Last updated on March 4th, 2012
MY WINDOW GARDEN wouldn’t be complete without Osmanthus fragrans. This “Sweet Olive” blooms constantly from September to June, and then off and on again during the summer months. Sure, the creamy flowers are tiny. But what a refreshing, apricot scent they emit! Everybody loves the perfume. I’ve purchased three of these plants to give away. Would you like a chance to win one?
Osmanthus is very easy to please. Give it daily water, cool temperatures, and moderate humidity. My plant thrives in the east window of my guest room, pictured above, where it shares gossip with African violets, fancy-leaved geraniums and a white petunia. I feed mine monthly, with a scant 1/4 teaspoon of MirAcid dissolved in a gallon of room-temperature water. Beware of too frequent feeding, or leaf-tips will turn brown. Slow growing, the plant requires shifting to a larger pot only every other year.
To enter this random drawing, I need you to do these two simple things:
1. Subscribe (if you haven’t already) to my weekly email newsletter.
2. Post a comment below. Tell me which fragrance sends you over the moon. Or, simply say “hello.”
Enter soon! Drawing expires on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at 11:59PM. As always, I’ll use the little number-gadget at Random. org to select three winners. Winners will be notified by email.
Would you like to see some of the other flowering houseplants I grow? Here they are, all bundled up in their own special category.
Don’t miss anything at A Garden for the House…sign up for Kevin’s weekly newsletter.
April says
Signed up for newsletter…would love one of these, I have read about them before! My favorite scent has to be lilac, though…
Jean says
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your tips and tricks!
Mary Prescott says
I love Gardinias and Confederate Jasmine.
Nancy Frye says
This sounds like a great plant for me. It almost looks like a tiny Daphne. My favorite fragrance in the plant world: old fashioned carnations. Second favorite: Daphne. Third: orange flowers. I love smelly (in a good way) shrubs.
Connie says
OK! Would love to win!! What scent sends me over the moon? It would be the fresh summer country air… no plant in particular. There is just something in that sweet air that is so good!
Love your website by the way! Really enjoying all the pictures and posts. π
Jackie says
My husband and I actually love the scent of olive trees and have planted them on our property. Thanks for sharing all of your knowlege with us. Following your tips, I have tried winter sowing….. We will see how it goes!
Michele says
Jasmine, is my favorite…but orange blossoms are a close second!
Liz J says
My favorite plant fragrance would be lilac, which is a close tie for me with gardenia. Osmanthus sounds lovely. What a nice contest to have, with something to flower inside, when nothing is flowering outside. Right now we have about 7 or so inches of snow and it’s still coming in Western, Mass. Flowers…would be very nice!
Shula says
Hello π is it animal friendly? We have quite a few dogs and cats and wouldn’t want an incident should hey somehow chew it. Cats somehow normally find a way. Thank you.
Susan Cox says
So many scents to choose from but I think Daphne would be my favorite…then maybe the sweet olive. I’ve smelled it in nurseries and had to walk around till I found it.
Patricia Hoar says
I love gardenias! I grow 4 large bushes in my yard in Eastern Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay and I am in Heaven when they bloom! I pick them and have them in the house and take them to work to share. The neighbors come by and pick as well. The bushes are HUGE. They started off life about 18 inches tall and are now over 5 feet tall. When they bloom they are covered with 100’s of blooms and the scent will just take you away. I have cut them back twice and they just keep getting better and better. I know most grow them inside but mine do fine on the south side of the house outside. LOVE!!! this scent in the garden.
Suzanne says
would love the apricot fragrance in my house.
Lori Hrobak says
I am subscribed to your newsletter and the scent I love most is the garden after rain.
Viva says
Current newsletter subscriber…I love your blog and get so much inspiration from it. My favorite scent is that of roses, thanks!
Colleen says
Night Bloom Cerus
Krista Varszegi says
I’ve smelled them once before & I totally agree with you.
Mary says
I have one right next to my driveway and have gotten in the habit of grabbing a sprig to stick in the airvent in may car… the sweet soothing fragrance reminds me to breathe deeply and calms my mind as I drive….
kate says
I love the smell of citrus trees in bloom!
Dot Guidici says
hello, I just subscribed last week and loving it allready. I tried the vinegar with not such good results. Is it white vinegar, and straight, not diluted???? it rained in 48 hours, maybe this affected it. What say you?
Cheryl says
Lilacs hands down. May is my favorite month because their light purple and white blooms fill my yard with the most lovely fragrance of the year!
Terry says
My favorite scents are lilac, and the shrubs in my backyard, I do not know the name of, but they have wonderful smelling tiny white flowers every June.
Susan Keller says
Magnolia says
I am visualizing a sweet olive plant engracing my window garden. Thank you for your inspiring and beautiful newsletter!
Christina says
I love the smell of green summer plants. Standing in the middle of a garden, with the earthy smells, is the best!
Maureen says
I love the smell of lilacs in the month of May. They herald the beginning of the summer season and all of the surprises yet to come.
Thanks so much for this website!
Deanna Mayhew says
There is nothing like the smell of Sweet Honeysuckle in the summer time at dusk. It grows wild throughout our property and is something I look forward to each summer. It is a smell you will never forget and a feeling you will never forget, definitely over the moon.
Christine says
i love your website. thanks for facebook and my friends sharing some of your blogs.
ArtistryFarm says
your site is an example of electronic communication at its finest! thanks, kevin… hoping for sweet olive.
Carmella Fatland says
This is my first visit to your site and I love it!
Thank you.
Carmella Fatland says
My favorite fragrance is lilac but apricots smell wonderful too.
Amy Butler says
Sounds like heaven! I love the smell of gardenias and honeysuckles. Hope to win!
Kim says
I love the smell of hyacinth, a welcome sign of spring! Looking forward to receiving your newsletter.
Louise Brouillette says
I love the smell of Lily of the Valley! I follow you on Twitter, like you on FB, and subscribe to your email newsletter.
Judy S says
Hi, I love the smell of lilacs, jasmine and roses. I’m also a huge fan of the scents culinary herbs. But the one I’m most looking forward to is the smell of freshly dug earth.
Jeanne Collins says
I love “stinky” plants (as my dear departed husband used to call them). My favorites are Lilacs, Gardenias, Jasmine, and maybe now I’ll add Sweet Olive!
Veronica Bressem says
Butterfly bush. We have several, but there is a big one right in front of our bay window and it floods the house in the summertime. Wish there was perfume….
AG says
Sambac jasmine, it reminds me of living in Egypt and walking along the Nile. Now with the Arab Spring I think of Sambac as people alsocall the Arab Spring Jasmine Revolution. However in Egypt you can find both regular Jasmine and Sambac Jasmine [full (ΩΩ)] and the name comes from the later.
Ann says
Hello there – I really like the scent of primrose.
Peggy Sue says
Choosing my favorite fragrance would be hard. I’m sure I’d love the sweet olive. It sounds wonderful.
Christie says
Just found your website via Pinterest, you have a fantastic site, just finished viewing your beautiful home! looking forwarding to exploring some more, and my favorite scent is Apricot!
Carol says
Lilacs and old fashion roses.
Paula says
Just came across your site & it’s super nice! Very excited to explore more, but would love this sweet olive! What a beaut! I’m a sucker for the lilacs (who isn’t?), but – & it’s silly, but love fresh dill! Thanks!
Cathy Ritter says
Nothing like a fresh spring lilac to send me to the moon!
Larry Doyle says
Wish there was a plant that smelled of freshly baked bread.
Kay says
I love the sweet smell of the violets given to my by a former student.
rebecca says
hmmm, hard to choose, but in a plant i’ve loved lemon verbena, lavender, chocolate cosmos, heliotrope…
Rosemary Watson says
Really? Pick one? That’s like asking which child is your favorite! My first response would have been lilacs, but honeysuckle and hycinths also send me reeling. Almost any white flowers are heavenly, and when chosing a fragrance to wear, this is my go to scent, every time. Last spring I was driving home from work, and for some reason I had the car window roled down, and the scent of lilacs just flowed through the air like God had sprayed it all around me. I hadn’t really realized that spring had arrived until that moment. But coming across the occasional stand of wild honeysuckle is about the most pleasant surprise my olfactories have ever encountered. Yes, I think the answer is honeysuckle…..but don’t tell the others I told you that. ;O How does one get honeysuckle started, anyway? I really need some near my bedroom and/or kitchen window.
Katreader says
I’m glad your site is back up and running! I love all kinds of scents-fruity, rainy, autumnal…lilacs and violets are favorite floral scents. My favorite changes on my mood and the weather-but I love the smell of grapes from the vine!
Debbie Thompson says
New to your newsletter but know I am going to enjoy ……many thanks
Peggie Armstrong says
Just found you! What a great site. I’m in NC learning about growing here after 30 years in FL.
