Eleven years ago, I started this blog. And today, a gazillion blog posts and hundreds of videos later, I think it’s time to hang up my hat. So long. Farewell. Auf wiedersehen. Goodbye.
Just kidding! I simply wanted you to know that I am well-acquainted with the soundtrack from The Sound of Music.
I’ll keep blogging and vlogging until hell freezes over, and the only things left on this planet are cockroaches and Cher Julie Andrews. And even then I won’t quit blogging.
I love you! I love writing about the haunted old house I share with two crazy cats, a Silver Fox, and a camera-shy doggy…
And writing about the food I eat, and sharing step-by-step recipes with you. When you post a comment or review a recipe, my heart does a happy dance.
Thank you for sticking with me all these years, through good times and not-so-good times. I could not ask for better friends!
Cozette Frailey says
You had me scared for a minute there, Kevin. You are one of my connections to sanity with all that is going on now. I’m so glad I discovered you. Hugs and be careful and well, both you and Mr. Fox.
Weisman says
I love every post!!! Thank you.
Anne B says
Kevin! You almost gave me a heart attack when I read you are quitting!!! You are a delightful constant in an upside down world!! Keep up the good work for many more years! Thank you!!
Beth says
Just checking in here to see how you and your household is fairing in this scary time!
Stay safe and keep posting your uplifting posts! Take care!
Corrie says
Happy anniversary! I’m glad you’re staying in the blogging business–we all need moments of joy and beauty and comfort (and humor) more than ever!
Carolyn says
For those of us that stuck at home, you are a great diversion with so much info. Keep it going
Debra Honeyford says
I love winter sowing!!! Thanks for teaching me how!
Julie Culshaw says
Ditto all the positive comments, you always bring a smile to my face.
Susan says
Cat photos needed.
Pam in Virginia says
I love you, too, Kevin! You naughty thing, scaring me like that. I love the Julie Andrews picture. And the one of your house. I love your house almost as much as I love you.
Ellen Collins says
I was sure you were joking and relieved when I found that you were. I enjoy reading all your posts and learning all about cooking, gardening, cleaning, entertaining, and pets. Don’t give up on those of us who suffer from not being able to do it all! Happy Blogoversary!
Anne Paulson says
Oh goodness, you gave me a fright! So happy you will continue with your b/vlog—-they bring me a sense of calm, beauty, and pleasure via the videos and photos of your delicious recipes, incredible garden, and lovely home. Best wishes on your blogiversary!
DebbyMc says
Gosh, my first reaction was, “Oh, noooo!” So happy you were teasing us! Happy spring! I’m trying to focus on the good stuff. Stay healthy
Jan says
I’m with everybody else: please never even think about not writing this blog, Kevin!! We need your creative food and gardening ideas and your wacky-wack sense of humor more than ever in these unsettling times. We love you!
Lee says
I have returned to you for years. You are enriching my life. You should have seen my fellow Science teachers making hand sanitizer. They were amazed that I popped open your blog and shared it. Thank you. P.S. I would love more vegetable garden tips for beginner Victory gardens.
Kristi says
Funny/not funny. Happy Anniversary. I love your recipes and recommend you all the time to friends!
Thanks for being some good news in this dreary, scary world these days. I am doing my patriotic duty and staying home and cooking like a mad woman.
gloria says
Happy Anniversary!
And-Please keep us supplied with your funny terrific self-
Your recipes are wonderful and apparently, so are you if your Blog is a good judge of humanity; Love the garden and house tours and a peek into your domestic struggles to make a home reflect you and your partners personalities.
To the next Ten years- Surprise us with more goodies from your garden and kitchen.
Amy from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan says
Happy anniversary, Kevin – I cannot begin to enumerate the myriad ways your writing has enriched my life – from gardening to cooking to housekeeping. You are one of my gurus and also a touchstone in increasingly frightening times. It does my spirit such good to see when you’ve written a new post. Thank you!
Anne says
You totally set my day in a downward sweep! Thank gosh your silly sense of humor kicked in and you announced you are still keeping in touch weekly! Sunday is waffle day here and i do have oranges and orange juice stashed in my larder! Your garden blogs are my Garden Bible – PLEASE don’t scare me again…stay with us YODA!
Joan says
Oh Kevin – I thought he can’t just “up and leave ” us in the lurch? What would I look forward to if you weren’t there? Keep on”blogging”.
