin to sprout. At first only once a winter beginning ca. 1997, now, it’s twice. At the time, my late father-in-law, born in 1914, said in his living memory he had never seen the like. Now, it’s expected.
Today, what came up in January is both cold burned and re-sprouting, in February. Likely, we’ll get more snow, and it will start all over again.
Plays havoc with my attempted winter-sowing. 🙂
LeeAnne Bloye says
OMG, I’m so late! Still about 6 inches of snow in the yard here in Newmarket, Ontario. Spring is still a distant promise. Like that often mentioned light at the end of the tunnel. Probably can’t really be permitted in the draw being a Canadian, though if luck be a lady, it will be sent to my American friend Maggie who loves making bread!
Gerry Fortain says
Spent the winter in SoCal…..coming home to Indiana for (hopefully) an early spring!
Marian C says
It was 62 degrees here in Boston MA. yesterday. I pulled out the rake and tried to clear an opening for the crocuses and the snow drops… that’s how anxious I am for Spring. Though parts of the ground are still frozen.
Debbie says
We didn’t get much snow this year here i n Western Massachusetts, but Winter surely isn’t done with us yet. ..Still, I wish for Spring to show it’s bright face.
Susan says
Beautiful and Sunny here in WNY today. Rain tomorrow and snowy on Friday, so the trusted weatherman says.
Jane King says
Snow came early and late in southeast Wisconsin this year. Winter is definitely not wanting to go.
Pat Crosby says
I just went out under cover of darkness with my flashlight. There I found crocus, daffodil, tulips, and snow drops popping up. I also saw one slug slugging along. This is in Finger Lakes region of NY.
Sandra Critchfield says
No snow and no spring!
Star Metternich says
Glimpses of spring here in Washington Stare!!
Donna M says
Spring is finally showing up here.
Patricia Hoerger says
Just when I had convinced myself I didn’t need a fandy dandy mixer there’s a giveaway. So if I’m randomly generated it was meant to be. Ha!
Dora says
Many trees are in bud in Charlotte, NC
Cecile Sheppard says
I fertilized my roses today. The temperature was 70 degrees. It seems as though spring is right around the corner! I would love to see snow this winter, but not ice. Hopefully, snow will come the our area.
Eleanor VanTassel says
Daffodils are pushing and robins have returned.
Kathy M says
Expecting more snow in northern Illinois. That’s why I start my own seeds-at least it looks like Spring under the grow lights in the basement.
Loretta says
Yes, Spring has arrived here in Coral Springs, Florida Haven’t shoveled snow since I left New York
Jane Rader says
Hi Kevin—YES…it’s almost summer here 80’s and everything starting to bloom…It’s almost scary… we need rain very badly, only 60 % of our yearly rain total…So I am hoping for cooler weather soon with some rain.
Happy Trails, Plain Jane-Redding California
CCC says
Hi Kevin, I’m posting this Monday evening. Doing a new baby watch which is awesome! So pleased it took me an hour to get to the comment section (just kidding, but close)! It’s all those excellent recipes (Hello Dolly’s anyone?). Can’t wait to try the almond gluten free recipe here.
Samantha Gray says
Spring has sprung here on the North Shore of Long Island. Crocus and hellebore are blooming, forsythia looks as if it will flower in next week or so and it was 62 degrees today. We are praying March will be a lamb, not a lion, and really cold weather will stay away from all this budding, blossoming goodness!
Jan R. says
Hardly had any winter here in Maryland this year, but I am NOT complaining! Still some cold weather to come but we’ve had so many mild days, bulbs are coming up and saw a bunch of robins in the yard. Hoping to have spring really arrive early!
oreo says
Spring is ‘trying’ to arrive but we are still threatened by the possible snow storm.
Theresa M says
February thaw in MN. I am not fooled. Our Spring doesn’t start til mid-April…with planting in mid-May. (March is one of our snowiest months). Playing with charts and seed catalogs until then.
Linda says
Still winter in NH ski country. 8- 12 inches of snow expected on Thursday, though today was 45 degrees and sunny. Crocuses and daffodils? First week in May.
Susan Shamekh says
Still cold with snow on the ground in MN
Rose says
Hellebore, daffodils, snowdrops, bloodroot all blooming. Tree buds are showing color. Spring weeds are here.
Ed Randall says
No snow, and a pretty warm winter, but still waiting for spring here in NYC!
JoAnn Foley says
Hellebores have been blooming and my snowdrops have popped in Connecticut.
Lori A Vezendy says
Over 2 feet of snow arriving this weekend – need to wait a bit more for spring
Conchy says
70° weather!
jody says
We still have snow but spring is right around the corner there have been 2 robin sightings!
Kam says
No not yet! But being teased with a really nice day here and there just to get our hopes up.
Maxine Thomas Thomas says
Spring is busting out all over, here in Florida. Although still going thru temperature highs and lows
Ready for Spring, bring it on!!
Although, I am not complaining.
Leisa Joan says
The birds are getting more active, and we have some buds some trees, but mostly snow still on the ground. No bulbs up yet. (in SW NH)
Mary Q Stewart says
Yes, daffodils and forsythia blooming!
Durf says
Well, it seems winter never really arrived. My daffodils are poking up and I’ll check the crocus tonight to see if they’re out cuz I heard someone say theirs were up. Love it.