Tris says
The smell of crab apple blossoms and freshly mown grass scream spring to me. Other than the toads waking up and singing, this is one of the most anticipated things in spring for me. Thank you for the opportunity to win that lovely plant, Kevin.
granby01 says
When I lived in Kenya, I discovered a fragrant tree in full blossom: the frangi-pani. Ever since I smelled that exotic, romantic blossom, I have found nothing to surpass it.
Sharon Crosswhite says
Goodness, don’t think I can narrow a favorite scent to just one! Orange blossoms; lilacs; lemon verbena; lemon balm; fresh baked bread π The list just goes on!
PS Pick me, oh great machine of randomness!!
Erin says
I love the smell of jasmine, lemon and believe it or not, marigolds. I can’t wait to get in the garden!
Julie Fredericksen says
What fragrance sends me over the moon? I didn’t have to think about that question for a second. It’s Lilacs, and always has been!
Rhiannon says
The smell of my bee hives when I first crack them open for our regular chats…sends me STRAIGHT to the moon!
Denise says
I am so thankful I discovered your gardening website. I will definitely use the vinegar for killing weeds in the cracks of my sidewalk. One thing – I went to the page that says ‘how to make your own potting soil’ and the page displayed an error. Really would like to know more about that.
What fragrance sends me over the moon? One is my beautiful white Lilacs and the other is Nemesia in the Spring. The Nemesia has a delicious vanilla scent that I love. P.S. I loved the tip about ashes for use around Lilacs. Didn’t know that and definitely will do that next time we have some.
Rose says
I would love to have one of these plants in my garden! I’m fond of lilac, roses, and jasmine, but my favorite scent is from the beautiful Mock Orange.
Your web site was made for me! Thank you for all the great advice, pictures are outstanding, and your projects are inspirational! I certainly plan on trying more than a few.
Jeanne Wagner says
This sounds like a wonderful plant to have. Lilacs have been my favorite since I was a child.
Subscribed to your newsletter now…
trillium says
I love the fragrance of roses. I can’t thank you enough for everything that I’m learning about gardening from you and also those who comment!
Shelly says
I just found your site from a facebook share of your Monsanto seed story! That list is great! Thanks, and I signed up for your newsletter.
Cary Bradley says
What a terrific question to ask on the day my first Meyer lemon blossom opened!!! Bliss. I have so much enjoyed reading what fragrances put your delightful readers over the moon. Many I do not know and will enjoy searching out. Today, thanks to you Kevin, we are heading up to pick up our own sweet olive for the house.
Looks from weather report as if you’ve finally gotten a Winter snow? Are you digging paths? Hope you’re warm and toasty. Verrrrry glad your site is up and at em, missed it and you!
Martha says
I have lots of favorite fragrances–citrus flowers, lilacs, lily of the valley, freesias, old fashioned roses, lemon verbena–plus how about cinnamon, cloves, allspice?
(Just not paperwhites.)
ReneeF says
Hi Kevin,
this apartment dweller with a strong itch to garden would love to win one of those plants! I love the smell of peaches and lemons.
Jan says
The apricot scent would be lovely!
Carrie K says
Hello! I really love the scent of lemon verbena.
Robin says
One of my favorite scents is peonies! I also love gardenias and lavender.
julie says
I love the smell of all spring flowers. but my favorite by far are those beautiful lilacs. can’t wait for June. My neighbor lets me cut hers.
Chris says
I love your website…so many great ideas! One of my favorites is the scent from my small Meyer lemon tree when it flowers. One wiff in the dead of winter drives the winter blues away!
Jen R says
I subscribed to the newsletter and I love the scent of ginger as well.
reejen5 at gmail dot com
Cathy in Cleveland says
My favorite scent is fresh cheese! You inspired me to make cheese and now I feel unstoppable… well, next stop is an aged cheese kit which should be coming shortly. Another favorite scent is mock orange and the smell of my cat’s fur after a day of roaming through the greens around our house and garden.
Lisa says
I’m new to your site…and I love it!!!!
The smell of lavendar is the best.
Constance says
I love the smell of lavender! I am considering growing some. We use a lavender shampoo (for babies) on the dogs and they smell sooo good for up to 2 weeks!
Ana says
I’m already subscribed… would love to win one of those Sweet Olive plants.
Another scented plant – actually a tree – that I love is Ylang Ylang!
Annie says
I’ve never smelled ‘sweet olive’ but it looks divine!… my favorite smells are flag iris, peony and mock orange… and probably just about any flower’s scent will bring out the love in me… wonderful website by the way… joy and blessings, Annie
Deborah Rosen says
I’m already an email subscriber. I love any fragrance that makes you wander into the kitchen to see what’s cooking. I think my favorite fragrance from a growing thing would have to be lilac.
Felicia Cook says
I would love to have one of these beauty’s. I love to have a variety of different fragrances and plants. My favorite however is probably the gardenia although it is very difficult to choose from just one.
Dawn says
I would love to win one of these plants!
Ret says
I have a yard full of mineature and full gardenias and my neighbors love to be outside to enjoy the fragrance. I love your web site!
Deb Hornick Gotham says
Already an email your site:) My favorite scent is Lilacs .. I would love to have one of these plants. Thanks so much for this chance!!
Deborah says
I’m new but already have read several articles. Great work.
Favorite smell, I’d have to say citrus blossoms.
Cathy says
I just starting receiving your newsletter. Can’t wait for tips on this spring/ summer garden. I love the scent of gardenia and lavender.
Apryl says
I love the smell of lilacs and also, as strange as it may sound, the scent of petunias on a warm, summer evening.
Elle says
I’ve subscribed to your newsletter already and thoroughly enjoying it! The scent that sens me over the moon is Heliotrope. I bought a small plant of it once a few years back and fell in love with it right away. I’ve had such a hard time finding it again after that, though! I’m determined to find some this Spring.
Liz says
Nothing says summer like the humid air and smell of lilacs.
Claire says
I just signed up for your news letter and would love to win. My favorite fragrance has always been Lilac. Looking forward to all of your newsletters.
toni says
looks like a great plant!!
Jennifer Gaubert says
I have signed up for your newsletter and the scent that drives me over the moon is The Moon Vine. I love watching the huge white flowers swirl open at night and their lemony scent is intoxicating.
Paula says
I love Sweet Olives! I had one years ago! I would have to say Orange blossom is my favorite scent! Makes me happy!
Paula says
My fave is Lilly of the Valley, 2nd is the old carnation smell. I’d love one of these guys.
Karen Palmer says
Greetings from Pennsylvania! I L-O-V-E your content, visuals, way of organizing…thank you for putting so much of yourself into this labor of love. I would enjoy having an olive plant…my fave scent is that of a lilac, fresh on the bush…such a short life span in these parts.
Cairn says
I love the smell of Lilly of the Valley and lilacs.
Allison Koster says
Honeysuckle and lilacs!
Julie says
I have to agree with Chris,although I haven’t had luck with lemon trees I love the smell.Then I thought about my herb garden and the flowers in my front yard, I can say I love them all.After reading the other posts though I think I need to look into Lilac as well.
mitch says
lilac mixed with jasmine and honeysuckle. Trolling for tips and ideas, thanks for sharing.
Marlene says
I already am a member. I recently become acquainted with the Texas Mountain Laurel. It has a grape like scent and most beautiful bloom, almost like Iowa lilac. You have a great site!
Gail says
My favorite scent is anything citrus. Second is newly mowed grass.
Gail says
Lily of the valley and lilac because they remind me of my Mother, but there are so many wonderful scents in the plant world it makes it hard to have a favorite. Apricot sounds wonderful!
I already receive your newsletter
Pam T. says
Actually I just love the smell after a summer rain. It makes everything smell good.
Brenda says
There are so many wonderful scents in nature – what’s best??? I can’t say I have a favourite, but Lilic and the smell of the forest after the rain are right up there. Thanks!
Deborah says
I’d love one of these plants! I subscribe to your blog. My favorite scents are lavender, gardenia, and jasmine. I know….that’s three and not just one, but I can’t choose!
peggy bice says
hey kevin,
first of all i want to say how impressed by your personal responses to all who write to you. just great! i’m already a weekly newsletter fan. so, i don’t need to do that. favorite fragrance is a tough one… i’d have to say it’s a toss up between lilac and wisteria! if i HAVE to pick one it would be wisteria. enjoy your sunday.
Madfortulips says
I am an avid admirer and already subscribe to your informative and lovely newsletter! I grew up in Seattle and always had Daphne Odora. We now live in NH where, alas, this lovely fragrant plant is not hardy enough for. I miss it’s lovely shiny foliage and sweet little flowers blooming all summer by our entry.
RONDA says
I just signed up a couple weeks ago and just love this newsletter. Great ideas for me as I just moved into a house that needs A LOT of outside TLC. I love the scent of Lilac, just so relaxing.