Jeanne Hubay says
I’m smiling, Kevin. You are a rascal. 🙂 ..a rascal that brings light to the whole world. I love everything about your blog – Happy Blogversary!!! We ARE in this thing together. Blessings upon blessings.
Lize says
Happy Blogiversary! Been reading and following you for ages and my heart just skipped a beat thinking you were going to seize entertaining us. Thankyou for sharing your recipes, sense of humour, house and garden with us. Cheers to many more posts. Love from Canada.
Lois says
Kevin, you are a treasure! Besides all the cooking, household, and outdoor gardening wisdom, I just turned my head to look at my African Violets on their designated stand, the top ones flowering exuberantly from time under fluorescent lights. Unfortunately most are related due to you advice on dividing them. I have yet to follow your advice about giving away the extras but will do that once we are again allowed to be around others. It’s too cold here to leave them on someone’s doorstep like zucchini! Best to all in your household! —Lois
Jane Smythe says
I literally said: “Oh no” then caught myself realizing your sense of humour is intact! I look forward to Sunday mornings with Kevin. Stay healthy and thank you for the delightful way you brighten so many lives. Especially important in these dark days.
Susan says
Happy Anniversary Kevin. Thank you for sharing all that you do!
Florence says
Hey Kevin! Thanks for brightening our days. So glad your blogging will continue. Love you
Patty Mertens says
Love the bucatini with almond butter found in your cookbook! What an easy meal – sometimes add in bacon or chicken if I have it- thanks for sharing your creativity
Marsha Smith says
Notice in one of the comments-they want to learn more about vegetable gardening. I was on a web site yesterday looking for some canned vegetables and it morphed into books on vegetable gardening and soil – so guess that was a big hint-“Grow it yourself.”
Everyone here (Maine) is bummed because the ski areas came to a screeching halt due to the virus.
Have crocus in bloom and we were visited by a herd of deer yesterday with twin fawns..so cute–but….deer love to eat.
Stay safe and healthy everyone!
Anne says
I’m so glad you were kidding us with your scary post. I so enjoy you recipes and garden tours etc. I have shared some of them with friends and call you my new best friend!!
I would like to tell you that I enjoy your videos where you put the camera about 8 or 10 feet away from where you are cooking , instead of trying to get closeups with lots of camera adjusting. But I enjoy them and get inspired anyway! Keep on keeping on!
Sandy Martinez says
Hi Kevin,
Happy anniversary!
I don’t feel 11 years older???!!
Seems like we’ve all let Father Time lull us out of precious time. But at least you kept us entertained while he did it!
Well, it’s snowing again up here in the mountains above Oroville Ca. It’s perfect weather for “shopping “ in my freezer. Last night I made blackberry pie from last summers pickings. Ooooo!!!
Next is last summers Roma tomatoes!! The possibilities are endless… who needs the grocery store?!?
Keep up the great work you do Kev. And I love you back!
Your devoted friend, Sandy
SYC says
I’m so glad you will not stop your blog…
I live way up in Canada & I feel like You are an old friend that I drop by to visit and see what you are up to. You give me great cooking ideas and tips and I love gardening too! I love your home and feel like I’m strolling beside you when you take us outdoors! You are an awesome person and I love visiting you! Great job on your Blog
GrammaTer says
Happy Anniversary…and please keep on blogging on!
Yvonne says
Wouldn’t have it any other way! Keep on blogging; we all love following your foodie and gardening adventures!
Vickie says
You scared me! I love your blog and videos. It makes me smile to watch you and smiles are especially needed right now. Stay safe and thank you for keeping up the spirits of so many.
Fran says
Hi Kevin – Happy Spring! I too am smiling after you scared me initially. So glad we have you and your wonderful blog to come to. Look forward to seeing it every Sunday. Hoping to make “piperade” today to use as a topping for eggs and pasta. Hoping the snowfall in the Hudson valley tomorrow is minimal so we can get back out there with a rake.
Love your wit.
Thank you for bringing a smile to all of us during this scary period of time.
Sonya says
I truly appreciate your commitment to writing and sharing with all of us. Thank you!
Sue says
We need you more than ever, Kevin. Keep up the good work. And, Thank You.