Penny says
Spring has sprung in Northeast Texas. Daffodils are blooming.
Erin H says
All the spring flowers are a couple months early, here in East Tennessee, despite winter temperatures hanging on.
Judy says
Yes. Wait, No. Yes. Well maybe. We’ve had some beautiful weather but still have some freezing temperatures. So it depends on the day 🙂 living in the east end of Columbia River Gorge.
Lesli says
We spotted a few bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes yesterday which signals Spring in Texas!
Sarah Stewart says
Feels like spring has arrived with almost 60° weather, but the forecast is for 30° weather later this week so spring hasn’t arrived yet!
Michelle Collins says
Here in West Chester PA we have mild temperatures; my rhubarb is peeking through the fall leaves. Spring is here.
Avis says
Western Wisconsin is still snowed in but we’ve had a couple of unusual over 40 degree days! We don’t look for Spring until after April.
Rhonda Wingrove says
Still not sure we had winter.
Dianne says
Spring has begun to arrive here in NW Georgia. Daffodils, forsythia, and early-blooming cherry trees are starting to bloom. In February, we’ve had near-record rainfall, a little snow, and temperatures fluctuating between wintry and springlike.
Nancy says
We had an early snow in November. In the following months we have had more rain than non rainy days, and only a few days of snow. The last few weeks have gone from highs of 55 down to highs of upper 20’s. I’m ready for spring!
Debbie - MountainMama says
We are still under snow and ice up here on the mountain top, however I did spot the first daffodils popping out in an area where the snow had melted!!!! Exciting times for sure!
Sarah says
It’s been such a warm winter in Virginia, it feels like it’s been spring for months –without all the lovely green growth. A gloomy dark spring that breeds mosquitoes…
Lisa Steinkopf says
Unfortunately, no spring in sight other than winter aconites. They will be covered with snow here in Michigan by tomorrow. Oh, well. That green mixer would make it feel like spring here on my counter, though!
Marie Gordon Gardner says
It’s the Pacific Northwest. Spring is here unless it gets washed away.
Steven Gardner says
Yes please!
Mary Ann Kirchoff says
Yes, Kevin! Blue Crocus are popping their heads out all over my your in Vincennes, Indiana. Note to self, plant yellow in the Fall.
Suzanne Chandler says
I have daffodils starting to emerge from the ground near the fireplace. Snow and ice just about gone. Can’t wait for spring.
Patricia Nadreau says
Hi Kevin: My neighbor tells me that spring has sprung in our WI neighborhood where she is watching over our house. I am lucky to be in Florida waiting to get on a cruise ship to the Caribbean where I am sure it will be spring like. She says it is 50 degrees with snow to come later in the week and back to winter.
Mary Katherine Hook says
I have your cookbook but I wish you would publish KETO cookbook. This diet helped my toddler grandson win his fight againist brain cancer. He has had surgery, 18 months of chemotherapy and a KETO diet. My daughter has been a tireless researcher to find medical information on diet and cancer. She has a website called KETO 4 My Kid. Your gift with recipes and instructions would be welcomed in the metabolic health community.
Kara says
Azaleas are out in force, so spring is SPRUNG in Saint Marys, GA!
Love you, Dear Boy!
Lynda Kowalski says
In Western New York State we are looking at another round of winter to arrive over the next 2 days. Snow accumulating 5-6 inches off Lakes Erie and Ontario. Temperatures falling into the teens with overnight lows around 10. So NO spring here. A bright green mixer might make me feel like there is hope for spring though.
Nancy Rusinak says
Snow? What’s that? 70 degrees and sunny in February here. Daffodils, periwinkle and forsythia all blooming.
Jan in CA says
Spring is definitely here in California. It’s almost 80 degrees today!! We’ve had absolutely no rain in the entire month of February! Help us pray for rain!!!
Kay Simenc says
Spring hasn’t arrived in our neck, or any other body part, of the woods!
Kimberly says
It’s snowing as I type this.
Sylvie from Montreal says
No green in sight. Winter is far from over in Montréal. We’re expecting another storm in two days. We’re keeping the shovels handy.
Pamela Korst says
Beautiful sunny day in Los Angeles with Santa Ana’s blowing! Perfect day to make chocolate chip cookies with a new mixer and to picnic at the beach!
Linda says
I saw crocuses on a walk yesterday, so I think spring is around the corner.
KellyM says
Still waiting for Spring. Not digging out YET, 25 to 30cm (9 to 11 in.) of snow expected here in the next 24 hrs. That mixer would be a great help for times when I’m trapped in the house !! lol
Carol Bruno says
Spring is here in Central Florida! And yes, it is different from Winter here.
Lars says
Seems like Spring is very, very near. Green is sprouting through the snow covered mountains. Also the new babies of African Violets, started from the leaves in a butter lettuce container terrerium are arriving. Great tip!!!
Dorian says
Spring has briefly shown up, but winter will be back for a visit. It’s ok, in due time spring will be back! 🙂
Sandi Leonard says
Here in Lafayette, Louisiana it looks and feels like a late spring. Tulips are blooming. Having to cut the lawn.
Sue S says
Mild winter here in NW Ohio. Spring right around the corner. The snow we did have here was absolutely beautiful.Can,t wait for the spring tulips and the flowering trees and lilacs.