Thanks for the info!!!
Mary L. says
Lilacs and hyacinth are my favs!
Carol says
I love the scent of gardenias! I’m a recent subscriber and already look forward to your Sunday email.
Barbi says
Love your newsletters and especially love the smell of citrus
I grow mostly grow vegetables but would love to try some indoor flowers. Thank You
Kara says
Old fashioned roses (or my Attar of Roses geranium), dianthus, anything ginger or vanilla scented (real scents, not chemical), most herbs…. I don’t think I can narrow it down all that much. π The sweet olive sounds like it smells heavenly!
Joan biddison says
Gardenia! I grew up in Hawaii and love the smell of flowers
Mary B says
Love the smell of fresh cut grass and the ocean breeze
Jean says
Love your newsletters. I love the smell of four-o’clocks and peacock orchids, but there are so many wonderful flowers depending on the season. I don’t think I have met a flower that I didn’t like! I will definitely look into the Osmanthus.
Arthur in the Garden! says
I have a row of the Holly Leaved Osmanthus along my parking area and you can smell across the yard when they are in bloom!
Sue says
Hi Kevin,
Love your website. The iris from my Mother’s garden. 50 yrs later that smell still conjures up great memories.
Thanks for your writings and inspirations.
Mermaid Deb Haack says
Hi Kevin,
This is my first newsletter from you and I love all the info. My favorite over the wall scents is Sweet Basil for the spice line. My Sicilian Grandmother had a plant growing year-round. Outside for summer and inside for winter. I grow it now and I love to run my hand over it as I walk by. Lavender is my other over the wall fragrance. I have it planted outside my bedroom windows for a wonderful nights sleep.
Thank you for reminding me of them,
Mermaid Deb
Kate deLaGrange says
I am already a subscriber, and my favorite flower scents are rose and jasmine, but I would love to try one of the apricot scented beauties! Thanks for all you do!
Dawn says
I am new at this gardening thing and I am finding your site a place for guidance…Thanks.
Sarah N. says
I love the picture of your window above. It is beautiful. I love the smell of gardenias and also of roses. Thanks for having a great drawing for us to enter.
Pamela James says
Your blog is my Sunday indulgence.
I bought a hanging basket at a farmers auction-they had no idea what it was-it had the most fragrant flowers and a flowing vine. It’s long gone now-I wish I knew what it was.
Love your blog and all the info-TY!!!
pjames330 at aol dot com
Grazyna Kirsch says
*Favorite scent….. Must be the air after an early spring rain shower. I am a newcamer to your newsletter but already got inspired and did some winter sowing. Can’t wait to see the result. Thanks for sharing the wealth of knowledge with us.
Charlotte says
I recently signed up for the news letter! And I have always loved tea olive. It’s grown a lot here in Ga as a shrub at entry ways! It’s a wonderful smell!
Kristy Ripperger says
I love love love Lilac and lavender.
Grazyna Kirsch says
Favorite scent must be the air after an early spring rain shower. You inspried me into winter sowing. Can’t wait to see the results. Thanks.
vickie says
I subscribe -Lavender smells so pretty I love it! Thanks for the chance to win this pretty plant
Patricia Treskovich says
hello really like your newsletter
Carol Emmert says
My favorite scent is lavender. But only the real one, artificial is gross. My second favorite is daffodils. I wish someone could bottle them so I could enjoy the scent more then a month each year!
Julia Hofley says
Love, love, love orange blossoms!
And would love to try this fragrant olive-your description sounds delectable!
Thanks and smooth transition on your website- I love reading your blog.
twg says
Heidi Copeland says
Love your newsletter! My favorite scent is cut grass. That is so reminiscent of the lazy days summer and being a kid.
Donnella says
I love the smell of my Meyer Lemon. I move it in and out of the house to let it enjoy the rain, sunshine, and mild weather. I’d love to smell the sweet olive.
Julie Parisi says
Thanks for the opportunity. One of my favorites is honeysuckle. We have one outside of our screen porch and when the breeze blows the scent in, it’s heavenly.
Bendis1e says
This looks like a very yummy plant to grow!! Right now our favorite scent is our Cassia Clove soap.
Lynn Mc. says
I love Daphne and the Bayberry Tree. I would love the Sweet Olive tree. You can infuse the flowers with green or black tea leaves for a scented tea. Lovely.
Kathleen Stokell says
My favorite smell would have to be Lilacs and magnolia. Also the smell of rain
Perta Sennott says
Just discovered your so delightful site a couple weeks ago. Sorry to hear about the crash and relieved that I am still subscribed, thank you! Have recently lost my job of 17 years so will have more time for:gardening, my artwork, reading inspiring info from you.
Scent which sends me over the moon? That is simple: the Daphne which is now blooming in my garden in Blue Lake California. Started the bush from a little twig from my last studio, tormented it in a pot for a few years, then got it in the ground. Have waited 4 more years and now it is bejeweled and perfuming.
heather andersen says
Gardenias send me over the moon…….. Thank you for all your garden wisdom π
Karen Shelby says
Gardenia if I could grow one. Ky. must not be Gardenia friendly, but was does grow is Lilac. I have 1 Old Fashioned and 1 French. I dont know the difference but one of them blooms from Spring to Fall! I close my eyes and take in the smell….AHHHHH, Heaven!
denise says
Lilacs in spring!
Dyhana says
I’m old-fashioned, my fave is still the rose, but always willing to smell new things π
Pat Crouse says
Love the smell of lavender.
John Baldwin says
I’m partial to the subtle yet super sweet aroma of the bearded iris.
Freda Bales says
My favorite scent is rose next is lavender. I like your newsletter.
Mary says
Hi, I love the smell of daphne, it is in my garden right now and is blooming. It always reminds me that spring is right around the corner. I am enjoying your web site, thank you.
Michelle says
The scent of the Carolina Allspice bush when it is blooming is a favorite of mine.
When I moved into my current house in October, I thought it was just a weed bush planted right by the gate to my yard, so I almost whacked it down. Now I’m glad I didn’t. In the spring, when it starts to bloom, the scent of ripe apples stops me in my tracks every time I walk by it. I see people walking their dogs by the yard stop and sniff, trying to figure out where the scent is coming from!
It’s still a weed bush other times of the year, but I keep it pruned way back, just for the scent in the spring.
Laura Hayes says
My favorite scent is magnolia. Reminds me of growing up in NC. And I just signed up for your newsletter. I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can.
JoAnn F. says
I subscribe by email & my favorite scent is lavender. Thank you!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Mary Beth Jewell says
My favorite scents are Jasmine and the Luna Trumpet tree. Heavenly!
Debi Stoppkotte says
Really enjoying your newsletter!! And as for my favorite scent – well, as much as I love jasmine, my very best scent is the smell of rich, moist, loamy soil in my garden – it just asks to be dug into, sifted through my fingers and inhaled – the promise of things to come!!
Melissa Horton says
Hello Kevin and other flower lovers,
My favorite scent is grapefruit blooms. I used to have an orchard in my back yard and it smelled like heaven. I imagine any citrus blossom would do the same.
Cindy says
I subscribed last week, during the great host meltdown! And I’d love one of these pretty fragrant plants! My current favorite scents come from Belinda’s Dream roses and Jasmine. I love honeysuckle too, on the air in the spring, when it fills the neighborhood with it’s sweetness.
Rusty says
The fragrance that sends me over the top is “Sweetgrass” Heirlochoe odorata. With the fragrance of sweet/almond vanilla coming from the chemical coumarin in the root system, it is soothing and relaxing. The fragrance stays in the dried grass for years so having a braid of sweetgrass in the kitchen, on the dash of the vehicle is good medicine for the body, mind, and spirit. Of course the next aroma that is to delicious to describe is apricot.
Rita says
The scents I love include peonies, lemons, roses and crushed basil leaves. These all remind me of my parents who kept a wonderful garden of flowers and vegetables and herbs. Love this site. It’s like going home.
Neal says
The black locust trees when they bloom. We are surrounded by them and it’s almost overwhelming on a warm spring evening.
Michelle Smith-Dudenhoefer says
Haven’t met a flower I didn’t like, but my all-time favorite is Lily of the Valley. Would love to try growing your Sweet Olive. You window setup is beautiful too, gave me a sense of ‘Home’. Thank you for sharing.
Laurie says
I think perhaps carnations or gardenias are my favorites, or perhaps lilacs. Thanks for your blog!
sara diamond says
My favorite scent is definitely gardenia. Growing up I always new Summer was close by when our gardenia bushes bloomed.
Robin Cogburn says
What a lovely giveaway. You are awesome, Kevin! I don’t remember you mentioning this wee one of yours before.