Julia says
Thank you for your funny and wonderful posts! You keep us connected and help us learn new things! Greetings from California.
Jan says
Love you right back, Kevin!! I always look forward to your posts. I’ve had some nasty health issues the past 5 years or so and you are always a bright spot in my week regardless of what else is happening. Keep the faith. Be safe. We’re all in this together! Oh, and happy anniversary!!!
GinaG says
Happy Anniversary Kevin!! You make my Sunday mornings with your updates and witty blog banter! It’s also been fun corresponding with you this year!! Stay safe and healthy!
GG from Nebraska
Adrian says
Quitting- NOT funny!
Nancy Jalaty ☮️ says
Love your recipes and humor!
Sandra Payette says
My heart skipped at beat at the first sentence, Kevin. So glad you will blog forever. I love your posts and everything I’ve made from your recipes have turned out fab. Can’t say that about a lot of posts on the internet. I’ve had lots of fails til I met you. Keep on keep’in on Kevie. We love you.
Frieda Hickman says
sure glad that was just a joke on your part. really enjoy the blog and during the times we are going through more important than ever!
SueEllen says
I was beginning to consciously breath in and breath out too!
Kevin, you make us all feel as if we have been friends forever. You are greatly appreciated for all that you do for us with your fun and informative posts done…. just for us!
God bless you and your family. Thank you for all that you do to make the world a better place as you have been doing.
Jan says
You are my bright spot-I love your humor and sincerity in the way you write. Love your recipes and your remodeling photos and of course the walks you share. I have shared your site with all of my friends and family. You are so good at this- don’t stop!!
Nickie says
I was another one who said “oh no”. Thank goodness you were just kidding. You have no idea how much we look forward to your blog. You and the fox keep safe and by the way dogs can get the virus also if they are not up to date with their shots.
Danella on the Canadian west coast says
Don’t DO THAT! Scared me for a second there. I SO enjoy your posts! You have super recipes and a great way of presenting them. Love your sense of humour too. Phew!!
patrice says
omg, you had me scared for a minute there Kevin. Happy anniversary though. I look forward to your emails every Sunday. All your wonderful suggestions, recipes and thoughts. Not to mention your furry babies. Thanks so much. Be safe and take care
Janet says
I can’t, don’t ever want to imagine a week without Kevin. Thank you for being there and for all you share
Kara says
Had me goin’ there, for a nano- sec. Naughty boy. WHEW! I always look forward to your “next edition.” Love your blog.
Sharon says
Congratulations! I have enjoyed your unique ray of sunshine for years!
Edna Vaines says
Although I don’t comment very often I suddenly realized how much I would miss you on Sunday mornings! Scary thought! I love your garden comments, pet comments and recipes. Please continue. Happy anniversary. From Canada!
Kate Ferris says
Eek! I was halfway through a long “NOOOOOOOOOO” when I saw the ‘just kidding’ part. Whew! So glad you were! Especially now, when our socializing is on-line. Long may you blog, dear Kevin! ♥
Joanne in Zone 6b says
I had the same initial “Oh, no!” scream reaction (but I kept my hands AWAY from the sides of my face) until reading that you were just kidding. Happy 11th Anniversary! Wishing you many more, and thanking you for black bean burgers (just gave the recipe to a dear friend over the phone yesterday, and when I told him it originally came from you, he said he’d go online to get the original), winter sowing, my clean kitchen, your fabulous cookbook, and so much more. Love you, and love reading the comments from your community of readers, too.
Honeybee says
Love you too Kevin! I knew you were kidding about the shut down of your blog cause you are such a funny guy. As a matter of fact my HB refers to you as the funny guy. He thinks your comments and additions of toys to photos are hilarious. Please keep entertaining us and sharing all your knowledge. Your head must be very full of information. Also, I made the piperade using frozen bell pepper slices from the freezer. My HB gave it a thumbs up with his eggs this morning.
blake says
Thank YOU!, Kevin. I just love your blog. So entertaining and practical ideas. I have learned so much from following your blog all these years.
Therese says
Now that I’ve found your wonderful blog it’s good to know I’ve got many years of enjoyable reading ahead of me! I’m envious of your readers who have had the privilege of enjoying your blog for so many years.
Julie says
You are always a bright spot for me. And so educational!
