I’D LIKE TO THANK ALL OF YOU WHO PARTICIPATED in my recent Downton Abbey Quiz. The answers to the quiz, a few statistics, and finally, the winner’s name (chosen at random from all entries):
Q: What historical event triggers the first season of Downton Abbey?
A: The sinking of the Titanic
77% of you answered this question correctly
Q: Why does Thomas, the first footman, resent John Bates, the valet?
A: Because Thomas wants to be a valet, not a footman
92% answered this question correctly
Q: What does Turkish diplomat Kemal Pamuk do that causes a great stir at Downton Abbey?
A: He dies in Lady Mary’s bed
96% chose the correct answer
Q: What does John Bates catch Thomas stealing?
A: Wine from the cellar
88% chose the correct answer
Q: Why does Lord Grantham send Mrs. Patmore to London?
A: So she can have cataract surgery
87% chose the correct answer
Q: What does the Dowager Countess refuse to have in her home?
A: Electricity
52% chose the correct answer.
43% chose “telephone”
5% chose “alcohol of any kind”
Q: Who composed Downton Abbey’s musical theme?
A: John Lunn
38% of you chose the correct answer
Q: Of what political persuasion is the chauffeur Branson?
A: Socialist
I’m proud to say that 78% of you chose the correct answer
Q: Which servant was once a member of a vaudeville act called “The Cheerful Charlies”?
A: Carson, the Butler
88% chose the correct answer
Q: Before he became heir to Downton Abbey, Mathew Crawley worked as:
A: An attorney
81% of you chose the correct answer
Q: In which stately home is most of Downton Abbey filmed?
A: Highclere Castle
64% of you chose the correct answer
Q: Housekeeper Mrs. Hughes turned down a marriage proposal from:
A: A farmer
81% answered this question correctly
Q: What is the name of Lord Grantham’s dog?
A: Isis
71% chose the correct answer
Q: In season one, which word does the Dowager Countess not know the meaning of?
A: Weekend
62% chose the correct answer
20% chose “motor car”
18% chose “job”
Q: Why did William have to iron Lord Grantham’s morning newspaper?
A: To insure the ink was dry
58% chose the correct answer
40% chose “to remove creases from the paper”
2% chose “to impress his Lordship”
Q: What is Lady Cora doing when we first meet her in Season One, Episode One?
A: She’s having breakfast in bed
53% chose the correct answer
34% chose “She’s reviewing the dinner menu with Mrs. Hughes”
14% chose “She’s pruning roses”
The winner, chosen at random from all the entries regardless of score, is Amy G. Congratulations, Amy, you’ve won a $25 Amazon.com gift card! Check your email for a note from me.
And here’s a question for you: Would you like to see a monthly quiz-feature here at A Garden for the House? You can let me know by leaving a comment.
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Susan H says
Loved the quiz. Thanks. This is almost as good as your posts and picture. Thanks for the great reads and ideas. Sure more quizzes are always welcome.
Kimberly says
i like the quiz but i didn’t know anything about that show, maybe something everyone would know about. thanks
Barbara says
Yes, the quiz was fun. Thanks!
Tammy says
Kevin, I stumbled across this a few minutes ago…have you seen it? Fun!
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Tammy – Excellent!
Sandy says
Tammy….so fun. Took the quiz and I’d be Elizabeth Crawley.
Kevin did you know there is Downton Abbey cookbook? A monthly quiz would be great!
Dulce says
It was very entertaining, and also I could tell that I do not pay close attention when I watch the series. Yet I love Downton Abby, and I loved being part of your Quiz. I would enjoy participating in a monthly quiz. Have a Great 2013, and thank-you for all your great articles!
Charlotte says
Loved the Abbey Quiz
mushy peas says
the quiz was so much fun; yes, i’d love further quizzes!
Vicki says
Why sure, a monthly quiz could be a lot of fun, and perhaps show us how little we know? or how smart we are, as we think we are!! ha ha!!! Thanks, this was a great one, and tonight is the night, starts again! Downtown Abbey, here we come!
Janet Ortega says
Yes, another quiz would be fun.
Ruth says
Kevin look what I found, you are going to love it! 🙂
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Ruth – Thanks for the link. Stunning. Just stunning.
badger gardener says
Thanks for making me aware of this show. I watched season 3’s premiere last night and was drawn in instantly. Love it. Wish I would’ve seen the first two seasons. I think I would have particularly enjoyed the blossoming of the relationship between Sybil and Tom. I think I’ve got the lay of the land, but still not sure of all the character motivations, but that will just make this season more fun. I set my DVR last night to record the series.
Barbara Zakrzewski says
I like quizzes, even if my answers are not right. I do love Downton Abbey! It reminds me of the Upstairs, Downstairs Series for a while back.
Elaine says
I think that’s a great idea!
Meg says
Yes, loved it.
gabrielle luster says
I love the quiz – keep ’em coming! What a great show.
Naomi Shelton says
Oh, my God, are they going to kill Matthew off, too?!! I don’t like it at all!
Candi says
Quizzes are fun. Downtown Abbey is not my thing, but I enjoy quizzes. I can always guess.
Candi says
I took the which character are you most like quiz Tammy mentioned above three times because I’m always lousy with multiple choice what would you do quizzes. They either don’t have an answer that really fits me or they don’t give enough background for me to say. This one wasnt too difficult though. Anyway, I came up with Isobel Crawley twice and Edith Crawley once. Then I read the descriptions of each character. I’d say I’m a cross between the two. Interesting.
debbie says
here’s a viewing tip for Downton Abby…
put on the captions on your tv. this really helps when they are a bit hard to understand or are using British slang or humor
Penny Dollar says
I am another fan of Downton. Would love future quizzes and into.
Susan Golden says
I can’t believe that our wonderful Downton Abbey is coming to a close! I’m glad they are leaving it while it is still going strong! I decided the pain of losing my show would be less if I celebrated this wonderful drama. I have found the final episode date and am having a dinner for 3 couples who adore Downton Abbey as much as I do! We are dressing up to match the era and I will be pulling out all of the stops (linens, candlesticks, silver serving pieces and flatware). The best part will be the actors from a small nearby town theater company that I am arranging to hire to play the parts of Carson, the butler, Mrs. Pattimore, the cook, and a few others! I am so excited! Oh, as for your footman, I hear that Thomas Barrows will be available soon! 🙂