Therefore: Pick ME, Random dot org!!!!!!!! The Sweet Olive will be in good company for some lovely gossip among the other plants.
Steve MacKim says
I love the smell from our dwarf lilac. It’s fragrance fills the whole backyard in the late spring.
Debbie K says
Thanks for the emails. I really look forward to them!
Bob says
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for the giveaway.
My favourite scent is definitely, rose. The more lemony the better:)
And of course I love all types of Lemony herbs: Lemon Verbena, Lemon thyme, you name it !
Cindy M says
I am subscribed. My favorite scent is fresh mint- very invigorating.
Beverly Mullins says
signed up for you newsletter….love it. That plant looks very much like what we call a “Sweet Shrub” here in the south and they do smell “divine”
Heather says
I am a subscriber by e-mail! π I love the smell of night blooming jasmine and moonflowers. And lilacs in the spring are wonderful too.
tea4too0 says
I really enjoy the scent of the moonflower. I like to grow them near the South facing windows.
I am registered for your e mail. Thank you for a very nice site to come to at the end of a busy day.
Heather O'Shaughnessy says
I love the smell of Gardenia flowers and honeysuckle and rosemary and milkweed flowers. Thanks for your informative site and newsletter π
Janice Foster says
i would love to win this beautiful flower. My favorite flower is the Peony and the smell
is out of this world . It will make the whole house smell wonderful.
Annette Guilfoyle says
I have the perfect home in my sunroom for a Sweet Olive. It would feel at home with my orchids and lemon tree.
Carol says
I do subscribe to your newsletter, which I really enjoy.
I, too, would like to have one of your olive plants.
The scent that I love is gardenia. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the information you give.
Hazel says
So glad to have you back! The scent of Orange blossoms, any citrus fruit, actually, are to me the most wonderful of scents.
Thanks for having this draw!
Linda Grooms says
I am subscribed to your newsletter
Linda says
I love your window garden! I have a window that would be perfect for a few shelves like that. One of my favorite scents is lavender.
linda rizzio de santis says
I love the scent of freezia!!! When I lived in California, I had a flower bed with frezzia, iris and ranunculus!!! I live in Florida and it is very different but, very beautiful too!!! I am very curious about this plant you mentioned!!! Linda
Kris says
I love the scents of honeysuckle and old fashioned roses. From your description, the sweet olive sounds wonderful — if I don’t win I may have to just buy one myself!
Jean Castle says
Oh how nice- I love this plant and it would be right at home in my small sunroom with my other plants
Linda Linder says
I love the delicate scent of the Violets in my garden and I can’t wait for the Daphne to open and share it’s fresh sweet scent. The Hyacinths are poking their green heads up and I love those too, but the one scent I can’t live without is the Lilacs, I bury my face in the blooms and simply inhale that amazing fragrance.
Thanks for the terrific website, I signed up for your newsletter a few weeks ago and am always thrilled when I find it in my mailbox.
Lee Heller says
Lilly of the Valley is my favorite scent, but I love the smell of most flowers. Lilac, gardenia, jasmine, I could go on and on.
KimH says
Im already a subscriber, thankfully. π
Fresh gardenia or orange trees blossoming send me over the moon, gaga.
A couple days ago I was walking down a hallway at work, and was stopped in my tracks by the smell of a gardenia blooming. I never did find the source but I sure enjoyed it for a few minutes.
Laronda Blessing says
Tie between my showy jasmine and gardenias–sounds like I have a lot of company among your other readers!
Ginger619 says
Rosemary and gardenia are my favorite scents. And roses :-). Thanks for the site and the newsletter! Looking forward to both.
Cat Jarosz says
Lilac and lily of the valley are some of my favorite smells along with cinnamon and clove. I’d love to be gifted and blessed with one of these beautiful plants. How sweet you are to do this for 3 lucky peeps.
Vickie says
Signed up and just received your newletter for the first time. So sorry for the website crash – I have to admit I contributed to that. After finding your website I spent over an hour just checking it out. Wish that I lived closer so that I could “tour” in person. Glad you have moved to another host so I can continue to peruse the website. Love the tips and tricks! Thanks!
Aline says
I love Gardenia, Jasmine, Lavender and Rose and don’t forget the Orange Blossom! Too many to name just one.
Great site!
Dustin says
Lilacs, Gardenias, and my Meyer Lemon tree blooms
Amy Rose says
I love the aroma of herbs! Rosemary, sweet basil, sage, cilantro, lavender (i ccok with it as an herb)!
thanks for your wonderful newsletter.
Patti says
Well, many plants send me over the top…..but I love the smell of nature….I live near the ocean. I love when the ocean scent is in the air, when I’m working in the gardens and I smell the earth………wonderful. And I enjoy your newsletter as well….
Julia Rosenthal says
Believe it or not, I have a Korean Boxwood that when the tiny white blossoms come out in the spring, the scent fills the front yard! The first year this happened, I went crazy looking all over for where the scent was coming from! Finally I spied the tiny blossoms (and I mean tiny!). One sniff, and I knew I found the source of that beautiful fragrance!
Jane Strickland says
Love the scent of gardenias, but as a beekeeper, the sweet olive plant would be perfect for the honey bees!!!
LJ says
I’m glad I DO subscribe to your newsletter or I’d not even seen the chance to win one of these. I’ve never had the experience of a live sweet olive… but I did cure my own raw California olives last October and they are incredible! I wouldn’t mind the chance to have a relative of them come to stay with me. π
Maureen says
As a senior citizen, I’m partial to plants that still smell like they are supposed to. I would love one of the plants for my new indoor garden. Thank you for a great newsletter.
Amy Butler says
Sorry to hear about the crash but like you said it’s “good” bad news! LOL! Congrats on the new subscribers and hits on your site. I love your information and glad that there’s lots of traffic to keep you busy. Can’t wait to smell the honeysuckles in my yard!
carol says
I love fragrant plants, I am trying Night Blooming Jasmine this year for the first time, I’m hoping it will be my favorite, supposedly they smell wonderful. I haven’t had a chance to smell the ‘Sweet Olive”, I’m sure it’s lovely. Oriental Lilies smell wonderful. I enjoy your site.
julie says
Just started getting the newsletter. I love spring and getting the garden plans started. My favorite scent is when my jasmine house plant starts blooming and the entrance to our home smells wonderful. I am also a fan of lavender.
Penster47 says
It would have to be a toss up between Lily of the Valley and Lilac. I love them both. Glad you’re using a higher powered site now. I’m sure people are going to have a big revival of gardening with the price of food now and the price of gas to go get it!!!
patricia says
I too thank you for your wonderful letter received today. i am a new member joined a few days ago.
i love the smell of mother nature after a rain fall. Freezias too,Carnation the old ones that have that sweet pepper smell too; My little friend,Violets,and Hyacinths,and Musc smells too.
are ja few of my favourite smells.
Lori says
Stargazer lily or honeysuckle
Lucy says
Hi! I just started reading your newsletter and your recipes look amazing! Can’t wait to try some out. Thanks for bringing lovely ideas into the world.
Celine says
I am already receiving your entertaining and informative newsletter.
And the most emotive scent I enjoy is that of babies!! Not a plant, but
the wonderful, fresh scent of a tiny, beloved baby! Although I will
say that fresh dirt is a close second.
Lisa Messer says
I love this newsletter! I have never heard of a Sweet Olive plant. I have many, many favorite fragrances, but my all time favorite is Lavender.
Sheila White says
Plumeria is the scent that haunts me. Love it, but we are in the north and I don’t have the indoor conditions to grow it.
Lisa says
Pikake is a gorgeous scent. I absolutely love it. Also gardenia and lavender. I love scented lotion and bath stuff but fake turns me off. Coconut, although not a flower, is awesome too. Reminds me of Hawaii. The olive plant is beautiful. Even if I don’t win, I never do lol, I am going to look in to getting one. We have a beautiful greenhouses where I live. I’m sure I can find one. Love your website. Glad it’s working again
Debra Seymour says
I really like the mild, gentle smell of lavender but would like to try this too!
LNorton says
Already signed up for the newsletter! My favorite scent would have to be anything from the garden. I love the smell of my orange tree when it blossoms, and the night blooming jasmine is divine. I love all the different roses, and the lavender with sage blends together so deliciously. The smell of the earth relaxes me, and fresh mowed grass reminds me of my childhood. That’s why I love your newsletter, because it has ideas I haven’t thought of!
Jenn says
Signed up for your newsletter last week! My favorite scent? I love lavender and rosemary! Nothing much nicer then brushing up against them in my garden and them releasing their fragrance!