Carol in Zone 7B says
You, like Julie Andrews, have a wonderful disposition and wealth of knowledge. I’m very glad you will continue this blog. It’s been a bright spot in my life in health and illness. Please continue your beautiful and practical way of life with your family and followers.
Pam R says
I thought what is going on?!?, hoping all was okay. I’m glad somehow I came across your site years ago. I’ve enjoyed so many posts, learning diverse, new ways of doing a variety of gardening, cooking, cleaning and more! You better never stop!! 🙂
Christine F says
First thought was, well, that’s it, the world is coming to an end haha !
Laura Hoffman says
OMG – You just about gave me heart failure!!!
With everything going on right now, we all need you more than ever!
I never want to know what a Sunday without you would be like!!
Keep gardening, cooking, decorating, and most of all, blogging & vlogging!!
Much love to you, Silver Fox, and the pets!!
Kate says
Your blog is wonderful, Kevin! Thank you for your creativity, expertise, humor, and generosity. Happy Anniversary.
Hoping you, Mister Silver Fox and all your loved ones will stay safe and healthy.
Pat Crosby says
Gosh my stomach sank for a minute. I’ve “known” you for three years give or take. It is always a comfort to get your email on Sundays. Whatever gets us through! Thank you for your website and you, Kevin. May you and yours be well.
Barbie says
Kevin, stay safe and well and I hope you continue to enlighten us and delight us with your blogs for many more years! Congratulations and God bless you!
Barbie says
Kevin, congratulations and God bless you! Stay safe and well and I hope you continue to delight and enlighten us with your blogs for many years to come. Many thanks!
Kimberly says
Happy, happy! You are a blessing—couldn’t do without you. Thank you for everything you do.
Elaine says
Congrats! Enjoy every note ~ and flower, and door resurfacing, and muffin and garden spade ~
Marsha says
Dear Kevin, I think I stopped breathing for a moment & my heart sank when you said you were quitting! I had just discovered you a few months ago & was actually looking for your latest email tonite to end the weekend on happy & fun note. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KEVIN! Sending good juju for your continuing good health & your loved ones. So glad we still have you to learn from & to enjoy your upbeat posts. Thank you! Hugs & cheers, Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! xox
Don Burger says
Congratulations! Many more!
JuliaBarb says
You scared the living daylights out of me! I happened upon you years ago when searching for african violet care; not sure exactly when. Anyway, you are always such a bright spot for me, my heart nearly stopped with the news. What a relief it was a joke! Whew!
Donna says
Hey you——simply put——don’t ever do that again. You are indispensable, incredible, and indescribably,necessarily importantly a beautiful inspirational part of my life.
Sandy says
I don’t even remember how I came upon your blog, but it has become a lovely constant in my life! I garden in the Pacific Northwest on the edge of urban life. Yesterday, I planted carrots (Baby Fingers, Nantes Coreless and Imperator and Homesteade peas—abundant and reliable and so good!). Would love to hear about your varietal preferences!! Ty for your gentle, humorous presence, especially now.
Rosie S says
Thank goodness that was a joke intro!!! I JUST made your iced coffee concentrate…where would my life be without it!?!? 😉 Keep on keeping on!!!
Sheila says
Hi Kevin,
There are so many great things about your blogs and videos- they really cheer me up! I hope you never stop. Thanks
Susan L. Golden says
It’s a good thing I scan print quickly, as I scarcely got the “Oh no…!” out of my mouth before I read that you were teasing! Whew! I join with all of the other blog fans in sending my utmost appreciation and joy for your ongoing efforts (you may ‘enjoy’ doing your blog, but that still doesn’t mean that it is easy and not time-consuming)! Your suggestions, primarily in the gardening realm, come back to aid me time and time again (I just bought some African Violets and purposely chose those plants with excess healthy leaves, as you can never have too many African Violets)! Again, congratulations, stay well, and I continue to look forward to ‘spending time with you’! Susan 🙂
Jessica Garcia says
Sound like a great post
Marcella Kottmeier says
My heart skipped a beat! So glad you are not really leaving us!!
Valerie H says
Thank you Dear Sir…for sharing your lovely home and gardens with us…very much enjoy your scrumptious recipes and interesting videos!!! 🙂
deana says
How do i sign up for the blog?
Kevin Lee Jacobs says
Hi Deana – Here’s where to sign up for my email updates: https://madmimi.com/signups/126879/join