Sharon Whitaker says
Hello from Cook Springs, Alabama! Just recently found your site and I am now a subscriber of the newsletter. Whether I win or not, I just love your newsletter and have learned quite a bit from it. I took a horticultural course in Apopka, Florida when I was younger and it along with my Mother started my interest in plants. I love the fragrance of my Hyacinths, Lemon Verbena & roses. Keep up the great work in the newsletters π
Crysta says
Im already a fan of your news letter <3 I loooove the scent of lavender it's so soothing to the soul. Fantastic giveaway! Good luck everyone.
Love & Light
Carole Bryan says
I love the smell of worms on a wet driveway in spring! I pick them up and lovingly relocate them to their new homes in my compost piles!
Joan says
I can’t really say which is my favorite scent because I love them all. At our home you can tell what month it is by just going outside and sniffing the air. And that’s a good thing…
Tina Marie Comroe says
I love the smells of sweet violets and vanilla
jo says
love the news letter been sharing idea’s with my friends and neighbors I have a tea olive planted but it hasn’tr put on any leaves yet. would love to win one with leaves.
Pat Mulligan says
I like all the fragrant houseplants, even though my daughter sneezes every time she comes to our house and they’re blooming. Hyacinths, gardenias, paper whites – love them all! I’ve never smelled the sweet olive but it sounds delicious.
Susan Burke says
Love your newsletters, and love olive trees. Jasmine & gardenias send me into scent euphoria, but the scents that actually thrive in the high desert that are quite blissful belong to lilacs & santolina.
teresa sopher says
My favorite scents are rosemary and lilac, but I also enjoy when the wild mountain olive comes in bloom.
Wes says
Hey i love your site! i do subscribe, and i love the smell of a late summer butterfly garden
Betsy Naselli says
I would love one of these!! My favorite fragrance is often the flower I am smelling at the time, but, I really, really love the aroma of nicotiana sylvestris ‘Only the Lonely’ on a warm late-summer night.
lisa halloran says
Oh no, Kevin! So many comments, so little (3) plants! Just wondering, how the winners receive the plants as I live in Colorado and became aware of your site through my mother in law in Conneticut!
Anyway, my favorite scents are citrus, but newly love rosemary, as its so uplifting. Am excited to learn more about planting, but am smack dab involved in raising teenagers. HOpefully, this stored knowledge can be used at a later date when they are “launched!”
Marcia Mullins says
I am so enjoying your articles. I love lavender and peonies. I actually love All floral fragrances. Keep these wonderful articles coming. They are a breath of fresh air.
Dave says
I love scented plants!!
Suzanne C. says
I love the heavenly scent of Daphne Adora…mmm Spring has sprung! I have never smelled Sweet Olive, but I sure would love to π
Betsey Freyberger says
Already subscribe to your newsletter. I love the smell of lavender and am hoping I can work in the garden this year!!!
Vicki says
I just installed a new garden window over my kitchen sink, and would love a new flower!
Patti says
Hi Kevin… Interesting new scent! My favorite is …..Lilac….or hyacinth….or pansies….or cherry blossom….OKAY…. I really dont have a favorite! I love them all! I am enjoying this “fake spring” and am looking forward to the real one! Oh I just thought of another all time favorite….Honeysuckle!!!!
Louisa says
Hi there… your site. Love the scent of evening scented nightstock. A small purple flower from the Ukraine.
Debi says
I’m a new subscriber since either yesterday or the day before. I have to say I have 2 favorites…one is lavender and the other is the smell of good rich dirt….incredible!
Peggy says
I generally prefer fruity or spicy fragrances – like Old Fashioned Clove Bush. Floral favorites are Gardenia, Lavender, Mock Orange bush, and Jasmine. π I have never known a Sweet Olive before and would love to meet something new. Thanks for a great site!
Helen says
One of my favorite scented shrubs is my Viburnun burkwoodii. I placed it near my kitchen window so that I can catch its fragrance through the screened window.
Kimmie says
Hello! Just discovered your website and signed up! My favorite scent..oh gosh so hard to choose, but it’s either gardenias or orange blossoms!
Pam L says
I truely would love to iwn one of these precious flowering plants! My favorite garden scent is rose – guess thats the reason I have planted 3 at my new home. I hope to get my second favorite “honeysuckle” vine going this year. Thanks for all the info you share in your newsletter.
Robbyn T. says
I’ma ‘Scriber and I absolutely LOVE Jasmine and Magnolia Blossom! Sends me into orbit every time. It was a frequent aroma in the South while I lived in Baton Rouge. Here in Michigan, it’s hard to beat LILACS!
Patricia Sturdevant says
Hello! Love your web site!
Melinda Alexander says
Love your newsletter!!
Frani says
I am already a newsletter subscriber.
Norix Hampton says
Love the site!!!! My place could use some flowers… Favorite, orange blossom.
Rosi Zingales says
New to you Kevin!
Great blog….I’m going to try to make some mozzarella!!! So many entries, I’m sure not to win, so I may try to find a Sweet Olive. My most favorite scent are the Russian Olives in bloom….I always thought they were wild honeysuckles, till my landscaper friend told me what they really were. Early June….the yard is heavenly! Then comes the Sweet shrub -Carolina Allspice….like candy! so sweet. Thanks for putting out such great info!
Frani says
I am a fragrant olive nut too! We shorten it to tea olive. Next to an old fashioned freesia, it is my favorite scented plant
Lorrayne says
Just signed up last week. I love asiatic lilies, know they are strong fragrance, but love their colors too.
David Judd Dove says
Lilacs and lavender. I had wonderful lilacs that were decades old at the family house that I just short-sold. I’m going to plant some this spring at my rental duplex. Thanks for the inspirations at your website.
Clarice Lofgran says
I’m a new subscriber and love your newsletter.
Karyn says
Grapefruit! It smells so clean and crisp and fresh.
Please enter me for the drawing to win the Sweet Olive plant.
Lynne LaBonte-Ndiaye says
Would love to win sweet olive. I was just turned on to your website by a fellow gardner. My favorite scent? Jasmine, without a doubt–Lily of the Valley is a close second.
Jan Jacklin says
There is nothing like the “Star Jasmine” filling my home with it’s sweet scent when I leave my front door open in the summer….Or the frist little purple violets….
Michelle says
I love lavendar, lilacs, roses and jasmine! I really enjoy your website, thank you so much!
Brenda Johnson says
I love the smell of peonies… and the smell of rosemary! Also wanted to tell you…. crepes for dinner!!! (with a creamy shrimp and broccoli filling and some shredded cheese melted over the top for good measure!) Working on finding some rings so I can make english muffins!!!! See you soon!!!
Patrice says
I am an email subscriber. I love to smell star jasmine, gardenias, magnolias and honeysuckle.
j avans says
Just found your website last week. Love it! I love the smell of rosemary in my kitchen and lavender in my bathroom. I’ll be blatant. . .pick me!!!!!! Pick Me!!!! PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teresa says
I love the smell of crushed sassafras leaves.
Jen says
Fairly new to your newsletter, website, and having my OWN garden. Being from SC, I love the scent of magnolias.
Sharon says
Already signed up and would love to win a sweet Olive plant.One of my favorite fragrance is Lilac
Rob says
I just found your sight last week and this is my first newsletter. I am enjoying it.
Carla Grayson says
I’ve recently just found your website and newsletter. Thanks! Lilac is my over-the-moon fragrance.
Tina says
I pinned your milk jug seed sowing on Pinterest last week, and had it repinned hundreds of times. I’m sure that is part of your new following. Amazing traffic potential. My favorite scents are fresia and jasmine. Love your site. I’ve recommended to many of my friends!
Janice says
So hard to pick just one! My faves tend to change with the seasons, but most days, lavender is #1!
Tracey M says
Thank you for this drawing!
I just love the earthy plant smells of a humid indoor conservatory. The sweet smell of lilacs in bloom is awesome too. Plus the lovely smell of fragrant roses.
Pat says
My favorite is gardenias followed by sweet olives!
Amy Olmsted says
There are soooooo many fabulous fragrances in the natural world! Favorites would have to be old fashioned roses, some of the hardy Cyclamens, crushed Gaultheria repens leaves….wintergreen=yum! I used to grow an Osmanthus that I got from Logee’s Greenhouses years ago, but my house was heated with wood so the air was way too dry for it. I would love to try one again as I live in a new place and I’m pretty sure the environment would suit very well!
MicronCat says
Hey there! Already signed up for the newsletter. I love the smell of rosemary! Looking forward to more of your newsletters. π
Paula Dearr says
Subscribed to the website a couple of months ago, My favorite sent is lily of the valley! Spring brings the best fragrances!
Mollie says
Found you website via Pinterest and after reading a few of your articles and recipes immediately signed up for your newsletter. Love the site.
pennylpo says
I love fragrance of russian olive trees in April /May here in the Washington central basin, and a multitude of floral scents and meyer lemon. I am enjoying the newsletter.
Lynn says
Gardinias for one, lilacs, mint, honeysuckles I love the smell of salt air. I just found you website and love it. Please enter me to win your plant. Not sure what it smells like, but I do believe it will be wonderful.
Amy says
I love Lilac..but have never smelled sweet olive…
Granny Mary says
I just would like to say that I LOVE the smell of the old fashioned Sweet Pea. I used to lay in my Grandmother’s flower garden when I was a kid and pick them and smell them for hours…… Kinda of a silly little thing, but only children tend to do things like that.
Granny Mary
William Brown says
We’ve had a tea olive blooming all winter down here in southern Georgia. A great scent but my favorite is the honey scent emitted by alyssum which blooms year -round down here. Stocks give off a great scent, also.
Kathy Davis says
I am torn between my two favorite scents: lavendar and ponderosa pine trees. LOL!! I know! What a difference!
I grew up in the Black HIlls of South Dakota and my family was in the logging industry so the smell of pine brings me way back and I love it!
I only learned how “real” lavendar smells about 12 years ago at a gardening show. I have been in love with it and trying to grow it ever since. It is difficult here in Iowa to grow it with the cold that we experience in the winter.
But I just thought of another one I have recently realized I enjoy and that is frankinsence. A company in St. Louis called “Indigo Wild” makes a wonderful array of products and they make a combination scent of lavendar and frankinsence that is so elegant and I’d have to add: wholesome! You should Google them sometime!
Keep up the great job on your site! I love it and have already sent links to it to many friends!
Brenda says
I’m always looking for new plants to add to my collection! Most of what I have are heirlooms from my grandmother. The only plant that I don’t like the smell of are paperwhites!
donnikah says
I love lavender but this plant sounds lovely too!
Loma says
I’m already a subscriber. The scent I love best is the air on an early morning in winter, when it’s still cold and there’s still snow on the ground but you can smell just a hint of the earth warming up and you can feel that it really won’t be long before green things start poking up through the soil. It’s a subtle, fresh smell of hope and joy and gratitude.
Marie says
I love the smell of all flowers. This plant sounds great and I want one.
Marie says
I love the smell of all flowers.
Marie says
Sounds great
Cheryl Alloway says
Daphne is my favorite. Followed closely by rosemary & the Korean Spice viburnum. Thanks for the eletters ~ I look forward to each new post whether it’s in the garden or the kitchen!
Gladecia Galvin says
Honeysuckle ……
SusanR says
I love so many precious plants! Plants are healing. I love the smell of lilacs, it reminds me of my mother. <3
Marri Ashley says
Thanks for your site. Loved the tip on avoiding Monsanto seeds. I love gardenia.
Stacey Lamothe says
How do deer like this plant? They usually don’t like strong fragrances…guess, if I win one, I should fence it?
Cheri says
You know what they say…”Second time is a charm” π
I have subscribed to your newsletter in which I found via Pinterest!
My favorite, along with many others is Lilacs…they bring back memories of my childhood. I loved the Spring days when you step outside and you just have to take in a deep breath of Lilacs and days fresh makes you all tingly and everything feels so pure =)
Nancy Brunson says
I am a current subscriber to your newsletters and I enjoy them very much !! My favorite fragrance is honeysuckle and lilacs. I would love to win your “Sweet Olive” to experience the fragrance of apricot—that is also my favorite fruit !! Thank you for all your tips and advice on gardening.
Prairiecactus says
Hi Kevin,
This is a great giveaway! I just checked to make sure the plant would grow in my part of the country, it will! Yea!
Read some other things about it also…it is called a “tea” olive…and i think it has natural deer repellent properties (?)…would love to win one of these beauties!
One of my favorite scents is Jasmine and I absolutely love the scent of old roses like Old Blush.
Ann Knott says
Lilac and honeysuckle are my favorite scents. I’d love to win your Sweet Olive plant to add to my home!
Sheila says
Would love one of these. It is similar to a bush that my grandmother used to have in Alabama.
Betty says
Hi, I just found your site last night & signed up for your newsletter. Really enjoying your website and can’t wait to try the cheese and dairy recipes.
My favorite plant scent is lilac. They remind me of my grandmother, her garden, and peaceful spring days of long ago.
Melissa says
I really don’t know what scents send me over the moon, I had to think about this. I know that I enjoy scents that remind me of my travels, but that is hard to pinpoint which scents do that; for my Scandinavia travels that is coffee and chocolate, for my Asian travels I would say the local Asian market with all of the different spices, and for my trip to London it would have to be lavender, tea and coffee . I have always enjoyed vanilla, and of course the lovely smells of baking goodies. Like the poster above, Betty, I also really enjoy the sweet fragrance of lilacs!
Nancy Frye says
Favorite scents: old fashioned carnations, daphne, and orange flowers.
Karen says
Love your e news letter.
I’m new to gardening this year and am hooked although have a lot to learn as not wanting to use insecticides etc.
My favourite scent Boronia a truly amazing Aussie scent, (spelling might be a little off but hey!)
Rachel Clark says
I learned about osmanthus from my mother who used to have it growing outside her back door. I agree that it is the most heavenly scent. I had one in a pot outside, but it finally died–I suspect because I didn’t repot it in time. I never knew it could be an indoor plant but would love to try it. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get a new one!
Love your newsletter!
Bamma Thompson says
I am new to this sent but would absolutely love to try it out and enjoy it. The little flowers are so pretty and refreshing. Thanks for sharing!
Katy Lamb says
Love your newsletter and would love to win this beautiful plant and try it for the first time.
Mike Hylton (Sarge) says
I love the smell of Jasmine and Gardenia coming in my window on early spring/summer mornings! I love your site also! Good Luck with it!
Daphne says
Pikake–Hawaiian jasmine. You know right away that someone wearing a lei pikake is celebrating a special occasion; you can smell of these from far away. Delish!
Kimberly Edwards says
I have spent the past two months in Greece and am SO anxious to get home to my yard in Montgomery, AL. My favorite scent has to be that of peonies!
Lue Perkins says
Love, love, love the scent of lavender. I run my hand through the leaves everytime I’m near it. I really enjoy this site. Look forward to all the information you share.
Gladys says
I signed up for your newsletter a week or so ago. Love it !! My favorite scent is a Rose that was given to me by a friend. It is called Sun Sprite. It a lovely, easy to grow, yellow rose. I do also grow and enjoy Lilac, Lavendar, Mock Orange, Daphne and there is honey suckle all through the woods around my house. This Sweet Olive would be a wonderful addition. Thanks for all the work you put into this newsletter. As a Master Gardener, I am always open to learning something new!
Kim says
LOVE the smell of lavender and roses. Thanks for the chance to win!
Ginger says
I love the winter daphne and the gardenia!!
karen e cain says
Night blooming Jasmine, Lilacs, Gardenias, Honeysuckle, and hopefully Sweet Olive! If I don’t win one I will have to search for one of my own…
Anne Hagsten says
I can’t choose. don’t make me, Hmmm, Lilacs, phlox, sweet peas, milkweed, I can’t decide….
Gloria Munise Alves says
I absolutely love the scent of jasmine and lavender together in the garden! I am already subscribed to your newsletter and look forward to reading it each time I get it. The Sweet Olive plant is beautiful, hopefully I get one π
Roxanne Hawley says
Lavender is my favorite tried and true fragrance!
Beverly says
Pick me! Pick me!
dorothy miller says
Teresa Barnard says
love you hints and ideas and any kind of flower is my favorite! haha
Linda says
Lavender is my favorite fragrance!
amykefauver says
Hello! i love the scent of lavender, I love the scent of ripe apricots, and I love that you’re hosting a contest! Fun!
Deborah says
The pictures are fabulous. My favorite “surprise” fragrance, the one I love to hit me by surprise, would be the universally loved Hyacinth.
Jean F says
Lilac is my favorite fragrance
Pat Lightfoot says
I love honeysuckle, I love to walk when it is in bloom and just smell it.
Lisa says
Love the smell of peonies and carnations!! But any flowery, green, citrus, woodsy, rainy OUTDOOR smell is great!!
Marty says
I am THRILLED with this new website. I have just recently retired & am looking forward to the humdrum of winter to pass & being able to get outside & in my garden. I will also be able to have house plants now as I can sing to them daily & shower them with love. As for my favorite fragrance………….SPRING & FRESHNESS!!!
Tanya says
Lilac is my favorite flower/smell…. it reminds me of my Grandmother’s house while I was growing up in WI! Someday I would love to get to Mackinac Island during the Lilac Festival! Your flowers are absolutely beautiful…. Love your site!
Dorothy Hemphill says
It’s like asking which child do I love the best! *-*
George Allen says
Two smells from the plant kingdom that have been etched on my memory are :
1 – the smell of strawberries all around the Disney Land area where they are grown commercially just fill the air so much that you can smell them above everything else
2 – the smell of honeysuckle which brings back my childhood days of pulling those flowers and tasting the small amount of nectar at the base of the flower.
Matilda says
Hi ; )
Phyllis says
Gardenia and lilac are my all time favorites. However, getting excited about this new sweet olive smell. Your home is spectacular and I can’t wait to see if others know about your site. Thanks to my dearest friend, Peggy for sending me your info.
Kathy says
As always, I love your website! My favorites are gardenia and honeysuckle, but I just love all garden fragrances.
Jayne says
I love the smell of gardenias. I would love to add this plant to my garden!!
Stephanie says
I love all your tips! Lilac is one of my favorites, but I’m intrigued by this one!
Sonja says
Gardenia does it for me Kevin …. Here in Southeastern NC they bloom nonstop for about a month in summer …
Lynnette Galloway says
Hi. Patchouli has always been my favorite fragrance.
Kay says
Wow Kevin you’re a star! Congratulations! Don’t forget about us little people! Since I was a little girl, I’ve loved the smell of lilacs, and am always pleasantly reminded of my childhood home when I smell them. I also fondly remember the scent of the wild roses that grew along the beach. But there are just so many wonderful smells in nature… freshly mowed grass (despite my allergies!), basil, gardenias & orange blossoms…. sweet olive sounds divine & I hope to have the opportunity to have this wonderful little plant in my home soon. Thanks Kevin! mccarryk@ hotmaildotcom.
Michelle says
Lavendar has always been my favorite smell. I can’t wait to have it all over my garden. I already subscribe to your blog via email. Thank you for a great giveaway.
Liz B says
Hi Kevin,
Your newsletter is absolutely delightful. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos and information/recipes and such. Your house and garden are just lovely.
So many fragrances to choose from… I think I would put Lily of the Valley and Moonflowers at the top of my list but it’s hard to pick. I’m always on the lookout for new plants that are fragrant!
Dee says
I don’t know if I could live without the aromas of basil and garlic, but I do love lavender and the thought of apricots is lovely. Thanks for all your tips.
Stephanie Goff says
My favorite fragrant plants are gardenia and lavender. Thank you for the newsletter. It time to start some seeds.
gloria says
Rosemary in my winter garden window. Scented Geraniums.
Fresh Basil on a hot summer day- All citrus. Coffee chocolate and fresh carnations.. And just about every aromatic treat that kicks off the growing season and greets us as each week passes.
Deb Wolf says
Hi Kevin,
I found your site last week via Pinterest. We have a small yard in zone 5 IL, and grow a bounty of vegetables that I put up every summer. Along with our vegetables, we have apples, crabapples, lilacs, beds of perennials and baskets of annuals. I’m eager to see what I’ll learn from your blog. Please enter me to win a sweet olive. Blessings, Deb
Stephanie Jessie says
Although I’ve never smelled Sweet Olive, I would like to win one. My favorite scent is that of the rose Gertrude Jekyll. Even as other roses scent is not has strong after dark, Gertrude’s scent is strong and very fragrant.
Cathy S says
Just signed up for your news letter and would love to win. My favorite fragrance is Lilac. Looking forward to your newsletters.
Pam Felkins Colbert says
I signed up for your newsletter when I saw the vinegar weed killer – my whole family is now using this. My favorite fragrance … I have gardenia bushes at every corner of my house and LOVE them, but I also love the tea olives that are ever so subtle and then that beautiful, crazy Star Gazer Lilly is incredible. Tough to choose between your children π Thanks!
Nancy says
It looks like my comment was amongst those that got lost. Because fragrance in the garden is an important characteristic to me, it’s hard to pick one plant of many favorites. One that I didn’t see mentioned is Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana. It has a fruity scent reminiscent to me of melons and peaches. Anyone who likes the scent of sweet olive would probably like this clematis too.
Evelyn Jewell says
Loving the newsletters…Looking forward to winning π favorite fragrant plant is the Gardinia!
Riversana says
I’m a recent addition to your newsletter list and my absolute FAVORITE scent is lavender. Followed closely by lemon-citrus and most fresh herbs. My friends think I’m a tree-hugger, but I’m really a plant petter! Please randomly pick me for your giveaway!
NJ Garden Diva says
Don’t know how you ended up in my email but I’m so glad you did! I have enjoyed everything I have read on your site and just signed up for the newsletter. You have so much that will appeal to so many! Thank you for finding your way to me!
NJ Garden Diva says
Forgot my favorite scent…lilac!
Kate says
I love gardenia, wisteria — had both in my wedding! — as well as lavender and rosemary! Mmmmmm….
Shannon Ashworth says
I love you email newsletters. They are wonderful. My favorite scents are those of the citrus variety. I also love the scent of lilacs and roses
Thanks for a wonder newsletter.
Donna B. says
Don’t need to enter, I’ll eventually get one on my own [since I murder houseplants constantly I would like to do some research first], but I only need to know if you’ve done one of your wonderful plant profiles on this houseplant? The THOUGHT alone is awesome!
Becky Bishop says
I would love one of these! One of my favorite scents is Magnolia or orange blossom. π Thank you for your help.
Kathy says
I love so many scents…. peonies… roses… lilac… lavender…. would love to smell this plant.!
Mary says
Still working on the website; *but* wanted to let you know you are included as a link on there…I only like to link the best of the best, and I also feature your blog on Facebook as well! Scents I love, wow, there are so many, and I love plants…everything from violets in the morning (yes they do smell!), to Lilacs in bloom, roses of course, honeysuckle, to even fresh blackberries ripe in the sun (still on the cane). I would have a forest if I could! I love your posts, as I have said, and will continue to repost them on Facebook, and keep you linked on my developing website, long after it is finally online! thanks so much for everything! OH yes, fresh bay laurel, and of course, rosemary and Lavendar…so may wonderful smells, so little space!
Kym Benton says
Love Love Love Lilac π
Kerry says
Hi I love jasmine… I have one in my living room right now that is about 5′ tall. I keep it alive over the winter and then in the spring I put it outdoors by the front porch and it goes wild. I leave the porch door open and when there is a breeze the whole house smells like it.
Thanks for your quick response to my questions about vinegar.
Shalom says
Just wanted to say, my heart just leaps for Joy with the fragrances of spring and summer.
Lilac, Roses, tulips. I love peonies , and was able to rescue just one bush from my mothers garden after she passed in 1993, each year it grow larger and more beautiful and I think of her when it is in bloom. It is a treasure, just like mom.
The Beauty of Yahuah”s (God’s ) creations always gives pause to Praise Him and Thank Him for His matchless Love for all mankind. Thank you for letting me take this verbal journey and stroll amidst the fragrances in the garden in my mind.
Annette says
The little plum tree next to my driveway is my favorite scent- how I wish someone could bottle it! For a week or two each spring I stand out on the drive and bury my face in the tiny flowers, close my eyes and breath deep. Even the end, when the tiny petals blow across the cement like snowflakes, is sublime.
Kelli says
I love the smell of Carolina Jasmine and roses of course. I have zero yard…recently moved here and cannot wait to make it beautiful.
Yolanda says
love your newsletters
Jocy says
Already subscribe to, and thoroughly enjoy, your newsletter. My favorite scent would have to be lavender.
Angie Wolfe says
This plant sounds awesome! I love the smell of freshly mowed grass and lavender and lilac!
Helen Hamilton says
I love your newsletter! And I would love to have the plant.
Janet says
Recently signed up for your newsletter, and would love to win this plant! I’m another lilac fan, but truly any pleasant aroma is good!
SUE says
I am already a subscriber and love your newsletters and thank you so much for sharing all of the interesting info. I would love to win and my favorite scent would be any of them but especially lavendar…
lisa williams says
Already a subscriber….yea!……, love, love Jasmine, ylang, ylang and sandlewood
Lyn says
Orange blossoms in Orlando in March! Nothing like the fragrance pf blooming orange blossoms in the groves! Heavenly.
Marlene P. says
My favorite scent is Bayberry! It reminds me of going to Greenfield Village when they are making handmade candles. Love it!
Juanita says
I love the info on your website, just recently found this site when I was searching for non GMO vegetable seeds. Great information here!
My all time favorite scent has to be the gardenia outside my sunroom windows.
Trisha says
Hi! Here in the Texas Hill Country we are blessed with many fragrances, expected and unexpected. I enjoy your newsletter
Susan says
I recently discovered you on Pinterest and immediately signed up for your newsletter. I have a Tea Olive in my front yard. Planted the Tea Olive shortly after moving in 9 years ago. The flowers smell like heaven. The elementary school I went to had a Tea Olive and everytime I smell this one it reminds me of those wonderful days of growing up in a rural area of Georgia.
Tamela says
I’m not even sure how I happened onto this site, but it’s a joy! I’m an aspiring gardner (with much better culinary skills!) and love the variety on this site, thank you Kevin! As far as a favorite, I love the fragrance of wisteria almost as much as its climbing beauty.
shannon says
hello! eucalyptus is my smell of choice. this may seem so generic but nothing brings me more vividly back to the front yard of my childhood.
Sonja says
I love the smell of honeysuckle. Our neighbor has a plant growing on his side of the fence and I just love when the wind blows in our direction.
Debbie says
I enjoyed the smell of my satsuma and meter lemon blooms this weekend. The bushes are full of blooms and the smell just carries over to my garden are. Just finished using my last lemon on making Sassy Water I found on Pinterest
Jan Evancho says
First let me say how much I enjoy your newsletter. You seem like a kindred spirit. I’ve forwarded your ideas on to all my gardener friends. I seem to find something useful in every issue, and this issue was particularly interesting. (Despite being gourmet cook for many years, I’ve never tried either mozzarella or ricotta on my own before. I’m excited to learn something new and give both a try this week!)
My favorite scents from my garden are lilacs,honeysuckle, lilly of the valley, basil and ohhhh– lemon thyme. I’d adore the opportunity to grow an osmanthus on my own kitchen windowsill and breath in it’s lovely apricot notes.
Keep up the good work.
Terry says
I like your web sight and enjoy your news letter. My wife and I did not inherit the green thumbs from our parents so we somehow kill most of the plants we try to plant. With your help maybe we can change our thumbs
Sara says
I love the smell of night scented jasmine, wish i could get some in the uk. I’m a night owl and love to sit in the garden in the evening.
Cheryl says
My favorite fragrance is honeysuckle…..been that since childhood!
Jan Davidson says
Already signed up for the newsletter. Lavender is my favorite.
maria nazarena moreno says
hola, el aroma que me transporta a la luna es el romero con mezcla de palo santo. gracias! muy bonita pagina.
Amy says
Just discovered your blog recently via a link to your post on Monsanto seeds. I signed up for your newsletter shortly after and I’ve been perusing the archives. Thank you very much for the wealth of information here and for the chance to win a beautiful plant! π
Kristie Reitinger says
I just recently found your blog, and wish that I would have found it a long time ago! I love everything on here! I signed up for your newsletter immediately. π Thank you for all of your hints, tips and tricks that you share with us. I have too many favorites to pick just one but my all time favorites are lilacs and iris flowers although this one could be a new favorite.
Cindy Tony says
So many scents to choose from….but my two of my favorites have to be daffodils, and lavender.
Deanne Spuhl says
I’m a recent subscriber to your newsletter – this is my first! My favorite floral scents would be lilacs in the spring, and carnations. Though my favorite scents would have to be any in the fruit category.
Dean says
Beautiful. Love your site.
Jenny says
Hello, what a beautiful flower! Your site is so helpful. I’m patiently waiting to winter-sow some annuals!
Cindy says
This is one of my favorite plants. Here in central Florida I have it growing all around my parents’ home. I need to take cuttings for my house!
april says
Here in CA it’s the jasmine that sends me over the moon! Also, signed up for the newsletter!
Sherri says
I just signed up to receive you newsletter. My favorite scents are lilacs and lavender.
Melinda McMahan says
The fragrance that puts me over the moon would have to be chocolate, but I don’t think that is what you meant, so I’d have to say roses. I just started my outdoor “greenhouse” garden and can’t wait to see how it works out! Enjoying your site…thanks!
Marilyn says
Gardenias have the most wonderful perfume smell! You can be many feet away and smell their wonderful aroma!
Stacey says
I’d love a sweet olive. And my birthday is in 21 days, so…..:D
Melissa says
I love reading your newsletter. I’ve looked at the sweet olive a few times at a green house, but haven’t taken the dive yet. Have to say my favorite scent is from the plumeria (also my favorite flower), but at home I have to settle for the sweet smell of roses on a warm summer night. Hoping to also start slowly adding some fragrant flowers to my pool area to futher enjoy at night.
Marcia says
Just signed up. Glad to see what’s in store. I think my favorite scent would be vanilla, but I love roses and honeysuckle too. Apricot is a nice scent, also. π Guess anything that smells yummy is good for me! Thank you for the work you do in putting this site together!
Connie D says
Things that make my socks roll up & down!:
For plant fragrance : Stocks planted by the bedroom window or patio for an evening fragrance to die for, lavender, gardenia, jasmine, lily of the valley & of course lilacs!
For food: freshly baked bread, anything cinnamon, opening a new can or bag of coffee, freshly baked cookies, a pot roast in the crock pot!
For Nature: a spring rain complete with the sound, the salty ocean air with the wind blowing your hair, a quiet pine forest, babbling brook in the country surrounded by moss & shady trees
OR Suz says
I have a great sense of smell and am fond of many, mostly nostalgic ones.
However, answering quickly I’d say hyacinth, narcissus, among other strong flowers.
Lin says
I have signed up for your newsletter. I look forward to your wonderful photos and wisdom.
Really could use something fragrant and green in this place where spring is ever so slow to arrive.
Gloria says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of lemon verbena!!
Joanna says
Wow! They sound luscious! My favorite smells are jasmine and cherry blossom. We don’t get many great smells here in the desert. Ooohhh…my next favorote smell is the Creosote Bushes during the monsoon season here. I wish someone would bottle it and make it into a men’s cologne! Heaven!
Lisa says
Sweet Olive sounds good.
Theresa N says
I’ve signed up for your newsletter. My favorite scent is lavender.
linda s says
I love lilacs and my climbing rose’s fragrance. and actually toward the end of summer I kind of like my marigolds. long time subscriber
Wendy McBride says
I love the scent of Freesia.
I never have smelled the scent of Sweet Olive.
wendym at cableone dot net
Melissa says
I adore the scent of a magnolia in bloom and the smell of peonies!
Tracy says
Your site is so inspiring! And the smells that send me are too many to say…orange, rose (mom), bergamot, rivers, ocean…..thanks!
Kyle says
I absolutly love the smell of Tulips in the spring! They put a great smile on my face π
Amanda Wiersma says
I love the smell of tomato plants. π
Jo Tanner says
Lilacs. I have a huge bush in my front yard that I planted when I first moved into my house and it is the first thing in the Spring that we smell in the neighborhood and everyone just loves it on gentle breezy days.
Yevonda says
Lilac and carnations, are heavenly scents!!
Karen Cooper says
Vanilla … can’t get enough of that comfort smell.
Debbie says
I’ve registered for the news letter and am gladI’d stumbled on your page! I’m not familiar with Sweet Olive but it’s pic is so pretty! My absolute favorite scent is natural lavendar, followed by vanilla. A dear friend gave me a wonderful and easy recipe for fresh lavendar scones that taste like vanilla buttery heaven with a mild lavendar scent and flavor and I’d be happy to share … even if I don’t win the plant ;o).
Melinda S. says
Lilacs….I can’t wait!!!!!
diane carlsen says
I choose roses, from Portland, the City of Roses.
kay wolter says
this would be wonderful please and thank you Alot of the strong smells give Me migraines but I love Lilac amazing memories MACKINAW ISLAND
Linda Parker says
Love the fragrance of plumeria!
Joan says
Already subscribe.
Love the fragrance of citrus and anything roses.
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
The giveaway ended at 11:59 PM last night. Thanks for playing everyone! How I’ve swooned over the scents/plants you’ve mentioned! Random (dot) org selected three winners, who have been notified by email. The winning numbers were: 13, 78, 194.
If you’d like to continue this discussion of scents which send you over the moon, by all means have at it!
Veronica says
My favorite HAS to be night blooming jasmine. Such an amazing smell!
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Veronica – Night Blooming Jasmine is magnificent. And have you tried J. polyanthum? This one blooms for me in the window from late Dec. through March. Definitely swoon-worthy!
Tracy Delfel Johson says
Hello :o) Already subscribed. My favorite scent is seasonal. Right now, it’s Daphne Adora. Such a welcome scent floating through the air!
Virginia says
My favorite sent is daffodil….. π
Cathy says
Orange blossoms send me!
Regina says
Orange blossoms are my favorite — I have yet t try to grow them but I love them. I just found your web site and love it — thank you for such a wonderful web site. I’m going to share it with all my friends now.
Tex Hunter says
Another vote for orange blossoms. Alfalfa fields in bloom. Mint growing in profusion beneath an open bedroom window. Alas, I don’t own a home. I have moved around so much. No ground is mine for long. I would love to have a beautiful plant that would enjoy a window view. And would move along with me the next time I have to relocate. I am reitred, and still active. I hope to greet many more springs but then I am not the arbiter of my time on earth. But I love growing things, and spring is my favorite season, with seed catalogs in the mail, and relaxing time to read them and see what is possible for the coming year. I live in Spokane, Washington. Will your sweet olive like the Spokane sun?
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